CCSA Business Solutions
Service Name / 2.3Fortnightly Time Sheet
Employee Name: Casual (if casual tick box) /
Pay Period: From To
/ Normal rostered hours / Start Time / End Time / Normalhourspaid / Approved additional
hours paid / Approved Overtime Pay @ O/T
rates / Sick/
Personal Leave
Taken / RDO
taken / Time in lieu
taken / Annual leave
taken / Public holiday / Other Leave/Details
Eg leave without pay, workers comp / Total hours paid / Time in lieu accrued / Other information
Signed: ______Approved: ______Signature: ______
Employee’s Signature Authorised Signatory’s Name
Time Sheets to be completed and signed by employee and then signed by duly authorised person as being true and correct.
Date Enter the day’s date
Normal rostered hoursIndicate normal hours worked on this day
Start Time Enter time commenced work
Finish Time Enter time finished work
Normal hours Enter the number of ordinary hours worked – ordinary hours are those hours an employee is contracted to work, does not include any unpaid breaks, additional hours or overtime.
Additional ordinary hours This column to be used by Part time employees under the Miscellaneous Workers Kindergarten and Child Care Centres (State) Award
These are any additional hours worked at ordinary hourly rates
Approved Overtime
TILThese are any approved overtime hours that both employee and employer have agreed will be taken as time in lieu at some time in future
@ O/T rates These are any approved overtime hours worked where the employee is to be paid at the overtime rates applicable under the relevant award.
Public Holiday If a public holiday falls on a day you would normally work, write the number of hours normally worked on that day under in the column and then under total hours
Sick Leave If taking sick leave, write the number of hours taken as sick leave in the column and under total hours
RDO If having aRostered day off, write the number of hours normally worked on that day in this column and under total hours
Time in Lieu If taking time in lieu, write the number of hours time in lieu taken in this column and under total hours
AnnualLeave If taking Annual Leave, write the number of hours normally worked on that day in this column and under total hours
Other Leave If taking any other approved leave, write the number of hours taken in this column and under total hours.
Details Indicate the type of other leave taken (i.e. bereavement leave, carer’s leave, leave without pay etc)
Total Hours Enter total number of hours worked or taken as any form of leave
Other informationWhere services are keeping track of costs associated with different rooms or different funding the hours need to be identified against the rooms, the funding etc
Totals Add up total of hours taken as leave or worked for period and enter total into box at bottom of that column.
Add all columns across (with exception of total hours column). This total should equal the total under the Total Hrs column.
Exception ReportAny information not covered by the time sheet, which will affect the employee’s wages in this period
Signatures Employeeto sign time sheet after completed. Supervisorto check and sign time sheet if all information is correct.
CCSA PO Box 118 Katoomba NSW 2780 Ph: 02 47821470 or 1800 991 602 Fax: 02 47824425 Email: Website: