Present: Cllr. H. Hammer – Chairman County Cllr. S. Marks

Cllr. J. Caudle District Cllr. M. Cooper

Cllr. M. Dean District Cllr. J. Ingham

Cllr. J. Servant Mr. W. Ridley – Clerk


1. Apologies for absence

Cllr. P. Lavington, Cllr. M. Lincoln, District Cllr. B. Connolly

2. Public Participation

Mr Martin De Freitas of 23 Beechwood Road and Mr Tim Lomas of 110 Commonwealth Road raised questions about the Harestone Design Statement. They wanted to know what areas were covered and whether this would have an effect on the Valley Ward. They were advised that the Design Statement was to replace Policy BE5 and that the process was being conducted by Tandridge DC supported by the Parish Council. They viewed the Council’s copies of the Statement at the meeting and were advised that further copies were available in the library and there would be full consultation.

3. Reports Part 1

3.1 County Councillor’s Report

Cllr Marks reported on the following:

·  There had been some newspaper headlines about setting up Academies but not a great deal of interest. Surrey schools were in general very good.

·  Work in The Square was going well but there had been one or two glitches. There appears to be a little bit more money than expected which might be used for a mini roundabout at the junction with Harestone Valley Road.

·  Details of Winter maintenance proposals had been forwarded.

·  Consultation document on Tandridge Neighbourhood Policing had been issued although not received by the Parish Council. Savings of £52 million were planned over the next four years which should result in up to 200 officers on the beat.

·  David Curl has moved on and is now in charge of parking.

Clerk asked Cllr Marks about an email received from Steve Cunnah, in response to requests for community gang work in Caterham Valley, which stated as budgets tighten the Community Gang resource becomes a little more restricted and he could not confirm what if anything can get done. He would ask the Community Highway Officer to see if there was anyway any of these requests could be progressed. Clerk to forward copies of correspondence to Cllr Marks.

3.2 District Councillors’ Report

Cllr Ingham reported on the following:

·  Tandridge DC has recommended refusal of the application to redevelop the former Adult Education Centre.

·  Application 2010/1153 – 329 Croydon Road was originally for five flats but was refused on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site. It had now come back as an application for four flats with parking for three vehicles.

·  Application 2010/1175 – 223 & r/o 225 & 227 Croydon was refused but allowed on appeal, although the original time limit of three years is running out. New application, if granted, would be for five years, but regulations have changed and probably would not be approved.

Cllr Caudle reported on the following:

·  She had attended the Local Committee Meeting and the NoTY meeting at which lots of young people were present. Approval had been given to look at a youth shelter in Timber Hill for which the existing £10,000 grant could be used.

·  She would be attending the Planning Meeting next week at which the former Adult Education Centre would be discussed.

Cllr Cooper reported on the following:

·  Consultation process on the Harestone Design Statement had begun. Two other documents on Green Belt Settlements and Planning Management were not due to be completed until next year.

·  It is not known what grant will be received this year so everything is on hold.

·  Proposals for the Soper Hall will be discussed at the next Resources Committee Meeting to see how it can be taken forward.

·  Tandridge may take control of its housing although this would involve taking a £66 million debt in exchange for not paying future housing monies to central government.

4. Planning

4.1 Current Planning

Cllr. Caudle declared a personal but not prejudicial interest in all the planning applications in that as a District Councillor she may comment if these applications came before the Development Control Committee. Any opinions she expressed at this stage were based on the evidence so far available and she would reconsider at the time any applications came before the Development Control Committee.

Applications Acknowledged as Valid Monday 6th September – Friday 10th September

TA/2010/1082 135 Harestone Valley Road Council had no comment

Erection of part single / part 2-storey side extension.

Application Acknowledged as Valid Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September

TA/2010/1003 18 Highfield Road Council had no comment

Erection of two dormer windows, one to rear roof slope and one to rear side roof slope (Certificate of Lawfulness for an Existing Development).

TA/2010/1114 60 Harestone Valley Road

Erection of attached annexe to West elevation incorporating two garages, one at lower ground level.

