“Do not forget about me, never!” - Stanislao Bechi, Colonel
“Alwaysforwardmy children” - Leon Young de Blankenheim, Colonel
Rules ofthe International Art Competition "January Uprising 1863 and itsheroes"
The honorary patronage: Mr. Piotr Duda – The President of National Commission NSZZ Solidarnosc
- Organizers:
National Sectionof Education"Solidarnosc"
PrivateSchool ofFine Artsin Wloclawek
- The purpose of the Competition:
- ccommemoratingthe 150th anniversary ofthe outbreak ofJanuary Uprising 1893and
- popularizationof thenationaluprisingthrough the artistic expressionin the field ofgraphics andpaintingsin all typesand techniques ofpainting andgraphics.
The uprising waspaid for withthe bloodand sufferingof tens of thousandsof Poles andrepresentatives of manynationssuch as:French, Italians, Englishmen, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Slovaks, Russians and Czechs.
The organizers,appreciatingthe importanceof the independenceeffort anddesiringto restore therightful place of the heroes, organize this competition – GLORY DEFEATED.
- Terms and conditions of entry:
Thecompetition is open tostudentsin two age categories:
-12-15 years
-16-20 years
Each participant is allowed to send maximum two works. Maximum format 50x70cm.
The works can be sent individuallyor by the school. For more informationabout thecontestplease contact; the Commissioner:WojciechJaranowski: tel.603090888, mail: SecretaryJaroslawUmiński- mail: . - The works sent to the Competition are the property of the organizers. The student, who makes a submission to the Competition, automatically consents to free of charge usehis/her workin publicationsrelating to strengtheningthe knowledge ofcreationand to promotethe idea ofCompetition.
- A jury panel, selected by the organizers, will evaluate all works and award the prizes. The awards and prizeswill be awarded ineach age categoryofpaintingand graphics.The authors of the bestworks will receiveprizesand diplomas.
- Final Provisions:
The entriesprovided withthe label(Annex)should be submitted by the 30thJune, 2013to the address ofPrivateSecondary School ofFine Artsin Wloclawek, ul.Zapiecek4,87-800Wloclawek, Poland. The results will be announced up to 31st June, 2013 on the websites: and – at the web page tab: Uprising 1863. The opening of the exhibitionInternational Art Competition"January Uprising 1863and itsheroes" and the award ceremonywill take place inSeptember 2013. Allinterested peoplewill be notifiedby snail mailande-mail.