DMC/DC/F.14/Comp.2192/2/2017/ 28th November, 2017


The Delhi Medical Council through its Executive Committee examined a representation from Addl. Dy. Commissioner of Police, South East District, new Delhi seeking medical opinion on a complaint of Shri Suresh Kumar alleging medical negligence on the part of Dr. S. Mukharjee of Metro Hospital .

The Order of the Executive Committee dated 21st November, 2017 is reproduced herein-below:

“The Executive Committee of the Delhi Medical Council examined a representation from Addl. Dy. Commissioner of Police, South East District, new Delhi seeking medical opinion on a complaint of Shri Suresh Kumar alleging medical negligence on the part of Dr. S. Mukharjee of Metro Hospital (referred hereinafter as the said Hospital).

The Executive Committee perused the representation from Police, copy of complaint of Shri Suresh Kumar and other documents as provided by the police.

The Executive Committee notes that the patient was a case of Rheumatic Heart Disease, mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation, severe aortic regurgitation. Patient underwent dual valve replacement on 25th August, 2008. The patient developed aortic prosthesis obstruction and was admitted in Metro Hospital on 13th November, 2013. The patient was administered thrombolysis with streptokinase. The thrombolysis was successful, however the patient developed Left MCA territory infarct (as per NCCT head dated 15th November, 2013). The patient underwent intra arterial thrombolysis for cerebral artery infarct on 15th November, 2013. Also echocardiography dated 18th November, 2013 didnot show thrombus at aortic prosthetic valve.



In summary, patient presented with aortic valve prosthesis thrombosis which was successfully managed by streptokinase thrombolysis. However patient developed left MCA territory infarct, which is a known complication of thormbolysis.

In light of the observations made herein-above, it is, therefore, the decision of the Executive Committee that prima-facie no case of medical negligence is made out on the part of Dr. S. Mukharjee of Metro Hospitpal, in the treatment administered to complainant at Metro Hospital.

Complaint stand disposed.”

Sd/: Sd/: Sd/:

(Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta) (Dr. Ajay Gambhir) (Dr. Vinay Aggarwal)

Chairman, Member, Member,

Executive Committee Executive Committee Executive Committee


(Dr. Satendra Singh) (Dr. Vimal Mehta) Member Expert Member

Executive Committee Executive Committee

The Order of the Executive Committee dated 21stNovember, 2017 was confirmed by the Delhi Medical Council in its meeting held on 24th November, 2017

By the Order & in the name of Delhi Medical Council

(Dr. Girish Tyagi)


Copy to :-

1)Addl. Dy. Commissioner of Police, South East District, Office of the DCP (South East District), Police Station, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110076.(w.r.t. No. 8410/SO-DCP/SED(AC-V), New Delhi, dated 17.08.2017)-for information.

(Dr. Girish Tyagi)
