

Fellowship for postdoctoral training at the Department of Medical and Health Sciences
The Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine has established fellowships for citizens of countries outside of Sweden, with a PhD or equivalent, acquired in another country outside of Sweden. Fellowships are now available within the field of [ÄMNESOMRÅDE], entitled ["PROJEKTTITEL"], to be supervised by Professor [FÖRNAMN EFTERNAMN].
Financing of the fellowship is SEK 25 000 / month for a period of up to two years.

The following criteria apply for the granting of a fellowship:

·  Fellowships may only be granted to foreign citizens with a PhD or equivalent acquired in a country other than Sweden.

·  Fellowships may not consist solely of research collaboration with the mutual exchange of methodological and technical expertise, but must have very clear concise training content.

·  A short Individual education plan (IEP) must be prepared for the Fellow.

·  Each Fellow will have a supervisor.

The following documents must be submitted when applying for a fellowship

·  Application

·  Curriculum vitae with relevant copies of reviews

·  Short Individual education plan (IEP) provided the supervisor

·  Copy of current passport

·  Copy of Swedish residence permit (non-EU citizens)

The application must state if the applicant currently receives or has received other fellowships from the University of Linköping. Note that a Fellow may not receive any additional remuneration (including allowances and other fringe benefits) from the University during the period of the fellowship.

Fellowships are offered tax free and are not eligible for sick or maternity pay. A fellow is not covered by work insurance against work injury, but is covered by the provisions of the Work Environment Act. Fellowship remuneration, being tax-free, does not give any pension rights to the applicant. A fellowship is covered by the State Group and Individual insurance, but each applicant should be aware of their own insurance needs and requirements. Fellows are not employed and therefore not covered by any collective agreements.

Information is provided by [FÖRNAMN EFTERNAMN] phone: 46 10 103 XX XX, .

Application and pertaining documents the applicant wishes to submit should be addressed to: [NN], Linköpings University, Department of Medical and Health Sciences, 581 83 Linköping by [DD/MM/YYYY].

Birgitta Öberg


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Medical and Health Sciences

581 83 Linköping