Parish of ...... Parish No. ......
Applicant ...... Position applied for ......
DBS application form number ...... Reg Body No. 21014700008
Registered Body Use Only is where the Countersignatory tells the DBS which documents have been seen to confirm the identity and current address of the applicant. This section may be completed by either by the Countersignatory or by another person nominated by the Countersignatory. The names of the Countersignatory or nominee must be given in Section W.
Instructions for the person completing Registered Body Use Only
If the applicant has filled in any part of “Registered Body Use Only” Sections, you must cross out details of any documents not seen by the Countersignatory or the approved named person. You must ensure that only original documentation is seen. Photocopies are not acceptable.
GROUP 1 – Primary Trusted Identity Credentials / SeenCurrent valid Passport (any Nationality)
Biometric Resident Permit (UK)
Current Driving Licence (UK) (Fully or Provisional) Isle of Man/Channel Islands:
· Photo card only (a photo card is only valid if presented with the associated counterpart licence; except Jersey)
Birth Certificate (UK and Channel Islands) – issued at the time of birth:
· Full or short form acceptable including those issued by UK authorities overseas, such as Embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces. (Photocopies are not acceptable)
GROUP 2a – Trusted Government/State Issued Documents
Current UK Driving Licence (old style paper version)
Current Non-UK Photo Driving Licence (valid for up to 12 months from the date the applicant entered the UK)
Birth Certificate (UK and Channel Islands) – (Issued after time of birth by the General Register Office / relevant authority i.e. Registrars – Photocopies are not acceptable)
Marriage / Civil Partnership Certificates (UK and Channel Islands)
Adoption Certificate (UK and Channel Islands)
HM Forces ID Card (UK)
Fire Arms Licence (UK: Channel Islands and Isle of Man)
Group 2b – Financial / Social History Documents
Mortgage Statement (UK or EEA) ** (Non-EEA statements must not be accepted)
Bank/Building Society Statement (UK and Channel Islands or EEA) * (Non-EEA statements must not be accepted)
Bank/Building Society Account Opening Confirmation Letter (UK)
Credit Card Statement (UK or EEA) * (Non-EEA statement must not be accepted)
Financial Statement ** - e.g. pension, endowment, ISA (UK)
P45/P60 Statement ** (UK and Channel Islands)
Council Tax Statement ** (UK and Channel Islands)
Work Permit/Visa (UK) (UK Resident Permit) (Valid up to expiry date) **
Letter of sponsorship from future employment provider (Non-UK/Non-EEA only – Valid only for applicants residing outside of the UK at time of application)
Utility Bill (UK) * - Not mobile telephone
Benefit Statement * - e.g. Child Allowance, Pension
A document form Central/Local Government/Government Agency/Local Authority giving entitlement (UK and Channel Islands) * e.g. from the Department for Work and Pensions, the Employment Service, Customs & Revenue, Job Centre, Job Centre Plus, Social Security
EU National ID Card
Cards carrying the PASS accreditation logo (UK and Channel Islands)
* Documentation should be less than 3 months old
** Documentations should be issued within the past 12 months
Verifier ...... Date ......
Verifier’s Brief Guide to Completing the DBS Application Form
DO / DON’TUse black ink throughout and write in clear BLOCK CAPITALS only / Don’t write over the edges of the box
Use only one letter or number in each box / Don’t place any stamps or stickers on the form i.e. featuring addresses or dates
To correct a mistake on the form, put a line through it and write the correction clearly to the right. If there is no space on the right, then make a correction as close as possible / Don’t put a line through a section of the form or state a field is not applicable. If it is not relevant to the application then leave it blank
Items highlighted in yellow are mandatory and must be completed where applicable / Don’t staple any attachments to the form
Leave an empty box between words but not between postcodes or telephone numbers / Don’t use correction fluid
Mark choices in the boxes indicated with a cross [X], not a tick / Don’t submit a form which has been signed over 90 days ago. It will not be accepted by the DBS
Do use the correct format for dates (as marked on the form)
Ensure the applicant has signed the declaration at Section E