Sam wants to create a presentation to show his classmates on his computer. Sam is using:

  1. Digital media
  2. Mass media
  3. Media
  4. Overhead


OBJ: DM101.01

MSC: DM101.01.01

REF: Digital media 1 worksheet 101.01.W1

Sam is putting a voiceover in his presentation for the class. What element of digital media is Sam using?

  1. Animation
  2. Audio
  3. Graphics
  4. Video


OBJ: DM101.01

MSC: DM101.01.02

REF: Digital Media 1 worksheet 101.01.W2

Sarah needed some resources for a research paper. She typed a URL in the web browser. Which form of digital media productions was she using for her research?

  1. Games
  2. Presentations
  3. Tutorials
  4. Web pages


MSC: DM101.01.03

REF: Digital Media 1 Worksheet 101.01.W3

Printed books, newspapers, and magazines are examples of what type of media?

  1. Digital media
  2. Multimedia
  3. Social media
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.04

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

An online book is an example of what type of media?

  1. Digital media
  2. Multimedia
  3. Social media
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.05

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

George uses printed handouts and a PowerPoint with embedded video for his presentation. What media type is George using?

  1. Digital media
  2. Multimedia
  3. Social media
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.06

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

An online tutorial with screen shots and text displayed on Web pages is an example of what type of media?

  1. Digital media
  2. News media
  3. Social media
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.07

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

David is learning to use Adobe Photoshop by following directions from a printed textbook to manipulate sample files provided with the textbook. This tutorial is an example of what type of media?

  1. News media
  2. Multimedia
  3. Social media
  4. Old media


MSC: DM101.01.08

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

A professional blogger most specifically fits into which type of media career?

  1. Old media
  2. Multimedia
  3. Social media
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.09

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

A person wanting to develop websites is interested in what type of media career?

  1. Digital media
  2. News media
  3. Multimedia
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.10

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes


A person wanting to operate a printing press is interested in a career in which type of media?

  1. Digital media
  2. Multimedia
  3. Social media
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.11

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Mark is a graphic designer. He works on a team to produce websites for a large pharmaceutical company. Mark’s career is in which type of media?

  1. Digital media
  2. Multimedia
  3. Social media
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.12

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Helena is a stand up comedian. She produces humorous video clips that she incorporates into her routine. Helena’s career is in what type of media?

  1. Digital media
  2. Multimedia
  3. Social media
  4. Traditional media


MSC: DM101.01.13

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Phillip designs a logo for a company’s website. In what element of digital media is Phillip working?

  1. Animation
  2. Graphics
  3. Video
  4. Web design


MSC: DM101.01.14

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Grover has been given a logo to add to a website. In what element of digital media is Grover working?

  1. Animation
  2. Audio
  3. Graphics
  4. Web design


MSC: DM101.01.15

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Juan is producing the sound effects for a video. In what element of digital media is Juan working?

  1. Audio
  2. Graphics
  3. Video
  4. Web design


MSC: DM101.01.16

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Andrew is editing clips in a music video. In what element of digital media is Andrew working?

  1. Audio
  2. Graphics
  3. Video
  4. Web design


MSC: DM101.01.17

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Sam is creating fly-in text to be used in a music video. In what element of digital media is Sam working?

  1. Animation
  2. Graphics
  3. Video
  4. Web design


MSC: DM101.01.18

OBJ: DM101.01

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

OBJECTIVE DM 101.02 3%

Fred goes on vacation with his parents but is able to access his school work through the Internet. Fred is using digital media in which area of his life?

  1. Business
  2. Education
  3. Social
  4. Leisure


MSC: DM101.02.01

REF: DM 101.02 Lesson 1 activity

Using the Internet to meet new people or make new friends is which kind of digital media trend?

  1. Business
  2. Education
  3. Social
  4. Leisure


MSC: DM101.02.02

REF: DM101.02 Lesson 2 activity

A local business is videotaping a commercial that will include a jingle and text. What combination of career trends will they use in this television advertisement?

  1. Audio, graphics, & web design
  2. Audio, video, & graphics
  3. Audio, video, & HTML
  4. Web design, audio, & video


MSC: DM101.02.03

REF: DM101.02 Lesson 3 activity

Eric is on a business trip and is able to log in to his company’s server and access files through a secure connection. Eric is using digital media in which area of his life?

  1. Business
  2. Education
  3. Social
  4. Leisure


MSC: DM101.02.04

REF: DM 101.02 Lesson 1 activity

Using Facebook or Twitter to connect with or follow friends online is which kind of digital media trend?

  1. Business
  2. Education
  3. Social
  4. Technical


MSC: DM101.02.05

REF: DM101.02 Lesson 2 activity

A local sports franchise is commissioning a fast-paced, energetic video that will run on the Jumbotron to increase fan participation. They want it to include action clips, text elements and music. What skills are needed to create the video?

  1. Audio, graphics, & web design
  2. Audio, video, & graphics
  3. Audio, video, & HTML
  4. Web design, audio, & video


MSC: DM101.02.06

REF: DM101.02 Lesson 3 activity



Sally is conducting a business meeting and wants it to be a success. Which of the following will may it LESS likely that she’ll achieve that goal?

