October 12, 2017

EHA Meeting Notes

Name / Position
Deb Samek / LTS Program Director
Katie Regan / Secretary
Brian Daly / VP
Julie Higgins / Registrar
Ed Poremba / President
Zachary Freeto / Volunteer Coach
Julie Malecki / Lower Director
Janine Liddell / Midget Director
Tommy Papa / Volunteer Coach
John Tait / Div. Director
Tom Terhune / Booster Club

Absent: Ken Labak, Gordon Perkins, Bob Fiedler, Mike Frigo

  1. Call to Order- 6:33 PM
  2. Minutes Preceding Meeting 9/28- Julie Motion to approve/Tom 2nd Accept- 7 For
  3. EHA Family Members Open Communication- N/A
  4. Finance Report- Ed met with Mike Frigo. Everything is up to date & posted. Finances were reviewed. Ed to follow up with Ken Labak on EHA jersey quotes for payment
  5. Consent Agreement for Approval from prior board meeting- N/A
  6. New Business
  7. Assistant Coaches:
  8. Tommy Papa- looking to assist with LTS. Has two girls in program. Also goalie experience. Potential to get further coaching certification to help other age divisions for goalie coaching. Tom motion to approve/Deb 2nd – 8 For
  9. Zach Freeto- Needs to submit application, background & SafeSport. Cannot vote at this time. Son Ben is in the program. Also looking to help LTS. Future vote when he completes paperwork
  10. Status for LTS: 30 in week 1, 35 enrolled and 2 on current waitlist. Great interest so far. Goal to keep kids enrolled through winter session. Deb will not do any future advertising for the program. Looking for more coaches to volunteer and help out. Tom T has a weekly plan as the levels progress. Brian to talk to Paul about moving the U-6 to the blue line to accommodate LTS and then as LTS moves over to U-6, adjust the barriers as needed. Parents seem happy with experience so far. Ken has been evaluating the kids skills and some will be ready for the U-6 jump soon. Will encourage families to go watch the U-6 games at Olympia to get excited and see the difference from LTS to games. LTS max space 40 kids. Julie & Deb will work to open the wait list & monitor enrollment to not exceed 40. Vote to establish a 40 max enrollment- Tom motioned/ Julie M 2nd 8 in Favor. DK’s working on LTS gear package for next year. LTS team will check the closet to understand if there are enough Jersey’s to pass out
  11. Status for U6 Practice at Stick Time- Status Closed- can be removed from agenda
  12. Board Questions on Reports- N/A
  13. Status for Halloween Tournament- 4 teams enrolled & schedules established. Will be played between ETR & CYR. PWB Enfield parents are volunteering to help run games/tables, etc. Still working through raffle opportunities (currently TBirds tickets/hats, TBird used stick). Julie H ordered the appear (Tournament Sweatshirts & T-Shirts). Deb ordered 1st, 2nd & consolation trophies & tournament pins for each player
  14. Status for Fund Raising- Deb is working on putting together the sponsorship letter to share out. Will give to Gordon when complete. Re-working the different levels and the differentiation between them. Katie was contacted by the Enfield Elks for information on EHA for local grant money. Still waiting on word if the organization will get any of their local funds. Ed sent out an email to the board so everyone has the IRS Tax-ID form if you need it for any fundraising/sponsorship opportunities. “Sponsorship is for the organization, Fundraising is for teams & the Booster Club”
  15. Other Items- N/A
  16. (9 on Agenda)- Unfinished Business
  17. Division Directors-PWB was featured on Gotta Love CT Hockey & the Mite team has changed their declaration from B to A and the B1 to team to B
  18. Tentative Try Out Dates- N/A
  19. Follow up what makes your job easier- N/A
  20. (10 on Agenda)- Electronic Vote- N/A
  21. (11 on Agenda)- Completed Business Removed- Can remove U6 Stick Time from agenda for next meeting
  22. (12 on Agenda)- Good For the Order- N/A

Meeting adjourned at 7:44 PM Julie M motion to adjourn/ John T 2nd 9 in Favor