CSM Technologies / Document #:
CSM/QT/13/03 / Rev.: 1.1
Page #:1 of 19
NGO Project Monitoring System
NGO Project Monitoring Portal
Women and Child Development Department,
Government of Odisha
User Manual / Jan07, 2015Revision History
Date / Version / Description / Author07-Jan-2015 / 1.0 / User Manual / Sonali Nayak
NGO Project Monitoring Portal
NGO User
1.2Getting Started
1.2.1NGO User - Apply for Registration
1.2.2NGO User – Proposal Submission
1.2.3NGO User – Project Reporting
1.2.4NGO User – Add Feedback
- Introduction
The Department of Women and Child Development was created in 1995. It is also aimed at implementing different social welfare schemes meant for persons with disability, the old, infirm and indigent persons. Women & Child development Department is committed for strengthening the initiatives of Government for holistic development of Women and Child, which constitutes 49.3% and 14.6% of the Orissa’s population. This is the nodal Department for formulating plans and programmes for development of women & children in the State.
The purpose of this project is to adopt a web based software solution which can effectively manage and monitor the activities of NGO’s over a centralized platform. This will enable the department to monitor the performance of NGO’s throughout the state.
The monitoring helps the resourceful NGO to actively register themselves, Department users which includes Admin, State and Section level users, District user constitutes of District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO) and Collector Level user.
1.2Getting Started
To start with the application, enter the website URL in the browser to display the following login screen:
Here the user gets two options to sign in into the application- the one is for Govt. of India and the other for Govt. of Odisha.
For login, the NGO user has to click the Sign In option in the Govt. of Odisha section.
On doing so, the following screen is displayed-
The user is redirected to the welcome screen of NGO Project Monitoring Portal.
Here the sign in options for various users are displayed such as ‘NGO User’, ‘Department User’, ‘District User’, ‘Screening User’ and ‘Citizen User’.
1.2.1NGO User - Apply for Registration
For a new NGO user; proceed under the section NGO User.
To register for a new account, click on the Sign Uplink.
The user is redirected to the ‘Apply for Registration’ screen: here the new user has to provide the complete details about the NGO for successful registration.
Under this section:
Enter the Name of Applicantof the NGO in the textbox provided.
Enter the Name of NGO in the textbox provided.
Provide the Email IDof the applicant in the space provided.
Provide the applicant’smobile number in the textbox.
Once all the data are filled up, click the Submit button for final submission else Reset for changes.
Please Note: All fields are mandatory.
Once the Registration is done, the user is redirected to Registration Verificationscreen.
A new verification code would be generated as shown in the figure in red color.
The user has to write the registered E-mail id in the textbox provided.
Then, s/he will enter the verification code in the space provided.
Click theSubmit button.
Note: Once the Web portal goes live, the verification code would go directly to the respective mail ids.
Once submission is done, the user is redirected to theApply for Registration Screen.
Under the Basic Information section;
The Name of NGOremains default as registered.
Select the Source of funding from the drop down list.
Provide the Name of Chairman/President of NGO in the given space.
Provide the Name of the Secretary and Name of the Treasurer in the respective textboxes.
Select the Year of Establishmentof the NGO from the drop down list.
For entering the Registration Details, click on the respective tab:
Select the RC Issued By detail from the drop down list.
Select the NGO’sPlace of Registration from the drop down list.
Select the Date of Registration in terms of Date, Month and Year drop down lists.
Select the Valid Up to date in terms of Date, Month and Year drop down lists.
Provide the Registration No. in the given space.
Upload Registration Certificate by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in either .pdf or .jpeg format only.
Upload MOA Doc by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in either .pdf or .jpeg format only.
Upload Law Doc by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in either .pdf or .jpeg format only.
For adding the FCRA Registration Details, click on the respective tab:
Provide the FCRA Registration No, If Any in the given textbox.
Upload FCRA Certificate by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in either .pdf or .jpeg format only.
Select the Date of Registration in terms of Date, Month and Year drop down lists.
Select the Valid up to date in terms of Date, Month and Year drop down lists.
Under the Operational Areas and Key Achievements section, provide the following details:
Select the Project Area/Sector from the given drop down list.
Select the Project Awarded By from the drop down list.
Enter the Place of Work in terms of State, District, Block, Panchayat and Village in the respective textboxes.
Enter the Recurring Cost and Non-Recurring cost (in INR) in the given space.
Select Institution Type from the dropdown list.
Enter the Name of Institution in the textbox provided.
Provide the No of Beneficiaries in the given textbox.
Select the Duration of Project from the drop down list.
Select Year of Completion from the drop down list.
Upload Beneficiary Details by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only.
Upload Photograph of Achievements by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only.
Upload Staff Details by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only.
Upload Institution Detailsby clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only.
Select the Project Status from the drop down list.
Enter the Key Achievements in the given space within 500 characters.
To add more details, click on the Add More button.
Under Contact Details section:
Provide the Address details in the given space. Complete Address along with PIN Code should be provided.
Select the Office Building from the drop down list.
