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Do You Mind?

Lecture Goals

Discuss the ______

Discuss how early religion, philosophy, and biology influenced Psychology’s identity

Discuss how early religion, philosophy, and biology influenced ______of Psychology


Drove development of Psychology

Still does

Important questions

What is ______?

How does it ______with the brain?

The Religious Mind

The mind is the ______

Your ______


The body

Vessel for the ______

Ghost in the ______


Good behavior = follows ______codes of conduct

Bad behavior = ______

Stone Age

______can reside in the head

Early exorcism

______to release spirits

1400 BC

Vedic priests purge "______" to cure patients

1000 BC

The Etruscans, Greeks, Egyptians believe deities responsible for ______

Saint Augustine (354-430)

God endows ______

For humans to be good, they must be able to ______to do good
Makes connection between human thinking (______) and human nature (______)
Identifies different kinds of thought in the mind
Devine (______)
Derived (______)
Tension between (soul) faith and (______) appetites (lust, greed)

Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

Interested in reconciliation between ______

Doctrine of ______
Faith and reason are separate ways of knowing
Something can be true in rational philosophy but ______
CAN argue and debate about natural phenomena and religion ______

Body and soul are ______

Emotion must be understood holistically - in terms of its ______and psychological qualities
But, believed in a ______with cognitive abilities!?!?!

Middle Ages

______treat the abnormal

Mental illness ______by demonic possession
Early milieu therapy
Calm places -- monasteries and abbeys
Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches)

Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches) published by Dominican Monks

Fuels ______
Pope, Roman Authorities, University of Cologne approve the book
Thousands of mentally ill burned and ______throughout Europe
Accused of being under the influence of ______


Changes in attitudes ______

Rise in value of logic and ______


Views about mental illness begin to shift to ______

Contributions to modern Psychology

Mind = ______

Mind is distinctly different from the ______

Mentally ill need ______(Milieu therapy)

Thought can come from the ______behavior

There are different kinds of ______

Contributions to misunderstandings

Psychology = ______

Ghosts & out of body experience
Identity = ______

______= spiritual leader?

Seek spiritual counselors

True helpers
Psychic healers
Faith healers

Mentally ill

Evil, ______

Should be feared and ______

Brutal ______

Holes in head


The Philosophical Mind

The ______

Filters input into mind (sensation & perception)

Sometimes does not provide ______

______of the mind

Where does knowledge come from?

Origin of thought & Psamtik I, King of Egypt

Natural language = Phrygian, not Egyptian

______of the mind

Logical, critical thinking = truest knowledge


Brain is seat of ______

Transmigration of souls

Some knowledge is innate (______)

3 part dualistic soul

Immortal/rational part -- ______

Courageous (emotional) part -- ______

Appetitive part (body desires/drives) -- ______

Conflict and Personality

If rational part dominates, suppress other 2 => true knowledge, ______

If appetitive part dominates => ______

______= conflict between body drives and soul


Brain mainly for cooling blood, ______

Soul and body ______independent


Senses can be trusted

Rational thought important, but so is ______

______= conflict between drives and moral codes


Organized nature in ______

Step 1: Ask “what is the question?”

Step2: Define terms

Step3: Review what other (experts) think

Step 4: Explain what you think

Set stage for first steps of ______


What is real? What is imagined?

Am I imagined? Is my body? Is my reality constructed?

Consciousness = function of ______

“Cogito ergo sum”

Animals have ______

Much behavior does not require ______


The ______must control unconscious behavior (reflexes)

Placed mind ______(pineal gland)

Interactive Dualism/Cartesian Dualism

Mind and brain are separate, but ______

Allowed ______

Scientists study the body (brain, reflexes)

Church works on influencing the mind

Are we natural ______?

Bering and Bjorklund (2004)

Younger children and the Mr. Alligator and brown mouse story

Mouse’s ______processes ceased

Mouse’s ______processes continue

Thinking, wanting, knowing

Cultural Beliefs (from Bloom, 2004)

Double funerals



______Americans believe in heaven

______Americans believe in angels

______into a computer

Contributions to modern Psychology

Began to ask questions about the ______

Conscious vs. unconscious processes

Began to ask questions about the ______of the mind

Mind is product of the brain

How well do mental representations correspond ______?

Emphasized the need for critical thinking and ______to determine truth

Noted role of body (______) in madness

Planted seeds of ______(Aristotle)

______allowed scientists and the church to coexist

Raises questions about the ______mind/body

Contributions to modern misunderstandings

Mind = ______

Psychology = paranormal

Plato’s ______= body (desires) vs. soul

Mentally ill

Give into drives, spiritually weak, not strong critical thinkers


The Biological Mind

The ______

Origin of thought, emotion, perception, behavior

The ______

Biological causes of

Identity (______)

Mental illness

500 BC

Alcmaeon of Croton

Promoted ______

Helped rid medicine of superstition and ______

Dissected humans

Sensations, perception, memory, thinking ______

Health = ______of warm/cold, moist/dry, bitter/sweet

Hippocrates (460-377 BC)


Hippocratic Oath

______(not spiritual)

Inherited susceptibilities


Imbalance of humors

______(not magical cures)






Theory of ______

If any humor was out of balance = ______

Elements, Personality, and Theory of Humors

______=> Blood

Confident, witty, courageous, optimistic, extraverted

______=>Yellow Bile

Rash, violent, discontented, envious, extraverted


Dumb, nice, lazy, easy going, introverted

______=> Black Bile

Depressed, frustrated, emotional, introverted

Middle Ages

Bethlehem Hospital in England begins ______

Becomes known as "Bedlam"

1700 and 1800s

Treatments based on physiology

Ice water

Bloodletting and leeches


Erasmus Darwin believes that all disease was as a result of "______




Joseph Gall (1758-1828)

Bumps on head specific for ______

Localization of function

When the person with the stealing bump did not steal, other bumps for positive characteristics were over-riding

Used in the U.S.

By parents raising children

For ______



Investigations into ______systems and mental states

Brain damage cases

Surgery cases

______with functional regions


1793-1822 ______runs hospitals for the insane

Clean, more and better food, cuts ______of drugs

Provides work therapy and reading

______drops dramatically

Uses autopsies to ______that brain lesions are cause of insanity

Develops early system of classifying and diagnosing mental illness according to ______

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Theory of natural selection (1859)


OOPS -- Bayer pharmaceuticals create ______which is widely promoted as a cough remedy


______still in use

Canvas covered bathtub for 1 to 12 hours with continuously flowing water

Submerging the chair-bound person ______

Alternating jets of hot and cold water


______therapy (U.S.)

WWII Nazi experiments

NEED FOR ______

Contributions to modern psychology

Connected mental health to early ______and their methods

Studied brain-thought-behavior connections

Also included ______thought (reflexes)

______mental illness and identity from religion and superstition

Away with exorcism

______tomore humane treatments

Connected mental illness and identity to more ______

Rise of ______causes & treatments

Early classification of mental disorders based on ______

Focus on studying personality of ______people

______theories of personality



Theory of natural selection

Contributions to modern misunderstandings

______treatments for mental illness

Scary and unpleasant

View: mentally ill ______

Creates confusion between science and ______remedies

______of experts and scientists to

Understand brain-mind connections (Gall)

Offer helpful therapy

Equated early psychological research with ______and brain dissection

Unethical ______