  1. Assigning specific actions to individuals
  2. Dominating the flow of conversation
  3. Monitoring the pace of the conversation
  4. Striving for a resolution of all issues discussed


OBJ: DM 102.01

MSC: DM 102.01.01

REF: 102.01 H1

Sally is having trouble keeping her business meeting positive and interactive. Which course of action offers the best hope for improving the tone of the meeting?

  1. Allow arguments to continue indefinitely
  2. Encourage group decisions and compromise
  3. Reschedule the meeting for another time
  4. Watch and see where the conversation goes


OBJ: DM 102.01

MSC: DM 102.01.02

REF: 102.01 H1

When participating in a business meeting, which of the following behaviors is least beneficial?

  1. Being on time for the meeting
  2. Being respectful of other participants
  3. Listening but not participating in the discussion
  4. Staying focused on the topic being discussed


OBJ: DM 102.01

MSC: DM 102.01.03

REF: 102.01 H1

Ben is nervous about a business meeting his CEO scheduled for his department. As the department head, how can Ben best prepare to present his ideas accurately?

  1. Organize his thoughts in his head and speak extemporaneously
  2. Organize his thoughts on paper or computer before the meeting
  3. Relax and skip preparation because he knows the subject well
  4. Rely on impromptu speaking skills to get through the presentation


OBJ: DM 102.01

MSC: DM 102.01.04

REF: 102.01

Angela is a part of a team developing documentation for a computer game. Members of the team are writing different sections of the user guide. Which is most critical to producing sections that are consistently written and presented?

  1. Creativity
  2. Enthusiasm
  3. Individuality
  4. Teamwork


OBJ: DM 102.01

MSC: DM 102.01.05

REF: 102.01


Which of the following is the science of designing a work environment to maximize productivity while minimizing stress and strain on the human body?

  1. Biology
  2. Chiropractics
  3. Ergonomics
  4. RSI


OBJ: DM 102.02

MSC: DM102.02.01

REF: 102.02

How should power cables be managed to help prevent people from tripping?

  1. Keep out of walkways
  2. Link multiple surge protectors together
  3. Plug in to the same outlet when possible
  4. Run wherever it is most convenient


OBJ: DM 102.02

MSC: DM102.02.02

REF: 102.02

Which is an example of identity theft?

  1. Bill opens an email from an unknown person and now his PC will not work.
  2. Kate receives an email saying she has won a free trip if she will pay a $19.99 fee.
  3. Sue receives her credit card bill and sees numerous items she did not purchase.
  4. Tim opens his email and discovers dozens of new emails from senders he does not know.


OBJ: DM102.02

MSC: DM102.02.03

REF: DM102.02 Lesson 2 Activity

Karen notices that one of her lighting cables is cut and several wires are showing. With which type of safety issue should she be concerned?

  1. Electrical hazards
  2. Ergonomics hazards
  3. Lifting hazards
  4. Trip hazards


OBJ: DM102.02

MSC: DM102.02.04

REF: DM102.02 Lesson 2 Activity, Physical and Digital Safety Issues PowerPoint

While plugging in his audio board Bob notices that the cord is frayed. With which type of physical safety issue should he be concerned?

  1. Electrical hazards
  2. Ergonomics hazards
  3. Lifting hazards
  4. Trip hazards


MSC: DM102.02.05

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

To get the video project completed by the deadline Mary knows she will be editing for the next eight to ten hours. With which type of physical safety issue should she be concerned?

  1. Electrical hazards
  2. Ergonomics hazards
  3. Lifting hazards
  4. Trip hazards


MSC: DM102.02.06

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Mac has had a truckload of equipment delivered to the school and has to get the equipment to the auditorium. With which type of physical safety issue should he be most concerned?

  1. Electrical hazards
  2. Ergonomics hazards
  3. Lifting hazards
  4. Trip hazards


MSC: DM102.02.07

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Sue needs to run cables throughout the auditorium to tape a school concert. With which type of physical safety issue should she be concerned?

  1. Electrical hazards
  2. Ergonomics hazards
  3. Lifting hazards
  4. Trip hazards


MSC: DM102.02.08

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Matt is setting up audio and video equipment to tape a school assembly. He has to connect several components from one side of the gym to his switch located on the opposite side. With which type of physical safety issue should he be concerned?

  1. Electrical hazards
  2. Ergonomics hazards
  3. Lifting hazards
  4. Trip hazards


MSC: DM102.02.09

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Martha is placing an on-line order for a microphone. She notices she is not in a secure site or routed to one. With which type of digital safety issue should she be most concerned?

  1. Hoaxes & cons
  2. Identity theft
  3. Spamming
  4. Viruses


MSC: DM102.02.10

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Larry convinces his friends to all post to Facebook that another student still wets the bed at age 14. What type of digital safety issue is this?

  1. Cyber-bullying
  2. Hoaxes & cons
  3. Internet addictions
  4. Spamming


MSC: DM102.02.11

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Sherrie has noticed that every time she opens her word processing program more feature options are missing. With which type of digital safety issue should she be concerned?

