Science Translational Medicine Manuscript Template
General Instructions on using this template and submitting a manuscript to Science Translational Medicine: Using this template will help to speed the processing of your paper. Our goal is to be able to identify each section of your manuscript so that we can accurately record the title, authors, abstract, etc. and also be able to enrich it by including reference links and an accurate layout.
Please use the actual template, which starts on page 2. When you are ready to submit, please delete the text on this cover page.
You can submit your paper at
Additional instructions are available at
More specific formatting instructions are provided in the actual template, which follows.
Title: Insert Your Title Here of Not More than 135 Characters Including Spaces
Authors: F. M. Lastname1*, S. I. Lastname1,2, T. I. Lastname3†
[The author list should be one single paragraph (no breaks). Authors should be listed by first name, then middle initial, if any, followed by last name and separated by commas. Use superscript numbers to link affiliations, and symbols *†‡ for author notes. ]
1Affiliations should be preceded by superscript numbers corresponding to the author list, and each affiliation should end with a period.
2Each affiliation should be a separate paragraph.
3You can include group authors, but please include a list of the actual authors in the Supplementary Materials.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed: include the email addresses of the corresponding author(s). Please use the asterisk (*) symbol for the corresponding author information.
†Additional author notes should be indicated with symbols (for example, for current addresses).
One Sentence Summary: A brief summary of the main result of your paper, without excessive jargon.
Abstract: The abstract should be one paragraph of about 150 words, and may not exceed 250 words. It should have the following structure: An opening sentence that sets the question that you address and is comprehensible to the general reader, background content specific to this study, results, and a concluding sentence. It should be one paragraph only.
[Main Text: ]
This should include introductory information that lays out the clinical problem addressed by the research and that explains other background necessary for understanding the study.
Subhead 1: Brief phrase, not a sentence.
Subheadings must be either all complete sentences or all phrases. They should be brief, ideally less than 10 words. Subheadings should not end in a period. Your paper may have as many subheadings as are necessary.
Subhead 2: All figures and tables cited in order
All sections of the results should refer to a figure or table, preferably a data display element that is part of the main text. All figures, figure panels and tables must be presented in order. For example, the description of panel A of figure 3 cannot come before that of panel B of figure 2. The supplementary figures (for example, fig. S1) and tables (table S1) must also be in presented in order.
You may include page breaks if you would like to embed the figures within the text instead of at the end of the paper.
Subhead 3: All data presented first in the Results
All data should be presented in the Results. No data should be presented for the first time in the Discussion. Data (such as from Western blots) should be appropriately quantified.
Subhead 4: Formatting in-text reference callouts
References should be cited in parentheses with an italic number (1). Multiple reference citations are separated by commas (2, 3) or if a series, dashes (4-6). References are cited in order by where they first are called out, through the text, then the figure legends and tables or table captions, and then through the supplementary materials.
Subhead 5: Handling of equations
Equations can be included. Do not use the native Word 2007, 2008, 2010, or 2011 equation editor. This can in produce inaccurate MathML, the online markup language we use, which may result in display errors. Instead, use the legacy equation editor in word (Insert menu; select insert object; select word equation) or use Mathtype (recommended). If you enter equations in simple LaTeX, check that they will convert accurately (Word 2007 and higher can convert simple LaTeX equations).
Include a Discussion that summarizes your conclusions and elaborates on their implications. There should be a paragraph outlining the limitations of your results and interpretation, as well as a discussion of the steps that need to be taken for the findings to be applied in the clinic. Please avoid claims of priority, and avoid repeating the conclusions at the end.
Materials and Methods
All descriptions of materials and methods should be included here in the main paper. The should be broken up into sections, each with a short subheading. Under exceptional circumstances, when a particularly lengthy description is required, a portion of the materials and methods can be included in the Supplementary Materials.
Supplementary Materials
[Present a list of the titles of the Supplementary Materials, in the following order: Supplementary materials and methods, supplementary figures, supplementary tables, other supplementary files, such as movies, data, interactive images, or database files. Be sure to submit all Supplementary Materials with the manuscript.]
Materials and Methods
Fig. S1. Title of the first supplementary figure.
Fig. S2. Title of the second supplementary figure.
Table S1. Title of the first supplementary table.
Data file S1. Title of the first supplementary data file.
Movie S1. Title of the first supplementary movie.
References and Notes:
1. There is only one reference list spanning the text, figure captions and Supplementary Materials. Do not include a second reference list in the Supplementary Materials section. References only cited in the Supplementary Materials section are not counted toward length guidelines.
2. Each reference should be on a separate line ending in a period.
3. Include all author names, full titles, and full page ranges: J. D. Crane, D. I. Ogborn, C. Cupido, S. Melov, Massage Therapy Attenuates Inflammatory Signaling After Muscle Damage. Sci. Transl. Med. 4, 119–125 (2012).
4. You can use a numbered list in Word.
5. Each reference should have a separate number.
6. Please do not mix in references with explanatory notes.
Acknowledgments: Thank others for any contributions. Funding: Include all funding sources here, including grant numbers and funding agencies. Author contributions: Here describe the contributions of each author (use initials) to the paper. Competing interests: Include any financial interests of the authors that could be perceived as being a conflict of interest. Here also include any awarded or filed patents pertaining to the results presented in the paper. Data and materials availability: If data are in an archive, include the accession number or a placeholder for it. Here also include any materials that must be obtained through an MTA. Acknowledgments follow the references and notes but are not numbered.
[If possible, embed the figures within the Word file, either within results or after the acknowledgements, with each figure’s legend immediately below it. This will facilitate evaluation of the paper. ]
Fig. 1. Short title of the first figure. The figure caption should begin with a title (an overall descriptive statement of the figure) followed by additional text. The legends should be placed immediately after each figure.
Fig. 2. Short title of the second figure. Indicate figure parts with bold capital letters (A), (B) . If you prefer, you can place both the actual figures and captions logically through the text near where they are cited rather than at the end of the file (but not both).
Table 1. Short title of the first table. Start table captions with a title (short description of the table). Format tables using the Word Table commands and structures. Do not create tables using spaces or tabs characters.
Supplementary Materials:
Include the actual text and figure files of the Supplementary Materials in your Word manuscript if possible. Include captions for other file types (see below).
Supplementary figures should be embedded in the Word file in order, with the legends directly below the figure.
The Supplementary Materials may cite references, but they must be listed only at the end of the main references and notes list. Use the numbering from the main text reference list to cite your references in Supplementary Materials.
Supplementary Materials may include additional author notes: For example, a list of group authors.
Add captions for additional files that cannot be embedded into the Word file, which may also be included with the submission. These may include:
Movies S1-S#
Audio Files S1-S#
Data files S1-S#