9 Sept 2013- 22 May 13
Child’s Name: ______Age: ______
Date of Enrollment: ______Birth Date: ______
SPONSOR Name: ______
SPOUSE Name: ______
This agreement is set forth to provide information regarding policies and procedures of the Child Development Part Day Enrichment Program (PDE) and to obtain parental agreement to policies and procedures. Please indicate your concurrence by reading and initialing each item.
____1. Part Day Enrichment hours are Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0830-1130. The PDE program is closed all federal holidays, family/down days, and the following school vacation days: 7-11 Oct 13, 28 and 29 Nov 13 for Thanksgiving break; 23 Dec 13 thru 3 Jan 14 for Christmas break; and 7-21 March 14 for spring break. PDE will meet on all Tucson Unified School District teacher work days and other similar school closures. Parent orientation is scheduled for4 Sept from 9:30-1030. The PDE classes begin the week of 9 Sep 13. The last day of class is 22 May 14. If the center closes by Command decision weekly fee will be prorated.
____2. The monthly fees are based on total family income (determined by DD Form 2652 Application for Reduced Child Care Fees.). Established fees are not prorated for federal holidays. If payment is not made at that time, a late fee of $25.00 for each child will be assessed and charged along with the payment owed to your credit card that the center has on file. You will be notified if your credit card is declined with an additional $5.00 per day charge until payment is paid in full. Partial payments will not be accepted. If the fee remains outstanding and unpaid for five days the center reserves the right to declare this contract void and no further care for my child will be allowed. The center also reserves the right to contact the sponsor’s Commander/First Sergeant if the account is delinquent and initiate proceedings against my military/civilian pay as stated in pertinent Air Force Instructions.
______Category ______Monthly Fee*
____3. Monthly fees reflect the number of weeks the program is provided divided into equal monthly payments, first payment is due 9 Sep 13.
____4. A non-refundable deposit of $50.00 is payable within 24 hours of enrollment and signature on this agreement. The deposit will be credited to your first payment. The deposit is non-refundable should you elect not to enroll your child after signing this agreement.
____5. Children must be picked up no later than the posted closing time. There will be an overtime charge of $1.00 per minute for pick up after closing time.
____6. Monthly payments must be made no later than the 2nd class day of the month
____7. Children must be at least 3 years old by 31 Aug 13 and fully toilet-trained to enroll in the Part Day program.
____8. Any vacation or leave taken is at the expense of the parent. Parents are encouraged to notify the PDP program NLT 0900 each day if they know their child will not be in attendance.
____9. Children in attendance cannot present a risk to the health of other’s. Parents will be called to pick up their child within one hour when the following symptoms are present:
· A temperature of 100 degrees or higher (temperature is taken under the arm) or has any symptoms of any contagious
· Disease including eye discharge, rashes, strep infections, persistent (more than one) or severe
· Diarrhea/vomiting
Children must be symptom free for 24 hours from the time the child is picked up before he/she can return to the center. Only a medical physician can authorize a child to return to the center before 24 hours. This authorization must be provided in writing in order for the child to be accepted into care.
____10. All children must have a current AF 1181 on file. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to update any changes if and when they occur, i.e. emergency contact, duty phone, shot records. Failure to maintain current information will result in suspension of the program until all items are current. Children will only be released to individuals listed on the “adults authorized to sign in/out” section of the AF Form 1181. Parent(s) must provide verbal or written notice to the front desk before this occurs. No telephone release will be allowed unless extreme emergency and upon approval from Supervisor on-site. Individuals authorized by you on any specific day to pick up your child must provide photo identification to front desk staff or your child will not be released to that person. Any special needs and/or allergies must be documented on the AF Form 1181. If any special needs are identified, a completed Child Development Center’s Special Needs Form must be completed by your child’s physician before your child’s may start the program.
_____11. Withdrawal Notification: Parent withdrawing their child and canceling this contract will be required to pay all applicable fees. A two-week notification period is required. Failure to provide 2 weeks’ notice requires payment of fees for the notification period.
____ 12.Termination of Enrollment: The CDC Director may terminate enrollment of a child for just cause, such as continual behavior problems or non-payment of fees.
a. In the case of non-payment of fees. Please refer to the payment section for the procedures in this situation.
b. In the case of continual behavioral problems. Every effort will be made prior to termination to accommodate the needs of the child. Efforts include, but are not limited to; making changes to the room environment, when appropriate, providing necessary special equipment, receiving special needs training from outside sources, and using outside resources for referrals as deemed necessary. The primary focus of the CDC will always be on what is in the best interest of all the children in care. If behavior problems persist, a comprehensive behavior modification plan will be implemented. If the problem is not resolved, the contract may become void. The center may request that parents have children evaluated by outside sources. (Child Find, Blake Foundation, etc.). The center reserves the right to terminate care if parents choose not to seek help for their child. If termination of care is the determined solution, after all other options have been explored and exhausted, the CDC will give the patron a two-week written termination
c. In the case that the Part Day Classroom is needed for full time care, the Part Day Program will be canceled with a 30 day notice.
_____13. Food from home or other personal items are not to be brought into the Program (we will not be held responsible for damaged or misplaced items). The Child Development Center provides all meals from approved food sources.
______14. All children must wear appropriate clothing and closed toed shoes that cover children’s toes and have a back to prevent any safety or health hazards. Children may not wear jewelry or small hair barrettes that can fall off and become choking hazards or become entangled and cause injuries while playing on playground equipment
By my signature, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the rules and information concerning DM Child Development Center Part Day Program Contract agreement, I have been provided a copy for reference, and agree to pay fees in advance of care.
Sponsor’s Signature Spouse’s Signature Date
CDC Staff Date