PBS is Martin B. Anderson’s school-wide behavior management system. We call out students “Masters of Behavior in Achievement.” Throughout the school day students are expected to follow their MBA’s which means they are to make responsible choices, be respectful and act safe. Student expectations are therefore are consistent inside and outside the classroom, as well as at Anderson’s Café.
Fourth Grade Classroom Expectations and Procedures for Student Behavior
Classroom Expectations Include:
- Follow your MBA’s!
- Make responsible choices
- Be respectful
- Act Safe
- Complete all assignments
- Be a good listener
Positive behavior will be reinforced by teachers throughout the building. Students receive owls for following the three rules mentioned above consistently on a daily basis. Students may then trade in owls after earning enough to purchase something from the classroom store. Students may exchange owls for school supplies, computer time, pillow time and lunch bunch (scheduled once a month).
Students who standout above and beyond have an opportunity to earn Scholar Dollars. Students standout when they are being helpful without being asked, during permitted times. For example, a student trips and falls in the cafe. If another student were to help this child who fell they could earn a dollar. Scholar Dollars are used to earn a pillow. Once the student has earned the pillow he/she can work towards earning a pillowcase. Then if the student chooses to do so, he/she may trade in Scholar Dollars to tie-dye his/her pillowcase. Once the student has their pillow they may sit on it regularly and purchase pillow time with their owls. While the student has earned the pillow, a teacher reserves the right to take away the pillow under certain circumstances and possibly send it home. All pillows will be sent home in June.
While we do not want to place emphasis on negative behavior we do understand that children are children and sometimes they don’t make the best choices. Honest mistakes are corrected and possibly referred to the parent the day the behavior occurs based on student’s response to correction. If it appears to be a reoccurring behavior, parent will be contacted and a parent-teacher conference may be requested. Behavior outside the realm of typical child-like behavior or violation of RCSD Code of Conduct will be immediately referred to the Mrs. Harris-Pappin, or Ms. Walker.
Always check your child’s Home-School notebook as specific behavior may be noted as communication to you. Always respond to teachers to let us know you saw the message even if it’s just initialing that you read it.
Each teacher will also maintain a folder containing both class list. This folder is used to track certain behavior of students as it occurs for parental communication and possible referral needs. Please see procedures listed below and sample roster attached as separate file.
4th Grade Consequences
Name in Folder for offense
Two Marks in the folder result in a Disciplinary Notice Home
After Two DN’s a parent will be contacted
Three DN’s result in lunch detention