Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Meeting held at the Stanford Centre, Cooper Lane, Laceby on Tuesday 20 October 2015 at 7.15 p.m.
11262Present: Mrs. S. Greenbeck. Mrs. S. Turner. Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman – in the Chair for this meeting. Mrs. J. Howells.
Mrs. R. James. D. Marshall.
Also Present: Debbie Weatherill – Clerk.
11263Apologies: Parish Councillors: M. Greenbeck – Chairman. P. Schofield.
Wold Councillors: Mrs. M. Dickerson & D. Hasthorpe.
11264Declarations of Interest
Councillor James completed an interest form being a neighbour of the former Little Chef Site (Planning Application – minor amendments to be discussed).
11265Dispensation Requests – none received.
No Public Forum – none present.
11266Planning Matters
DM/0890/15/FUL –Variation of Conditions – 1 (Approved Plans) & 3 (Approved Layout) granted on planning application DM/0373/14/FUL. (Variation of Condition 2 (in accordance with submitted plans and documents), 4 (café size details), 7 (landscape maintenance) and 19 (hard surfaces and parking) granted on planning application DC/505/10/WOL – (Demolish existing restaurant building and erect road side service area to include fuel filling station, convenience store, jet car wash, associated parking and alterations to existing access to include amended petrol canopy details and footpath) seeking minor amendments including alterations to footpaths, entrances, passing lanes, hardstanding, canopies materials, doorways and deletion of gable piers and plinth at the former Little Chef Site, Barton Street, Laceby.
Members of the Parish Council held no objections to the amendments providing they did not alter the one way system within the site and the entrance and exit previously agreed upon.
NELC Planning Consultee Access – an email detailing how to register for instant access to the planning portal was received and it was resolved that the Clerk register on behalf of the Parish Council.
Email from the agent for Larkfleet Homes regarding road names was noted,it was agreed to put forward some suggestions for road names. Noted toothat a further meeting would be arranged with Larkfleet in respect of the Community Fund.
11267Butt Lane Field – Lease and other matters
Discussions took place on various matters regarding the Butt Lane Sports Field site and it was considered that the Parish Council should be telling NELC what they wanted in respect of the Lease for the land etc.
Consideration was given to the following points:-
- Is there a firm commitment from volunteers who originally wanted to get the site up and running, and how many volunteers are there?
- How many hours must volunteers spend at the site to take money for tickets to use the tennis courts; basketball facilities and how would money be collected from the bowling club, footballers and cricketers.
- Would it be possible to employ someone to be on the site – if so, Parish Council must consider minimum wage, number of hours to be worked, and the new auto enrolment in respect of pensions.
- The Clerk brought up the matter of the travellers and how much it cost to remove them from the site – would the Parish Council want a clause in the Lease regarding this in respect of legalities – resolved the Clerk contact NELC to request costs under Freedom of Information requests.
- Not sure yet what is to be done in respect of the 106 agreement for the anticipated 100 homes to be built off Blyth Way – upgraded road supposed to be connecting with the mini roundabout opposite the field.
Councillor Marshall queried who had not been down on site and looked inside the Pavilion or bowling green area – since most of the Councillors present wanted to do this – it was resolved that the Clerk organise keys from NELC to open up the Pavilion for inspection by the Parish Councillors on Wednesday 28 October 2015 at 10 am.
The meeting was declared closed at 8.50 p.m. by the Vice Chairman, Councillor Metcalf.
SIGNED…………………………………………………… 3 November 2015
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