Main Site URL /
Do you have third party content? /
What services do you provide? / This department provides support to various city departments to include grass mowing services, codes abatement, grafitti removal and various construction renovations services.
Do you link to content in another department? / No
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website? / It provides infomation to citizens and inmate's families regarding the services we offer.
What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website? / N/A
Department / Budget and Evaluation
Main Site URL /
Do you have third party content? / No
What services do you provide? / Copies of adopted and recommended operating and capital budgets for the past several years. Information for outside agencies requesting funding - guidelines, reporting forms. Quarterly financial reports and bond rating reports. General information about the budget and budget process.
Do you link to content in another department? / No
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website? / Links to documents on left hand side. Links to many years of budget documents.
What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website? / Pages are very long and have a lot of text. Not much information on the main page; have to scroll down to get to contact information and budget documents. We probably have more information we could provide and there may be outside links to include.
Department / Circuit Court CLerk's Office
Main Site URL /
Do you have third party content? / We do link to some outside resources
What services do you provide?
Do you link to content in another department? / No
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website? / A few questions the public has can be answered
What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website? / It could be much more informative if powers that be would be interested in something like that
Department / Engineering
Main Site URL /
Do you have third party content? /
What services do you provide? / On-line Permitting (ROW, Over Dimensional, Land Disturbing (soon to be implemented), we take credit cards, on-line contractural invoicing for projects, on-line SW Business credits. Responsible for the Design Criteria Manual, maintaining and publishing Project Status Report (monthly). Engineering is responsible for the design and implementation of most projects in the City. Please see Main site link for responsibilities.
Do you link to content in another department? / Yes. 311, Public Works, Codes, HR (Engineering jobs), State Agencies and Federal Agencies.
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website? / Listing of the various divisions and what services they provide.
What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website?
Department / Finance
Main Site URL /
Do you have third party content? /
What services do you provide? / Benefits: Provide information and enrollment forms for employees regarding benefits, retirement, etc.
Payroll: Provide information and forms for employees relating to withholding, dirct deposit, etc.
Accounting: Contact Information and reports (PDF).
Accounts Payable: Information for employees and vendors, along with PDF links for employees regarding travel policies and travel forms.
Do you link to content in another department? / Benefits link to HR
Accounts Payable links to HR and Purchasing
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website? / Links to the 3rd party sites, general info PDF links. Contact list for each department.
What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website? / The retirement summary page should link to the Benefits page. Need a distinction between benefits and payroll-a lot of people call benefits instead of payroll. Do not like the navigation pictures on the Accounts Payable section. Also on the AP section it seems like you have to dig to get the info, things are hard to find. Long pages.
Department / Human Services
Main Site URL /
Do you have third party content? / No
What services do you provide? / Pages are primarily information pages with links to other city/state agencies.
Do you link to content in another department? / links to city and state sites are scattered through out pages.
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website? / The fact that the information is basically static and does not require daily changes.
What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website? / Some of the content may be outdated.
/ Department of Human ServicesMain Site URL
/Do you have third party content?
/ Yes, much of our information links to the public site of the Virginia Department of Social Services atWhat services do you provide?
/ We provide services in multiple areas:Social Work Services – Adoption Services, Adult Services, Child Care, Child Protective Services, Children in Need of Supervision (CHINS), Community Resources, Emergency Intake Services, Family Stabilization, Foster Care, Independent Living, Structural Family Therapy, Volunteer Services
Financial Services – Eligibility Services, Energy Assistance, Weatherization, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Prevention Services – Community Outreach and Engagement, Home Visitation Services including Healthy Families and Parents as Teachers, Housing Broker Team (Homelessness prevention,) Parenting Education Services, Fatherhood Services, Teamwork-Options-Pathways to Success (TOPS) Some aspects of the Virginia Cooperative Extension, Youth Services.
Employment Services – Virginia Incentive for Employment not Welfare (VIEW), Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program Employment Training (SNAPET)
Administrative Support and Infrastructure – Mail and file coordination and distribution, Communications, Public Information, Fiscal Operations, Human Resources, Information Technology, Management Support
Comprehensive Services Act
Do you link to content in another department?
/ Only in the case of a collaborative or joint event
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website?
/ Some parts of the page are easier to use than others. There is so much necessary content that can be critical to a persons’ livability whether it be housing, food or protection. At the same time, there is so much content that can be used to make a person or family's lives better - from fatherhood rograms to parent education.What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website?
/ Because of the enormity of the services that we provide, it becomes difficult to navigate. It is redundant to continue supporting the Social Services page. We are and have been the Department of Human Service. Social Services needs to remain in the directory but with a link to the Human Services page.There is so much necessary content that can be critical to a persons’ livability whether it be housing, food or protection. It is difficult to construct the page so that it is relationship based i.e., if you need this, go here, but if this is also the problem, go here, etc. or food stamps don’t exist anymore they are now called SNAP which is different from the Hampton Roads Workforce Development SNAP which is a faith-based or community organization where people can go in their own neighborhoods or communities to look for jobs, assisted by trained individuals who connect them to the regional One-Stop system via computer and direct referrals that is not part of the Department of Human Services
/ PlanningMain Site URL
/Do you have third party content?
/What services do you provide?
/ Link to Zoining Ordinance; Provide information about Planning Commission Meetings; Link to NNTV Planning Commission Meeting webcasts; Post Plans and Studies, City's Comprehensive Plan, Etc; Provide Fillable Planning Commission Applications OnlineDo you link to content in another department?
/ We link to NNTV for our Planing Commission WebcastsWhat do you like about the content you currently provide on the website?
/ Able to provide information about cases going before planning commission and post plans and studies for citizens to be able to access on demand.What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website?
/ Hard to navigate, pages are too long, layout is hard to enter content into and the spacing is inconsistent when editing previously entered content...makes pages look unevenDepartment / Public Works
Main Site URL /
Do you have third party content? / we capture SSORS data from HRSD and maintain a pdf with that data.
we have some pages with links to external sites
What services do you provide? / Solid Waste: garbage, bulk waste, recycling pickup
household hazardous materials/ e-Cycling and residential waste drop-off site
solid waste code enforcement
street maintenance & repair, leaf collection, street sweeping, snow removal, pothole repair
Security services for City buildings
Wastewater (sewer overflow, drainage) services, Fats,Oils and Grease (FOG)
Stormwater services, drainage issues, mosquito and vector control
Do you link to content in another department? / I don't think so.
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website? / provide information about our department's different servcies to help citizens
What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website? / outdated content
too much verbage (much of which is not necessary or needed, in my opinion)
some information is hard to find.
Department / Purchasing
Main Site URL /
Do you have third party content? / Yes:
What services do you provide? / Solicitation (Bids/Proposal): Opportunities; Bid Results; Award Information; Contract Calendar.
Vendor Resources; Registration, SWAM Directory; Links to additional information: Purchasing Ethics;Vendor's Handbook;
How to Do Business With The City; Appeals Procedure;
City Procurement Code; Buy Green Policy
On-line Auction of Surplus
Buy Green PolicyMission StatementBuyer AssignmentsPurchasing LinksMore Purchasing ResourcesPurchasing CodeAdministrative Appeals Procedure
Do you link to content in another department? / No
What do you like about the content you currently provide on the website? / Provides significant resources for Vendors and the Public; many links to active and completed bid opportunities with links to actual downloadable documents.
What do you dislike about the content you currently provide on the website? / None. However, the significant length of time to upload documents is inefficient.