English to Enjoy 3AScheme of Work
Module: The World Around UsUnit 6: Lovely animals
Task:Make a booklet about animalsLearning targets: ISa ISe KSa KSb KSe KSf ESa
Communicative functions / Language forms and functions / Language skills / Generic skills, values and attitudes / VocabularyName some animals
Ask about animals’ eating habits, habitats, heights, lengths and weights
Describe heights and lengths / Ask about animals’ eating habits, habitats, heights, lengths and weights.
What do giant pandas eat?
Where do sharks live?
How tallare flamingoes?
How long are sharks?
How heavy are seals?
Use adjective phrases to describe heights and lengths.
They are about five metres long.
Use the simple present tense to talk about simple truths.
Giant pandas have black and white fur. / Listening
Identify key words in short utterances
Identify the gist or main ideas in simple spoken texts
Locate or provide specific information
Recognise pronoun references
Recognise language patterns and vocabulary items in new spoken texts
Use simple phrases and sentences to communicate
Connect ideas by using cohesive devices
Provide information in response to questions
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words using contextual or pictorial clues
Identify key words for the main idea in a sentence
Confirm meaning by re-reading a sentence or paragraph
Recognise the format and language features of some common text types
Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions
Put words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases or sentences
Reproduce sentences based on a model or framework provided
Use appropriate cohesive devices
Gather and share information, ideas and language by using strategies
Draft, revise and edit short written texts with teacher support / Collaboration skills
Identify and accept different roles in collaborative work
Work cooperatively with others to complete a task
Communication skills
Interact with teachers and classmates in classroom activities
Enjoy and respond to short, simple imaginative texts and give expression to one’s experiences and imaginative ideas
Critical thinking skills
Provide, use, find out, interpret and present simple information on familiar topics
Self-management skills
Evaluate their own feelings, strengths, weaknesses, progress and objectives
Study skills
Develop written texts using appropriate format and conventions
Locate and extract specific information and main ideas from short given texts
Values and attitudes
Develop confidence in using English through performing tasks on their own or in groups / names of animals
Text types
information sheets
fact sheets
thewh sound