8th July 2004.
Circular Letter No. F29/04.
The Chief Executive Officer, Of the Vocational Education Committee
Named in the address
Travel & Subsistence Allowances – Clerical and Administrative Staff.
I am to convey the sanction of the Minister for Education and Science for the payment of revised rates of travel and subsistence allowances to Clerical and Administrative staff of Vocational Education Committees who are obliged to travel in the performance of their duties.
The revised rates are specified overleaf and are payable with effect from 1 January 2003. This Circular Letter has been published on the Web and may be accessed at .
Chief Executive Officers should continue to ensure that only essential travel is undertaken and that the number of officers on any official journey is kept to the absolute minimum.
The new motor mileage arrangements involve a simplified mileage rate structure with two rates in each of the three new car sizes. It should be noted in respect of claimants who were permitted to retain higher mileage rates on a personal basis in certain circumstances, in accordance with Circular Letter F06/03 that this arrangement ceased with effect from 31 May 2004.
Any queries about the application of this Circular Letter should be addressed to Ms. Noreen Bevans (0506-24334) or Mr. Oliver Hughes (0506 – 24338).
Matthew Ryan.
Principal Officer.
Revised Motor Mileage Rates Effective From 1 January 2003.
Official Mileage In a Calendar Year / Engine Capacity up to 1,200 cc / Engine Capacity 1,201 ccto 1,500 cc / Engine Capacity 1,501 cc
and Over
Cent / Cent / Cent
Up to 4,000 / 86.05 / 101.27 / 120.26
4,001 and Over / 43.5 / 50.29 / 56.40
Revised Subsistence Allowance Rates Effective From 1 January 2003.
Class of Allowances / Night / Allowances / Day / AllowancesNormal Rate / Reduced Rate / Detention Rate / 10 Hours or More / 5 Hours but Less than
10 Hours
€ / € / € / € / €
/ 133.72 / 123.28 / 66.84 / 37.90 / 15.45B / 120.15 / 102.76 / 60.10 / 37.90 / 15.45
C / 100.49 / 83.14 / 50.29 / 37.90 / 15.45
Officers Eligible for:
Class A Allowances:
Principal Officer, Assistant Principal Officer and Grade VII (Administrative Officer)
Class B Allowances:
Grade VI (Senior Staff Officer)
Grade V (Staff Officer)
Class C Allowances:
Grade IV (Assistant Staff Officer)
Grade III (Clerical Officer)