  1. Cyber-bullying
  2. Hoaxes & cons
  3. Spamming
  4. Viruses


MSC: DM102.02.12

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Frank gets 20 email messages from the same company within a few hours. With which type of digital safety issue should he be concerned?

  1. Cyber-bullying
  2. Hoaxes & cons
  3. Spamming
  4. Viruses


MSC: DM102.02.13

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Wanda receives an email chain letter asking her to forward the email to all of her friends to help raise money for a sick child. With which type of digital safety issue should she be concerned?

  1. Cyber-bullying
  2. Hoaxes & cons
  3. Spamming
  4. Viruses


MSC: DM102.02.14

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Eddie gets an email offering him half a million dollars for assistance in retrieving funds from an account in another country. With which type of digital safety issue should she be concerned?

  1. Cyber-bullying
  2. Hoaxes & cons
  3. Internet addictions
  4. Spamming


MSC: DM102.02.15

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Nikia often plays on-line video games through the night. She has recently been missing work due to a lack of sleep. With which type of digital safety issue should she be concerned?

  1. Hoaxes & cons
  2. Internet addictions
  3. Spamming
  4. Viruses


MSC: DM102.02.16

OBJ: DM102.02

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

OBJECTIVE DM102.03 - 2%

Which protects the author’s original work?

  1. Cookies
  2. Copyright
  3. Logo
  4. Patient


OBJ: DM102.03

MSC: DM102.03.01

REF: 102.03

Fred found a copy of a patented design for building a house on another website. Instead of referencing the location on the Internet, he copied the design completely and added it to his website without giving any credit. With which intellectual property issue should he be concerned?

  1. Copyright
  2. Libel
  3. Slander
  4. Trademark


OBJ: DM102.03

MSC: DM102.03.02

REF: DM1 102.03 Lesson 2 Activity, Physical and Digital Safety Issues PowerPoint

Elizabeth bought a copy of a new Green Day CD and made copies for her friends.

With which type of intellectual property issue should she be concerned?

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Trademark


MSC: DM102.03.03

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Mark posted a copy of a newly released book on his website. With which type of intellectual property issue should he be concerned?

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Trademark


MSC: DM102.03.04

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Nichole is advertising someone else’s inventions as her own and is taking orders for the products. With which type of intellectual property issue should she be concerned?

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Trademark


MSC: DM102.03.05

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Joseph uses a large section from an on-line magazine article in his research paper without providing reference to the source. What type of intellectual property issues is this?

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Trademark


MSC: DM102.03.06

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Catherine is trying to promote her single serving apple pies. She uses a golden arch symbol as part of her logo in hope that children will associate the pie with McDonalds. With which type of intellectual property issue should she be concerned?

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Trademark


MSC: DM102.03.07

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Jasper finds a piece of artwork online that he thinks would work well as part of his website. The artwork does NOT have a copyright symbol on it. With which type of intellectual property issue should he be concerned?

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Trademark


MSC: DM102.03.08

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Tripp is now creating website as an independent contractor. He uses one of the logos that he personally designed for another company when he was working for a major advertising firm. With which type of intellectual property issue should he be concerned?

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Plagiarism
  4. Trademark


MSC: DM102.03.09

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

In an attempt to gather information for an article Harry secretly places a listening device in the principal’s office. What type of invasion of privacy issue is this?

  1. False light
  2. Intrusion
  3. Misappropriation
  4. Public disclosure


MSC: DM102.03.10

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Mike’s newspaper article states that Mr. Henson has a medical condition that requires him to wear an adult diaper. What type of invasion of privacy issue is this?

  1. False light
  2. Intrusion
  3. Misappropriation
  4. Public disclosure


MSC: DM102.03.11

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Samantha uses a picture of students eating and laughing in an advertisement for a local restaurant. She does not get the students’ permission to use the picture. What type of invasion of privacy issue is this?

  1. False light
  2. Intrusion
  3. Misappropriation
  4. Public disclosure


MSC: DM102.03.12

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Allison is writing a story about hackers. She uses an image of a fellow student at a computer for the story image. What type of invasion of privacy issue is this?

  1. False light
  2. Intrusion
  3. Misappropriation
  4. Public disclosure


MSC: DM102.03.13

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

During a town hall meeting, Tom states that his opposing candidate has a criminal record, even though he knows that is not true. What type of legal issue is this?

  1. Freedom of speech
  2. Identification
  3. Libel
  4. Slander


MSC: DM102.03.14

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Someone tells George that his opposing candidate is having an affair. Without verification, he uses the statement in an advertisement flyer. What type of legal issue is this?

  1. Freedom of speech
  2. Identification
  3. Libel
  4. Slander


MSC: DM102.03.15

OBJ: DM102.03

REF: Digital Media 1 PowerPoint & Teacher Notes

Since Heather does not have proof that Coach Harris was fired from his last job, she does not use his name in her article. Instead, she refers to an unnamed coach at her school. This is what type of legal issue?

  1. Freedom of speech
  2. Identification
  3. Libel
  4. Slander


MSC: DM102.03.16