Provide the Telephone No. 1 and Telephone No. 2 in the respective textboxes in terms of area code and phone no.
Enter the Mobile No. in the given space followed by the Fax No.
Enter the E-mail and Website URL in the given textboxes.
Under Secret Question Section:
Select theSecret Question from the drop down list.
Provide Your Answer in the given space.
Under self declaration section:
Select the checkbox against the declaration of terms and conditions.
Under the section Verification Image Code:
Against the Verification Code, enter the code shown in the image as displayed in the given textbox.
Click on the Submit button to apply for the NGO’s new registration.
The user is redirected to the successful submission ofregistration form screen.
Here the Applicant Name is shown.
Click on the given button to take a print out of the User ID and Password.
The user has to Log In at the site with the given User ID and Password.
For logging in click on the Log In link.
In the given screen an authorized person can login.
Enter the Username in the given textbox.
Enter the Password in the given textbox.
Against the Verification Code, enter the code shown in the image as displayed in the given textbox.
Click Back to Home Page for navigation to home page screen.
Forgot Password will help to provide the password by submitting Username.
Click on the Login button.
Dashboard screen appears as default, where the NGO User can view the Registration Status, Project Proposal Status and Reporting Status.
Click on the Update Profile tab to update the NGO’s profile details.
Here the NGO user can update their profile in the respective fields.
Update Basic info, Registration Details, FCRA Registration Details, Operational Areas and Key Achievements, Financial Details, HR Capacity, Contact Details.
Click on the Update button to update the details.
1.2.2NGO User – Proposal Submission
After the NGO’s registration is successfully verified, the user can now login through the portal providing the given username and password and view the Registration Status in the dashboard.
Click on the tab Proposal Submission to submit a proposal.
Select Project Type against radio buttons whether new or renewal.
Select Scheme Name from the drop down list.
Select Project name form the drop down list.
Enter Project Location in the space provided.
Enter the No. of Beneficiary in the textbox provided.
Enter Budgeted Amount (in INR) in the textbox provided.
Enter Span of Project in Months in textbox provided.
Select Availability of HR from dropdown list.
Provide the address in the Address Given section.
Update the address in Any Change in Project address.
Upload Audited Balance Sheet 2011-12 by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only.
Upload Audited Balance Sheet 2012-13 by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only.
Upload Audited Balance Sheet 2013-14 by clicking on the Browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only.
Upload Project Proposal by clicking on the browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only
Select the Act by using appropriate act amongst radio buttons.
Upload Relevant Document by clicking on the browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only
Upload Declaration by clicking on the browse button and choosing the file in .pdf format only
Finally submit button will be clicked once done.
By clicking on view status tab;
It will show the status of the projects.
By clicking the Add Feedback tab;
Choose feedback type whether General or Project
Give the feedback in the space given.
In Project oriented feedback, different screenshot would be followed:
By clicking the FAQ tab;
The user can get knowledge regarding all facilities available in monitoring tool.
User wise differentiation in FAQ Management.
By clicking on Question hyperlinks, it will help the user to operate the portal smoothly.
1.2.3NGO User – Project Reporting
After the projects are applied and approved by the SLC and DLC authorities, the projects can be reported.
After logging in by the NGO user, click on the Project Reporting tab for reporting a project.
‘Apply Project Report’ screen appears:
The project details will be displayed in terms of Project Name, Start Date and Status. For the projects which have not been reported the status will be shown as ‘Not Submitted’.
Select from the list of projects for which reporting is to be done.
The Project Start Date will be auto-generated.
Select for Reporting for the Financial Year from the drop down list.
Browse and upload the Photo of Activity/Infrastructure.
Upload details of Achievements (Physical/Financial) in the given space.
Fund Received will be auto-generated.
Enter the Fund Received and Fund Utilized in the textboxes provided.
Report details will be shown in the next part and Report parameters ask mandatory for Annual Expenses and Physical Progress details.
Browse and upload Annual Expense report, Physical Progress report and Minutes of Last meeting.
Click on the Submit button for reporting the concerning project.
After submission the Status against the project is shown as ‘Submitted’.
Click against the Project Name to view the submitted report details.
The user can add more reporting details along with the fund details for the same project and click on the Submit button.
After adding the report, click on the View Report tab to view the remarks given by the higher authorities.
Click on the View Details link against the record to view the completed project details submitted.
By clicking on view report tab;
It enables the user to view the reports.
1.2.4NGO User – Add Feedback
The NGO User has further option to give feedback regarding either on General subject or related to any Project.
For adding feedback, login through the portal and click on the Add Feedback tab.
Add ‘NGO Feedback’ screen appears as default:
Select the Feedback Type from the options of General and Project Related.
If General is selected then, directly provide the Feedback in the given space concerning to that general topic and click on the Submit button.
If Project Related is selected then, further select the Project Type from the options of Self and Advertisement.
If Self is selected then select the Scheme Name from the drop down list and if Advertisement is selected then select the Project Name from the drop down list.
Provide the Feedback in the given space concerning to that project and click on the Submit button.