Cllr Caudle to check whether this property is within the wooded hillside, in which case Council might object.

Applications Acknowledged as Valid Monday 20th September – Friday 24th September

TA/2010/1122 191 Stafford Road Council had no comment

Demolition of garage & erection of replacement pitched roof garage.

TA/2010/1153 329 Croydon Road

Erection of single storey rear extension & conversion of resulting building into 4 self contained flats.

Council objected on the following grounds: insufficient parking provision – only three spaces for four 2 bed flats, whereas there should be six spaces; safety – vehicles will have to reverse onto or off of Croydon Road.

Applications Acknowledged as Valid Monday 27th September – Friday 1st October

TA/2010/1057 1 Weald Way Council had no comment

Erection of orangery to West elevation.

TA/2010/1175 223 & r/o 225 & 227 Croydon Road

Demolition of 223 Croydon Road. Erection of 3 storey building comprising of 12 x 2 bed flats together with refuse & cycle stores, associated access road and parking (12 spaces).

Council asked the District Council to ensure that no extension is granted to the existing time limit already applicable on a previous application for this site. A completely new application would not now be allowed as regulations have changed since the original application.

TA/2010/1197 Land r/o 73 Harestone Hill

Erection of 4 x 5 bedroom detached dwellings with associated parking and access.

Council objected on the following grounds: back garden development; cramped development with minimum allowable distance between dwellings; if approved this should be viewed as an extension of the existing development at Tupwood Gardens and therefore regarded as a single development which should therefore include an element of affordable housing.

TA/2010/1200 1 Harestone Valley Road Council had no comment

Variation of conditions 2 and 11 of permission TA/2010/196 dated 2 June 2010 to allow a revised renewable energy provision.

TA/2020/985 28 Beechwood Gardens Council had no comment

Erection of single storey rear extension.

TA/2010/1134 Caterham School, Harestone Valley Road

Erection of first floor and second floor extensions over flat roofed sections of building which would serve as classrooms. Internal and external alterations to ground and first floor to provide a pavilion, including provision of ground floor balconies, and remodelling of Leatham room to provide hospitality room.

Plans not available – deferred to next meeting

Applications Acknowledged as Valid Monday 4th October – Friday 8th October

TA/2010/1198/TPO 8 Burntwood Close

TPO 9, 2009 (T) – Thin crown of Yew tree by up to 20%; reduce or thin overburdened branches and reduce branches over shed and lawn frontage by up to 1.5m; reduce lateral branches by up to 1.5m on LHS and by up to 1m on RHS. Reduce branches encroaching adjacent structures to leave up to 1.5m clearance.

Plans not available – deferred to next meeting

4.2 Planning Appeals

TA/2010/84 6 & land adj. 5 Bradenhurst Close

Demolition of garages. Erection of detached double garage with storage under at 6 Bradenhurst Close. Erection of detached double garage at 5 Bradenhurst Close and formation of associated access road and steps

This appeal is to be decided on an exchange of written statements.

TA/2010/275 South Lodge, 4 Dome Hill Peak

Erection of detached double garage. (Amended Plans).

This appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations.

TA/2010/467 Land adj. to 7 Commonwealth Road

Erection of detached house with garage and parking.

This appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations.

TA/2010/707 116 Harestone Hill

Demolition of dwelling and erection of building containing 5 x 2-bed flats including associated parking and access to the approved development at 126-128 Harestone Hill

This appeal will be determined at a public hearing on 21st December.

TA/2010/510 19 Dunedin Drive

Erection of first floor front and side extensions.

This appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations.

4.3 Planning Decisions

None received.

5. Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 8th September were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

6. Matters Arising

1. Harestone Hill Bench

Bench has now been installed and invoice for £152.75 received from Hobart Paving for payment tonight. Email thanking council for the bench has been received via Tandridge DC who has agreed to the resident’s request to install a waste bin beside the bench. Council agreed to publicise the installation of the new bench and repairs to two existing benches lower down Harestone Hill and outside Caterham Station.

