Handout number 4

Learning or learner strategies

______Strategy definition other possible terms metacognitve


Set Goals develop personal objectives determine, planning,

Identify the purpose of the plan, establish organization


Directed decide in advance, focus, pay attention planning,

Attention ignore distraction hone in monitoring,



Activate prior, know, remember use what you recall, connect

Background know- prior Kn. visualize


Predict anticipate info, prepare, guess, anticipate planning,

Give direction to task estimate compare/


Organizational plan the task and outline, brainstorm, planning,

Planning content sequence priority, interpersonal goal setting

Self management arrange for conditions know your style introspect

that helps you learn intrapersonal

Ask If It Makes check understanding, monitor comprehension, monitor

Sense track progress, identify self-evaluate evaluate


Selectively focus, key words, VIP, scan, look for monitoring,

Attend VIQ, target specifics analyzing

Deduction/ consciously apply use a rule, organizing,

Induction learned or self- make rules evaluating,

developed rules reasoning

Personalize, relate info to personal relationships, remembering Contextualize experiences compare/contrast values,

Connections, schema relevance


Note taking write down VIP,VIQ idea maps, flow remembering

Graphic organizer Charts, outlines monitoring

T list, webs

Use imagery create an image in mental picture, P, M, E, A, R

Mind, on paper, etc visualization, draw,

Picture this

Manipulate/ tactile, realia, tangible, role play,pantomine M,E, Rem

Act kinesthesic mime, TPR

Self Talk talk yourself though, positive thinking, P,M, E, Rem

reduce anxiety affective filter,

self confidence/esteem

Cooperation work with others, peer coaching, P,M, E, Rem

Give/receive feedback coop groups, Problem solve


Inference guess, estimate, question logical guessing, problem solve

using clues

Substitute use a synonym, choose paraphrase, problem-solve

A descriptive word circumlocute

Clarification ask questions, ask for questioning P, M, E, A,

Explanations, make restate

Examples, seek meaning verify

Use resources use reference material, look up, google problem solve

Research, search

Summarize create a mental, oral, or summarization evaluating

Written summary

Check goals decide on whether goal learning log, journal, evaluating

Is achieved portfolio

Group/classify relate to, group by ordering, categorizing remember

Attributes labeling

Transfer / cognates Use previously acquired M, E, A, Synthesize

linguistic knowledge,

recognize words that are

similar in other known languages

Learning Strategies Checklist

Think about a lesson or unit you are learning. Check the learning strategies you used for each activity. Describe all learning strategies that you used and think of why you think they helped you. What would you do differently on the next activity?

Activty/lesson/unit Learning Strategies

Example I made predictions before watching

We watched a video about I listed prior knowledge

The Inuit (Eskimos) I did a Knew/New chart or KWL

I used the video pictures to learn new words

I focused on VIP’s and directed my attention

I wrote down Inuit words that I heard

I guessed what the words meant by the context

I started a learning log about Eskimos

We used the library to

look up into about the I used selective attention to find info on my topic

Inuit life I took notes on VIP and VIQ

I made a graphic organizer about foods

I made inferences about the meanings of new words

I visualized about the life of an Inuit boy

I related my prior knowledge to new information

I used imagery to remember new facts

I asked questions for clarification

I checked my work for accuracy

We presented oral

Reports on Inuit life I planned an into, a body and a conclusion

I worked in a coop group and did my part

I asked for feedback to evaluate my oral part

I categorized info about food, housing, and etc.

I made a rubric to check for all the information

Lesson Plans

1.  SDAIE (Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English)

a.  Major concept/theme

b.  Guarded vocabulary (support and content)

c.  Visuals/realia

d.  Tests/assignments

e.  Planned activities

i.  Content/vocabulary building

ii. Format for activities

1.  Coop groups

2.  Pairs

3.  Individual

iii.  Low affective filter

iv.  Modified speech

v.  Contextual clues

vi.  Comprehension checks

vii.  Summative assessment

viii.  Appropriate lesson design

ix.  Content driven

x.  Level of language production (pre production, early, emergence, intermediate)

2.  CALLA (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach)

a.  Objective

b.  Preparation

i.  Elaboration

ii. Advance organizer

iii.  Selective attention

c.  Presentation of New Information

d.  Practice

i.  Data check ( ex. – geographical skills)

ii. Synthesis/history

e.  Evaluation

f.  Expansion activity

3.  SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol)

a.  Preparation

i.  Content objectives

ii. Language objectives

iii.  Content concepts

iv.  Supplementary materials

v.  Adaptations needed

vi.  Meaningful activities

b.  Building background

i.  Explicitly link contexts to student backgrounds/experiences

ii. Explicitly link past learning to new concepts

iii.  Emphasize key vocabulary

c.  Comprehensible Input

i.  Use speech appropriate for level of proficiency (rate, enunciation, simple sentence structure)

