English 10 Syllabus 2016-2017 Mrs. Gotshall

546- 3127 Extension: 3070 Email:

After school help available: Monday and Tuesday 7:15AM

Texts:Pearson Common Core Literature Grade 10 (take home hard copies furnished upon request)

Access for online text book at the following website:


Independent Reading Novels

Required Materials (failure to bring to class will affect your grade):

Independent reading novels & pathfinder

Pencil, pen, highlighters

Post-its & flashcards

Flash drive & email address

English Binder—This 3 ring binder, which you should provide for yourself, should travel with you to and from class so that you can transport assignments back and forth as necessary. I expect you to keep all materials until the end of the year. On every paper I give you this year, you must record your name and date on the upper left corner (even if I don’t provide a line OR even if it just says “name” at the top. Record your name neatly (first, then last) and the date should be recorded numerically (for example, August 1st would be 8/1/16). All materials in your binder should be kept in order by DATE RECEIVED. You will have a notebook check each marking period (for points)! Any papers I return to you should be replaced in your binder.

Loose leaf paper in binder (avoid messy edges)

Course Description:In English 10, we will examine a variety of literature emphasizing thematic connections and genre features. Each marking period will be approached thematically: first marking period, man and his relationship with his environment; second marking period, man and his quest for identity; third, man and his search for power; and finally fourth, man and his pursuit of dreams/desires. Ongoing activities this year will include vocabulary enrichment, independent reading development, communication skills improvement, critical thinking and formal assessment preparation. You can expect a variety of different assignments including reading-based tests and quizzes, bell ringer work, independent reading assignments, vocabulary quizzes, journal writing, various projects, and graded discussions. In addition, an emphasis on writing improvement will be a focus this year. A strong focus on sentence and punctuation variety will be utilized. Please note, each marking period, we will add a layer of requirements, so the year will become progressively more challenging.

Grading Procedure:

1)I will not accept late homework or classwork. I will be using a point system for scoring.

2)Possible homework grades are 2, 1 or 0.

3)At the end of the marking period, I will examine the average of your homework scores. Average 1.5-2= 4 percentage points

Average 1-1.4= 2percentage point

Average below 1= 0 percentage point

4)Homework/classwork will be checked randomly, and you are expected to complete it even if I do not check it that day.

5)If you miss homework or class work due to absence, you must make it up and show it to me at an appropriate time outside of regular class time (get here early).

6)Some homework/classwork will be checked “on your honor” in which only some students will need to prove grade they assign themselves.

7)Any major project or essay that is handed in late will have points deducted. Same day late=75% credit. Next day or later=50% credit. After that=No credit.

8)Project/essay due dates will be announced in advanced; therefore, even if you are absent the day a project/essay is due, it is due immediately upon return from absence.

9)Projects/essays are due before planned absences (educational trips, doctor appointments, etc.)

10)If at any point in the marking period you are/near failing, it is likely you will be asked to visit me during your free time with me for extra help to get you back on track. This is not meant as a punishment or embarrassment to you. The purpose of this intervention is to provide you with an opportunity for support BEFORE it is too late! It is your responsibility to provide after school transportation if you are asked to stay.


  1. On your first day back, visit the make-up station.
  2. Look in the bin for the day of your absence & pick up any handouts that I passed out. Put these materials in your binder. Read or complete any work in the bin. See me if you have questions. You have as many days as you were absent to make up any missed work.
  3. Check the daily agenda log to see the class agenda for the day of your absence to determine what you missed that day. Do not remove the agenda log from this classroom, ever.
  4. You must make-up ALL bell ringer work when you return from absence. Make them up on your first day backdo not copy them. Before school, after school and lunch are acceptable times to make up bell ringers. You may also access them from home by visiting my teacher website.
  5. If you miss a quiz/test, it is YOUR responsibility to see me THE DAY YOU COME BACK to arrange a make-up time. You have as many days as you were absent to make up any quiz, and after that it is a zero. However, please be aware that I may ask you to take the quiz during your first class period back from absence.
  6. If an assignment is due the day you are out, plan on giving it to me the moment you come back to school.
  7. If you are in the building but not in my class, all work is still due that day.

Student Expectations:

  1. Attend class and be on time.
  2. Participate in class and do everything in your power to master the required content.
  3. Come prepared to class. I will not make extra copies of papers. You get one, so don’t lose it. Keep your notebook organized.
  4. No hand-raising unless I ask for volunteers. If you aren’t able to respond, you may pass; however, you may not pass on reading.
  5. Short of an emergency, only one person is allowed to leave the room at a time. If you need to leave, sign out by the door & take the pass. Try not to interrupt as you do this. Do not abuse this policy.
  6. Show respect to people and property of the room.
  7. Always be polite.
  8. Control yourself.

In closing, please realize that school is your “job”, and I am here to help you learn. It is your responsibility to meet deadlines, come prepared, and take advantage of the learning opportunities this year. It is my job to help you along the way. If you have a question about anything we read or discuss this year, please do not hesitate to ask me. Tenth grade is most certainly more challenging than ninth; however, with determination and hard work, I am sure you will find success. Just like anything in life, this class is what you make it. I hope that each of you will embrace the new school year decide to make it a great one. With the right attitude, you will certainly find success and maybe even a little fun along the way!

A note for parents:

Your signature below indicates that you have read the syllabus. Feel free to record any comment/concerns for me below. Thank you!

______Parent (please print)

______Parent (signature)

______Student (signature)
