- Call to order. Statement of proper noticing.
- Approve minutes of April and May meetings and special meeting.
- Approve April and May financial report.
- Correspondence.
- Building permits.
- Citizen appearance.
- Liquor license for Christie Mountain.
- Approve Fetke contract.
- Action on driveway/culvert ordinance.
- Action on subdivision ordinance.
- Discussion on town gravel pit.
- Discussion on access to town land.
- Discussion on location for new town hall.
- Discussion on emergency plan.
- Discussion on road work.
- Discussion on ATV signs.
- Discussion/action on ATV ordinance.
- Set date for next meeting.
- Pay bills.
- Adjourn.
DATE: June 12, 2008 TIME: 7:00 PM PLACE: TOWN HALL
Attendees: Wayne Stevens – Chairman, Larry Barringer – Supervisor, Steve Tiegs – Supervisor, Michelle Brinker – Treasurer, Susan Mayer – Clerk, Ed Wundrow, David White, Howard Chatterton, Carolyn Chatterton, Kevin Westlund, Gwen Westlund, Blake Bocek, Mary Tiegs, Vern Chandler
1. Call to order. Wayne Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.
2. Approve minutes of previous and special meetings. Steve Tiegs/Larry Barringer motion to approve April, May, and special meeting minutes – motion carried.
3. Approve financial report. Wayne Stevens/Larry Barringer motion to accept the Treasurer’s May report – motion carried.
4. Correspondence.
- Notice from the county clerk of fall primary and general elections.
- Notice from Department of Agriculture & Trade to contact them if the township has an issue with door-to-door/transient sellers. Township has no ordinance against these sellers so issue is moot.
- Notice from the DNR that they have given an initial OK for Ryall & Zimmerman’s project to put in a fish habitat in Alder creek in September 2009.
- Public notice of county reclassification of lakes and ponds in the area.
- Logging permit given to NW properties for 200 acres in section 29.
- Financial report from Bruce library.
- E-mail from Nancy Mertz concerning background information on Rusk County’s bid to Town of Murry for work on Imalone road. Town of Murry ad in paper incorrectly stated 2 ½ inches instead of 3 inches. Rusk County based their estimate on that number. Monarch based their estimate on 3”. The town of Murry recalculated at their meeting what Rusk County’s bid would be at 3” and Rusk County’s bid was still significantly lower than Monarch’s. Rusk County Highway Department would not sign a contract however due to state laws. Murray stated that it was their policy to only do work with companies with a signed contract and took Monarch’s bid instead. Ed Wudrow explained again why Rusk County Highway Department is not allowed to sign a contract under state law but that they have done work for 6 townships and have never gone over their bid. Ed suggested that the Town of Atlanta always have a board member at a Murry town meeting if they will be discussing work on Imalone road. Wayne Stevens will schedule a joint meeting with the board of the town of Murry to discuss the bidding process.
5. Building Permits.
- Jeff Krenz – pole building style garage and cabin.
- Jim & Cindy Gillett – 24’x24’ addition to existing home, 24’x24’ basement, 12’x1’6 attached deck
- Daniel Christenson – moving building to use for storage
- Walter Jankowsky – 13’x8’ wood shed, 24’x14’ storage shed
6. Citizen appearance. Ed Wundrow askedfor an update on the issue of animals at large from the Bob Pojetta farm. Wayne Stevens said that the sheriff’s office has been called because Mr. Pojetta’s steers have been on the road and on other people’s property. Dead animals were found at the farm so the County Animal Control department has been contacted. The District Attorney has classified the farm as a nuisance and the animals will be removed.
Blake Bocek asked if the culvert on Johnson road could be put back in place. It is causing an erosion problem. Wayne Stevens/Larry Barringer motion to put back a 24” smooth bore plastic culvert on Johnson road – motion carried.
Blake Bocek presented a document signed by himself and Mary Jane Brockman. They, the adjoining property owners of the fence located on the East property line of the SW of NW of Section 36, Town 35N, Range 8W in the town of Atlanta, County of Rusk, have agreed that the normal responsibility of fence maintenance will be reversed. Blake Bocek will be responsible for the northern portion of the fence and Mary Jane Brockman will be responsible for the southern portion of the fence.
7. Beer and Liquor licenses. Wayne Stevens/Steve Tiegs made a motion to renew Christie Mountain’s Class B beer and liquor license for another year – motion carried.
8. Mike Fetke’s contract. Steve Tiegs/Wayne Stevens made a motion to accept Mike Fetke’s contract for town road maintenance for another year – motion carried.
9. Action on driveway/culvert ordinance. Steve Tiegs/Larry Barringer motion to accept the driveway/culvert ordinance put forward from the Planning Committee – motion carried. Ordinance will be signed later by the board since the form available at the meeting was a draft copy.
10. Action on subdivision ordinance. Steve Tiegs/Larry Barringer motion to accept the subdivision ordinance put forward from the Planning Committee – motion carried. Ordinance was signed by the board.
11. Discussion on town gravel pit. Discussion on selling the land and retaining 10 acres in case the town wants to use it for a future town hall building. The board asked Vern Chandler to begin reclamation by pushing the east wall down and connecting the two large holes to make a pond. The board reread the Annual Meeting minutes and decided to call a special town meeting to specifically ask “How much of the town gravel pit land can be sold?” and “How can the money from the sale of the land be used – for a new town hall building or for reclamation?”
12. Discussion on access to town land. Steve Tiegs discussed access across Alan Pearson’s land to town land in section 20. Mr. Pearson wants to know how much the town is willing to pay for the approximate 2 acres. Steve said that route would be high and dry. Board decided to talk the area in the future.
13. Discussion on location for new town hall. See item #11
14. Discussion on emergency plan. Wayne Stevens said the town needs a written emergency plan (for event of flood/tornado, etc.) The plan will probably call for contacting the county highway department/sheriff/and-or private contractors. Wayne said he would contact the town of Big Bend which has an emergency plan.
15. Discussion on road work. There are still 2 used culverts in the town gravel pit. Vern Chandler said he was still interested in buying them for $50. Potential road work for this year includes Imalone Road ($65,000), rut paving a portion of Dearhamer and Johnson roads ($40,000), and trying poly sealing on a portion of Dearhamer road ($10,000). Culverts need to be put back into Dearhamer road this year and there are existing problems with some bridges that need to be fixed.
16. Discussion on ATV signs. Larry Barringer said most of the signs are up and he will be finishing the rest shortly.
17. Discussion/action on ATV ordinance. Additional road opened to ATV traffic of Norwegian road from Tyman to CTH O. Larry Barringer/Wayne Stevens motion to accept change to ordinance – motion carried. Board will sign ordinance later when addition can be made to existing ordinance. The board reminded people that if anyone sees ATV’s ripping up roads or riding where they are not allowed, to contact the sheriff, game warden, or one of the board members.
18. Set Date for Next Meeting. Thursday, July 10, 7:00 p.m.
19. Pay Bills. Vouchers were presented for May. Larry Barringer/ Steve Tiegs motion to pay those bills – motion carried. Vouchers were presented for June. Steve Tiegs/Wayne Stevens motion to pay those bills – motion carried.
20. Adjourn. Motion by Wayne Stevens/Larry Barringer to adjourn meeting – motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m.