Meeting Minutes:November 17, 2011
Rick Bates √ / Nate Conrad √ / David Hoffman / Maureen Kemper √Donna McCance √ / Jenny O’Hare √ / Steve Poston √ / Idelle Sagan √
Vernia Shaffer √ / Jeromey Sheets √ / John Smith / Melody Stoneburner
Allyson Strong √ / Cheryl Todd √ / Patty Turner √ / Rob Walker
Teresa Ward √ / Beth Wigton √ / Steve Wigton √ / Dain Michelson √
Dustin Knight / Carol Spires / Sandy Svoboda √ / Kim Fosnaugh
Principals, Knight, Spires, and Svoboda, rotate their attendance. SST External Facilitator, Kim Fosnaugh will attend periodically.
- Amy Payn led a discussion on TBTs. A draft TBT survey for teachers was discussed and will be revised then sent to teachers via Survey Monkey. The survey will be sent in December and due in January.
- Some TBT topics discussed: common formative assessments, frequency of meetings, videotaping a TBT for training purposes, summative assessments, sharing formative assessments among buildings, BLTs’ roles in TBTs, a specific framework for TBT, pre and post testing.
- Dain Michelson gave an update on Walkthrough data. He can create graphs comparing this year’s data to last year’s data (example September, 2010 compared to September, 2011).
- Collaborative Norms were reviewed and updated information shared.
- Jenny passed out Quality Quadrants from Margaret Searle training in June, 2011 and feedback from the October formative assessment professional development survey.
- Bob Holman and Katie Bainbridge will visit the high school for professional development on December 15.
- Strategic Teams reviewed action task sheets, determined how to accomplish tasks (step by step), and presented updates to DLT on their Goal/Strategy progress and revisions.
- Cheryl Todd presented grades 6-8 Literacy Plan. The plan will be board adopted during the November Board meeting.
- Nate Conrad presented grades 9-12 Literacy Plan.
- Lunch break
- The team continued discussion of literacy plans further. A strength of the HS Literacy Plan was the cross curricular information. The High School Literacy Strategies for the Content Areas will be added to the plan. This type of information will be considered for addition to the Jr. High and Elementary Literacy Plans. Several members of the DLT suggested an Action Plan be added for context to the 9-12 Literacy Plan(Nathan Conrad and Cheryl Todd will discuss these possible changes).
- The team discussed 2012 DLT Goals for State Indicators and whether or not these goals should be the same for each building as well as the district as a whole. The October 2011 count was reviewed for numbers in the district subgroups that may affect AYP.
- Students with Disabilities data was shared and reviewed. (Has achievement of Students with Disabilities increased in the last 3-4 years?)
- Jeromy Sheets gave a RTI update. Only 2 schools in district are to be fully implementing RTI at this time. Dr. Sheet’s presentation highlighted how many new initiatives are being placed on districts from the state and federal departments not directly from the district or central office. Buildings may want to discuss ‘weeding the garden’ and deciding what can be let go.
- When weeding the garden, be mindful of core values
- As RTI is rolled out to other buildings consider: resources, space, assessments, and questions teachers have.
- Steve Wigton reviewed the changes to the state teacher evaluation system.
- A committee has been formed. Teacher evaluation system will be piloted next year and implemented during 2013-2014 school year.
- The new system has four components: communication and professionalism; self assessment and goal setting; teacher observations (these 3 are 50% of the evaluation system); the other 50% is student growth.
- 2 schools are piloting the first 3 components of the Ohio Evaluation Model this year (communication and professionalism, self assessment and goal setting and teacher observation) (East and LHS).
- Jenny discussed the core curriculum and the importance of non-fiction writing in all subjects.
- The district communication plan was reviewed.
- The next DLT meeting is Wednesday, December 14, 2011.