2. Bench outside Caterham Station

Bench has now been repaired and invoice for £70.50 received from Nick Dance for payment tonight

3. Caterham Evening Villager

Clerk has been advised that Surrey CC will be billing Parish Council towards the end of the month for the £1,000 contribution towards the extended Evening Villager service between Caterham Valley and the Hill.

7. Reports Part 2

7.1.1 Clerk’s Report - Part 1 for action

1. Radio Caterham

Request received from Mark Jones for donation towards the set up costs of Radio Caterham. Council agreed to fund the public liability insurance cost of £650.

2. Newsletter

Cllr Caudle presented a draft version of the next edition of the Newsletter but a number of further additions were suggested at the meeting. It was agreed that a second draft would be sent to Councillors by email for comment by 19th October in order to allow sufficient time for printing. Distribution has been booked with the November edition of the Caterham Independent.

3. Harestone Valley Policy Area

Tandridge has now published the draft planning Design Guidance for both Harestone Valley and Woldingham policy areas. The Harestone Valley sub-committee are due to meet on Tuesday 12th October to discuss the document. The consultation period is from 7th October until 18th November and comments should be sent to the Director of Planning at Tandridge DC or by email to . Cllr Hammer will draft Parish Council’s response to be agreed at the next meeting.

4. Planning Consultation Documents

Cllr Cooper has advised that in addition to the Harestone and Woldingham documents, two others were agreed by Tandridge DC for consultation early next year concerning green belt settlements and planning management. Details will not now be received until next year

5. Surrey Transport Plan

The Surrey Transport Plan is now available on line for consultation on the following activities: Congestion Strategy; Parking Strategy; Passenger Transport Strategy: Part 1 – Local Bus; Air Quality Strategy. All four consultations are open for responses to 9th November at www.surreycc.gov.uk/surreytransportplan. Details were forwarded to Councillors on email by the Clerk. Cllr Servant will review and report back at the next meeting.

7.1.2 Clerk’s Report – Part 2 for information

1. East Surrey Museum

Photos of the Chairman presenting a dummy cheque for £2,500 to Cllr. Connelly, Chairman of the East Surrey Museum Management Committee appeared in the on line edition of the Caterham Independent and were due to appear in the Caterham Mirror. The actual cheque was signed at the meeting.

2. Meet Caterham Business

Council approved payment of £250 towards the running costs of the Meet Caterham Business Exhibition.


The next meeting will be held on 27th October at 19.30 at Tandridge District Council Offices. Cllrs Hammer and Servant will represent the Council.

4. Remembrance Day Services

Clerk has ordered two wreaths. Cllrs Caudle and Lavington will represent the Council at the service at St. John’s whilst Cllrs Lincoln and Servant will represent the Council at the service on the Hill.

5. Preparing for Winter

Surrey CC launched a “Preparing for Winter” campaign on Monday 4th October. Plans are in place to work closely with local communities to ensure that staff, councillors, parish councils, residents and businesses have access to the right information. The website will be updated in the next few weeks to ensure links and information are current. Information will include details of grit bin locations, gritting routes, updates on information around schools and advice on caring for the elderly, plus suggestions for how businesses can deal with winter. A single source of seasonal information can be obtained via a highlighted link entitled “Preparing for Winter” which can be reached via an external link: www.surreycc.gov.uk/winter.

5. Important Dates for your Diaries

21 Oct Planning Committee PL

27 Oct ` ESPLG Meeting HH/JS

08 Nov CCPL Meeting BR/Parish Rep

10 Nov CVPC Meeting All

14 Nov Remembrance Day Services JC/PL/ML/JS

17 Nov CCPL Away Day BR/? Parish Rep

08 Dec CVPC Meeting All

7.2 Chairman’s Report

Cllr Hammer Raised the following points:

·  All parish councillors to review their allocated roads for grit bins and whether they require filling and also large potholes requiring repair.

·  Clerk to contact Street to see what items they might require under the existing grant.

·  Clerk to enquire about consultation document on Surrey Policing.

·  Could the existing Christmas Lights be installed on the new lamp posts which are to be installed?

7.3 Parish Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Servant attended the TVSC luncheon.