25th Annual Pennsylvania Permanency Conference
Call for Workshop Proposals
The 25th Annual Pennsylvania Permanency Conference,sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Office of Children, Youth and Families, Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network and Independent Living Services, serves as a forum to educate, train and support participants to prepare children, older youth and families to move through the child welfare system towards permanency. The conference is a focal point for networking and sharing information to increase the knowledge base for child and adolescent issues in special needs adoptions and permanency.
CONFERENCE LOCATION: / Kalahari Resorts & Conventions in Pocono Manor, PA
WHO MAY SUBMIT PROPOSALS: / Any interested parties are encouraged to submit
This conference is designed for resource families, kinship care providers, permanent legal custodians, independent living workers, legal professionals, permanency professionals, child welfare workers and others with a vested interest in providing permanency services for children and adolescents.
Primary presenters and one co-presenter will receive a complimentary one-day conference registration on the day of their presentation, or a discounted registration fee to attend additional days of the conference and mileage reimbursement for auto travel. Additional information and a custom registration form will be sent with the speaker agreement form.
Suggested topics
Please use the topics below as a guide as you prepare your submission. Proposals will be selected for engaging format, style, clarity, content, originality, ability to be replicated, cultural competency and interest to the targeted audience.
- Adolescent issues
- Cross-systems collaboration
- Education & vocational training
- Family group decision making / group conferencing
- Impact of abuse / neglect on permanency
- Impact of substance abuse on permanency
- Legal support and challenges
- Parenting the child with special needs
- Professional/family member co-presentationsare encouraged
- Services for older youth/independent living
- Sexual identity
- Timely permanency for foster youth
If your proposal is selected, notification and all subsequent correspondence will be sent only to the lead presenter listed. Please share this information with all co-presenters.
Please use the Workshop Proposal application attached to this announcement.
25th Annual Pennsylvania Permanency Conference Workshop Proposal
Title of Presentation / Click here to enter text. /Primary Presenter Name / Click here to enter text. /
Title / Click here to enter text. / Affiliation / Click here to enter text. /
Address / Click here to enter text. /
Work Phone / Click here to enter text. / Cell Phone / Click here to enter text. /
Email / Click here to enter text. /
Co-Presenter: (If more than one co-presenter, please submit additional co-presenters on a separate sheet.)
Co-Presenter Name / Click here to enter text. /Title / Click here to enter text. / Affiliation / Click here to enter text. /
Address / Click here to enter text. /
Work Phone / Click here to enter text. / Cell Phone / Click here to enter text. /
Email / Click here to enter text. /
Type(Choose one): ☐Workshop (1.5 hours) ☐Institute (3 hours – Thursday only)
Availability(please check all that apply):
☐Wednesday, June 28 - PM Session ☐Thursday, June 29 - AM Session
☐Thursday, June 29 - PM Session☐Friday, June 30 - AM Session
Category(Consider carefully and select one category to ensure your presentation fits the definition):☐Foundational - This category describes workshops that deal with the basic, fundamental practices and philosophy of all permanency work. Foundational workshops would include those that deal with topics essential to good practice.These workshops would contain topics necessary for providers and recipients of SWAN/IL services to understand as they lay the foundation for all the quantifiable work that comes after them. Examples include workshops on Grief and Loss, Trauma, Infertility, Search and Reunion, Ethics, SWAN values, etc.
☐Traditional - This category describes workshops that support and incorporate accepted foundational principles, but then explore the real, actual practice using a variety tools, tips and techniques. The intended outcome of these workshops is to help attendees understand and obtain tangible information and activities that enhance their day to day work. Examples include Unit of Service workshops, post-permanency, parenting, anger management, engagement, etc.
☐Innovative - This category describes workshops that weave in foundational practices, but in order to meet new or increasing demands, have developed inventive and/or resourceful practices to meet new challenges. Examples of this type of workshop include how agencies have met the criteria of new legislation or mandates (i.e. Concurrent Planning bulletin), and what has been put in place that may be fresh or groundbreaking. This category provides the opportunity to highlight new thinking around issues of practice.
Workshop Proposal - page 2
Intended audience(Consider carefully your target audience, include prior knowledge needed):
☐Families ☐Permanency/IL Professionals ☐Advocates
☐Child Welfare Workers☐Legal Professionals
Presentation title and description(please include the following required elements. Proposals will not be considered without the following information):- Title of Presentation(Session titles need to be very short - no more than eight words):
- Concise Description: This description helps participants make informed decisions about which sessions to attend. The concise description appears in the conference brochure and should be between 25 and 40 words in length.
- Detailed Description: This more in-depth description assists conference committee selection members to make informed selections, especially if there are two or more proposals about the same topic.
Please note:If you submit a proposal for the permanency conference based on work or research done by someone else, you must obtain the proper permissions from the original researcher or author and submit those permissions with your proposal. Conferencing staff is not responsible for verifying the originality of submissions and cannot be held accountable for presenters' copyright infringements or other violations of ownership rights.
Audio Visual (The following items will be set up in each workshop room):
- LCD Projector
- Flip chart/easel/markers, screen and AV cart
- Laptop will be provided
- Computer Speakers
- Wireless Internet
- For panel presentations, table top microphones, front tables and chairs will be provided.