Cambridge Natural History Society
The 98th Conversazione and annual exhibition
on the wonders of the natural world
Friday 16th & Saturday 17th June 2017
Cambridge Natural History Society’s FREE Annual Exhibition provides opportunities
- for people to meet like-minded enthusiasts and share ideas;
- for the Society’s members to show what they have been doing;
- for researchers to present their work;
- for local organisations to publicise their activities; and
- for visitors to learn about natural history and find out what is going on, especially locally.
A history of the Conversazione, with past programmes listing exhibitors, and more information, are on our website: .
When is the Conversazione and where is it held?
Friday 16th June from 1:00 to 6:00 pm and Saturday 17th June from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, in the Elementary Teaching Laboratory, on the ground floor of the Department of Zoology on the Downing site in central Cambridge (entrance from Pembroke/Downing Street).
There will be a wine reception and social after the Conversazione closes on the Friday evening, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, to which all exhibitors are cordially invited.
What sort of things are exhibited?
The aim is a variety of exhibits on all aspects of the natural world, including specimens that visitors can examine and opportunities to interact, as well as posters. There is no objection to exhibitors selling items.
Living things, especially animals, always attract attention. The laboratory is air-conditioned and can provide an equable environment for specimens. Please consult us if you would like to bring live animals. Exhibitors are responsible for the welfare and safety of their displays.
We will provide ideas for making exhibits eye-catching and interesting, as well as more information on the practicalities, when we receive your booking form.
Displays are exhibited on the laboratory benches (90 cm high and 65 cm deep), on display boards in some cases. We have a limited number of display boards for loan, size 60 x 90 cm portrait. Please let us know on the booking form if you need to borrow any boards.
If you need basic equipment such as microscopes, lamps, clamps, an internet connection or a specific type of location, please let us know on the booking form.
It is desirable for someone to stay with the exhibit for at least part of the day to answer questions and meet visitors, but this is left to the discretion of the exhibitor(s). Please indicate on the booking form which days you will be present.
CHNS Student Prize: This year there will be a prize of £100 for the best poster or exhibit from a college or university student, regardless of age. Please read the details on our website, and tick and complete overleaf if you wish to enter.
We invite you to book space (free of charge) for an exhibit on any aspect of natural history. Please complete this form and return by email to or post to CNHS Conversazione Organiser (address overleaf) by 22nd May.
There is no car parking on the site. The nearest public car park is in the Grand Arcade.
Cambridge Natural History Society Exhibition
Friday 16th & Saturday 17th June 2017
The 98th Conversazione
Booking Form
Please download this form – it cannot be completed online.
It is a word document so you can fill it in using your computer, or print it out.
Then please return by email to or post to CNHS Conversazione Organiser, c/o Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing St, Cambridge CB2 3EJ.
All bookings will be acknowledged. We will be in contact again nearer the time
with more information about arrangements and hints for effective exhibits.
Contact details
Name of exhibitor/organisation
Contact name
Telephone (day) (evening) (mobile)
[ ] I am a student at …......
I have read the information on the website and wish to enter the CNHS student competition.
I can be present in person on: Friday 16th / Saturday 17th / Neither (please delete as appropriate)
Length of bench space required (in metres) …......
[ ] I will not be using display boards
[ ] I will bring my own boards – please say how many and what size:
[ ] I need display boards (90 x 60 cm portrait) – please say how many:
Other requirements: (internet; microscopes or other equipment):
Details for the Directory of Exhibits
We plan to produce a printed directory of exhibits, which will list exhibitors, alphabetically by name, with details of their exhibits and contact details. Please give here details for publication. Leave blank if you do not want the information published or if it is not relevant. Items marked * are essential.
* Name of exhibitor or name of organisation
* Title of exhibit
Description of exhibit (up to about 50 words)
Name of contact (if exhibitor is an organisation) or person/people who will be present on the day
Relevant website
Email address
Telephone number (day) (evening) (mobile)
Aims and activities of organisation (up to about 50 words)
For updated information visit our web site at