ii. Explain academic tasks clearly

iii.  Use a variety of techniques/strategies (modeling, demonstrations, gestures, body language)

d.  Strategies

i.  Provide ample opportunities for students to use strategies

ii. Use scaffolding techniques (support, mediation and withdrawal)

iii.  Use a variety of questioning types and include higher order thinking skills

e.  Interaction

i.  Provide frequent opportunities for interaction (conversations, discussions, encourage elaborate responses)

ii. Provide sufficient wait time

iii.  Use varied group configurations

iv.  Give ample opportunities for students to clarify key concepts in L1 and L2

f.  Practice/ Application

i.  Provide hands-on materials, realia and manipulatives

ii. Provide activities for students to apply content and language knowledge

iii.  Provide activities that integrate al language skills (6 parts of language arts)

g.  Lesson delivery

i.  Support content objectives clearly

ii. Support language objectives clearly

iii.  Engage students approx. 90-100% of the period (active participation and on task)

iv.  Pace the lesson to ability level

h.  Review/Assessment

i.  Give a comprehensive review of key vocabulary

ii. Give a comprehensive review of key content concepts

iii.  Provide feedback regularly

iv.  Conduct assessments throughout the lesson

v.  Evaluate individual student progress and lesson/unit

4.  Madeline Hunter lesson plan design (adapted for sheltered instruction)

a.  Anticipatory set

i.  How will you focus student attention

ii. What is a think question

iii.  How will you access prior knowledge

iv.  What activity will you use

b.  Objectives

i.  What do you want the students to learn

ii. What are the 4 main key concepts

c.  Purpose

i.  Why is it important the students know this material

ii. What will do to ensure the material “makes sense”

d.  Instructional Input

i.  Key vocabulary

ii. Visual

iii.  Facts and processes

e.  Modeling

i.  What will you do to model the information

ii. What will the students do to model the information

f.  Checking for understanding

i.  What will the students do or produce to show they understand

ii. What contextual clues will be used

g.  Guided practice

i.  What work will the students do individually, in pairs, or in groups

ii. What will the teacher do to support the practice

h.  Independent Practice

i.  What are the students expected to do by themselves

ii. Is there careful attention paid to reading length and difficulty

i.  Assessment/Evaluation

i.  What informal and formal protocols will be used for assessment

ii. What informal and formal protocols will be used for evaluation

j.  Extended/ Remediation

i.  What will be used for extensions

ii. What will be used for remediation

5. TESOL (Teaching English speakers of other languages)

a. Topic/theme

b. Literature connection

c. Key vocabulary

d. Connections to prior knowledge or strategies to provide background knowledge

e. Activities

f. Assessments/ evaluation

g. Standards (reading, writing, listening, speaking, writing, science, social studies, math)

h. Extension activities

6.Critical Thinking lesson plans

a.  Pre planning

i.  Critical thinking skill

ii. Prerequisite skills

iii.  Taxonomy level(s)

iv.  Materials

b.  Introduction/theme/objective

c.  Teaching strategy(s)

d.  Conclusions

e.  Applications

f.  Variations/extensions

7.  Sheltered English Teaching (SET)

a.  Select the theme

i.  Review texts and other materials

ii. Review native language and English vocabulary

iii.  Develop unit or theme

b.  Develop a plan

i.  Conduct a task analysis

ii. Determine objectives

1.  Content

2.  Native/primary and English language

iii.  Group concepts and label

iv.  Determine order of presentation

1.  Choose 4 VIP’s and 4 VIQ’s to present first/last

c.  Diagnose to determine level of students

d.  Set the stage

i.  Present an overview of the learning

ii. Introduce the activity

e.  Teach the vocabulary

i.  Introduce new terms

ii. Develop a word bank

f.  Teach the concepts

i.  Use a multimedia/multi strategy approach

ii. Use higher level thinking skills

iii.  Determine if you need a diagnostic lesson (students have no prior knowledge) or an instructional lesson (have some prior knowledge)

g.  Guide the practice

i.  Provide experiences to apply so students will “store” new concepts/words

ii. Do lessons in group/pairs/individual work

iii.  Rotate students and encourage interaction

h.  Assess the results

i.  Give formal and informal assessments

ii. Evaluate the final performance of students and teacher

8.  Theme based lesson plans

a.  Main concepts

b.  Sensory experiences included

c.  Performing arts/drama experiences

d.  Arts/crafts included

e.  Audio visual/media/technology used

f.  Problem solving activities

g.  Literature used

h.  Writing activities used

i.  Math skills used

j.  Environmental activities used

k.  Science activities used

l.  Phonetic and spelling skills

m.  New vocabulary and terms

n.  Home activities included

o.  Class interaction activities ( pairs, groupings)

p.  Cross curricular assessments used