Complete this form and send it to your contact in IP & Licensing
The purpose of this Innovation Disclosure Form (IDF) is to record in detail what has been invented and allow assessment of the intellectual property rights and third party rights (e.g. sponsors’ rights) in the innovation by the IP & Licensing Team. Where patentability is considered the form will be used to assess inventorship, the individual contribution of each named inventor and will also be used as the basis for discussions with patent agents.
Please complete each section with as much detail as possible. Where key information is missing this form will be returned to the inventor for completion.
The IDF will be used in conjunction with an assessment of the commercial potential of the innovation.
For CAG-affiliated staff this will be carried out by your assigned Commercial Development Manager and please contact them to start the commercial assessment process.
For non-CAG affiliated staff and students, please contact IP & Licensing directly.
1.1 Put the innovation into context within your field of research, e.g. the problem needing to be solved and the approach others have taken, and attach any relevant publications, e.g. reviews of the field and your own publications in the field of the innovation.
Describe in detail the operation of the innovation. It is important to highlight the developments you have made that are unique to this innovation. In addition, please attach any experimental data, draft manuscripts or posters.
To be patentable, inventive steps (i.e., non-obvious steps which are crucial in obtaining the benefits of the invention) must be clearly shown. Please highlight any such inventive steps in this section.
Describe the major benefits of your innovation over existing approaches. (i.e. what the invention does, over and above existing methods).
CURRENT STATE OF DEVELOPMENT, how much further development is required and why?
Indicate whether the innovation is an idea, has reached proof of concept or whether a working prototype has been built.
1.2 Provide any in vivo data you have generated in support of your innovation. Describe any future development work you intend to undertake over the next 12 months e.g. toxicology screening or validation, and whether you have the funding and staff to carry out this work.
Give examples of how you see this innovation being used both within and outside of your own field.
Are there any other academic research groups working on the problem this innovation solves? (Please cite publications near to your findings)
List companies that you are aware of offering products similar in function to your innovation.

Please list the results of any literature searches you have carried out (giving the keywords used) indicating which papers come closest to your own work.

Have you carried out any patent searches? If so please list any patent applications you thought could be relevant and give the keywords you used to search.

It is useful to have on record a note of the period during which an invention was made. This may become relevant during the prosecution of a patent application.

Give the date (or period) when the invention can be said to have been made. Can this be verified e.g. through a signed lab book entry?

In order to obtain valid patent protection in most countries in the world and invention must not have been made publicly available prior to filing a patent application. Please answer the below questions as accurately as possible.
Date / Details

Submission or intended submission of an abstract or manuscript mentioning or describing the innovation.

For submitted abstracts/manuscripts please indicate anticipated acceptance and publication dates including on-line publication.

Any given or intended posters or presentations of the innovation?

Where students are named as an inventor, when was their thesis submitted or when do they intend to submit. Have they requested that their thesis be kept confidential?
Any other anticipated public disclosures?
Give details of all research funding that supported the development of this innovation. Where this funding supported a specific individual please name that person, if this person is not named as an inventor then give their contact details.
Funding body, type of grant and period of funding / RG&C Grant Code
Give details of any third party materials, e.g. obtained through Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), that were used during the creation of the innovation.
Material used / Provider of Material and MTA details.


Inventorship is a legal issue to allow the correct assessment of inventorship please list all the people who took part in the conception of innovation and where possible define what their contribution to the innovation was.
Name and title
Address (work)
Telephone no.(work)
Email address
(i.e. University, NHS Trust for the whole period you worked on the innovation) (please give details and dates).
If a student, please provide:
·  name of the University at which you are registered for a degree
·  name of supervisor at King’s
Name and title
Address (work)
Telephone no.(work)
Email address
(i.e. University, NHS Trust for the whole period you worked on the innovation) (please give details and dates).
If a student, please provide:
·  name of the University at which you are registered for a degree
·  name of supervisor at King’s
Name and title
Address (work)
Telephone no.(work)
Email address
(i.e. University, NHS Trust for the whole period you worked on the innovation) (please give details and dates).
If a student, please provide:
·  name of the University at which you are registered for a degree
·  name of supervisor at King’s
I/We declare that the information that I have provided in this form is, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, correct and complete.
Completed by:
Name: ______
Signature ______
Date ______
Name ______
Signature ______
Date ______
Name ______
Signature ______
Date ______