Quick Reference
DOA - Stray Animal Procedure
Updated: 1/2008 d
First, try and get as much information as possible about the person dropping off the stray. Try to get a driver’s license. If that fails, try to get a name and phone number. Only as a last resort should you enter a stray animal from an anonymous person.
- Check to see if the animal has ID or a microchip. Be sure to search the system to see if the animal already exists. If the animal is found in the system, note the Animal ID number.
- If you have at least the name of the person bringing in the stray, do the following:
- Search for the person.
- If found, skip to step #4.
- If not found, click on the Create a New Entry link or click on the New Record link in the orange menu to the left of the screen.
- Fill in the relevant blanks on the Add New Personpage. Mandatory fields: first name, last name, residential address, mailing address if different than residential, telephone number, and gender. Depending on your organization you may be required to confirm identification.
- Click Update Details.
- If you have no information about the person bringing in the stray, access the Edit Person Details page that has been set up as Last Name: Anonymous First Name: Person. *This procedure may differ at different locations. Be sure to double check with the manager.
- On the Edit Person Details page, click on the Scroll To Bottomlink in the upper left hand corner of the screen and click on the DOAlinkin the Personal Categories section.
- On the DOA Animalpage click on the New DOA Animal*link.
- *If the animal is already in the system on the DOA Animalpageclick on the DOA Existing Animal link.
- *On the Animal Search page enter the Animal ID in the Go To Animal ID field. Click View.
- Complete the following(All Yellow fields are mandatory and may or may not be listed below):
Identification Details
- Source: make sure the source displayed is DOA – Stray, if it is not click on the down arrow to select it.
- Status: click on the down arrow to select the Awaiting Final Disposition or DOA status.
- If the animal has any Identification on it should be filled in at this time. The ID Checked field should always be populated to confirm that there is no ID on the animal if all fields are blank.
- There is an area for the confirmation of Microchip numbers as to their existence in the animal or not under Identification Confirmation details. This is the light blue area just under the Identification area on the system and is optional.
Animals Details
- Class: The selection from this list will determine the Type list. DOMESTIC will default and should be used for cats, dogs, puppies, kittens and birds. For small pets, such as mice, change this to Pocket Pet. For unusual pets, such as snakes, change this to Exotic. For farm animals, such as goats, change this to Livestock.
- Type: The Type list is driven by what is selected in the Class field. Click on the down arrow to select the type of animal this is. EX: dog, puppy, cat, etc.
- If cat or kitten is selected the Feral field will become mandatory.
- Breed/Species: The Breed/Specieslist is driven by what animal Type is selected. Type in the first one to four letters of the animal’s primary breed then click Find Breed/Species or press TAB. If the animal is a mixed breed, select the breed the animal primarily looks like. A pop up menu will display with a list of entries starting from or containing the letters you entered in the order typed or a breed/species will automatically default. If this is the incorrect breed/species, only type in the first letter of the desired breed to start the pop up menu.
- Gender: Click the down arrow to select the animal’s gender.
- Circumstance: Click on the down arrow and select DOA.
- Primary Color: The Color list is driven by what animal Type is selected. Click on the down arrow to select the animal’s primary color.
- Secondary Color: The Color list is driven by what animal Type is selected. Click on the down arrow to select the animal’s secondary color.
- Distinguishing Features:This field is VERY important! Record any patterns on the animal, missing appendages, any scars, tattoos, pregnant, on heat, any injuries, shaved patches etc. Having no distinguishing features is a feature in itself so indicate this if that is the case. This field makes the animal an individual.
Status Details
- Due Out In (days): If the date that defaults in the Due Date Out fieldis incorrect, enter the correct number of days the animal is to be on their stray hold in this field to change it.
- Due Date Out: Use the Due Out In (days) field to add or override a date.
- Date In/Found: Today’s date will default.Click on the Calendar Icon to select the date if this is incorrect. This is the date the animal was found by the finder.
- Lost/Found Address or Location: Enter the street address where the animal was found. If there is not an exact address, enter a description. EX: “South side of Lincoln Park near the swings” or “near the cross streets of Main Street and Park Avenue”.
- City: Type the first one to four letters of the city name then press TAB or click on FINDCITY. This will display a pop up menu that will display ALL cities within the selected state beginning with and containing those one to four letters in the order typed. (*Note: Some cities will show multiple times. Select the one that displays the appropriate state and zip code to the right.) Click on the appropriate city to select it.
- Zip Code: This will default once you have selected the city. If this zip code is incorrect, go back to the City: field, search and select the correct city that displays the correct zip code.
- Jurisdiction: Click on the down arrow and select the correct jurisdiction if this does not default.
- Shelter Location: Click on the down arrow to select the appropriate location the animal will be placed in within your shelter.
- Date In Shelter: This is the date the animal was actually brought into the shelter. Today’s date will default. Click on the Calendar Icon to select the date if this is incorrect
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Add Details.
- Click Add Details.
- Print two copies of the receipt, and have the client sign your copy.
Don’t forget to:
- Add any applicable notes to the General Animal Noteslink in the Animal Menu on the right side of the Edit Animal Details page.