Division on Ministries with Young People
Executive Table Meeting
February 28, 2013 - March 3, 2013
Present - Desimond Antley, Shane Hinderliter, Stanley Howard, Nora Onnen, Maria Sonnleithner, Sara Ann Swenson, Ann Jacob, Madeline Chumley, Kevin Sauceda, Riva Ruth Tabelisma, Bishop Bill McAlilly, Eddie Erwin, Rev. Dr Barry Sloan, Patrick Abro, Mike Ratliff
Skype - Luis Velasquez
Called to order by Maddie at 7:28pm
Introductions with names, jurisdictions and favorite Bible book
Sharing of local ministries:
Maddie - barn apt ministry
Riva - local Imagine No Malaria over 100 nets working towards 200. Ongoing leadership training
Shane- youth ministry institute (training with youth leaders) with several other conferences
Stanley- Pass out hand and foot warmers to homeless
Desimond- Exciting conferences
Barry- working with Board of Evangelism for tent ministries
Patrick- new leadership and creating new jobs. Making ways for youth to help themselves. Micro-enterprising
Nora- youth meeting for Germany
Maria- connect countries, Albanians make bags
Sara Ann- awareness in downtown Denver for non-profits to get to know each other
Large Jr. and Sr. high events in Minnesota
Kevin - Jr. High event that allowed students to be themselves with raising $500 for Imagine No Malaria. Convo- is a Sr. high camp that is using students to invite other churches
Mike- Small church ministry materials
Election of Global AIDS Representative is not part of Executive Table. Confusion during elections
Riva moved we adopt agenda, Maria seconded. Motion passed
Riva made a motion that co-chairs can adjust agenda as needed, Maria seconded, passed.
Because of lack of access to the documents, there was a delay approving minutes and by-laws until people had a chance to read them.
Kevin reported about the Connectional table
Restoration Generation for victims of Hurricane Sandy through DMYP $100,000 for 3 years.
Mike moved we adjourn the meeting, Sara Ann seconded at 8:26pm
Sara Ann gave a devotional
3/1-Meeting called to order by Ann at 9:10, devotion by Bishop McAlilly
Staff updates from Mike- staff is fairly stable, newest addition is Kelly Newell as the Western Jurisdiction,. The next will be new part-time staff to help Blake with Global Convo and Youth 2015. Hannah is half time with GBOD and half with Restoration Generation.
Chris - Field Guide Network- new video talked about goals of FGN.
Chris and Blake shared about Youth 2015 Orlando, FL June 24-28, 2015 to focus on Wesley's ideas of piety and mercy. Want students to report back 60-90 days the ways they have been impacted. 10 roadshows in 2014.Design team applications due April 30
Riva moved we accept the minutes, Maria seconded. 14 for, 1 abstain, passed.
Mary Ellen Kris from GBGM- Ministry with the Poor- asked that we talk about ourselves, where we are from, whether we are poor, define charity and justice, ways we are in ministry with the poor
Kelsey talked through grants, scholarships and YSF. One thing that occurred was some groups applied for both types of grants. It was decided that an applicant can apply for both, but only receive a maximum of $15,000 total (see below). Another stipulation is that no more than 25% can go towards salaries, which would include internship salaries.
Sara Ann made a motion that internships not be supported through grants, Riva seconded. Passed
Kevin made a motion that applicants can only receive funding from one source, Stanley seconded. 3 in favor, 8 opposed, 1 abstention - failed
Nora made a motion that applicants not receive a total of more than $15,000 total. Riva seconded. Passed
Introduction of Trip Lowery and Adrian from GBHEM
Ann made a motion that both groups speak to each other about applicants to both before they are presented to the division, Riva seconded. Passed.
YSF funds must go through GCFA, for which an administrative fee is paid. The GBOD Board asked in 2011 that the service fee be waived, but did not receive a response. DMYP will ask the new GBOD Board to address this again. (see below)
Shane makes a motion that we ask the finance committee of GBOD to follow up with GCFA about the fee waiver. Riva seconded. Passed.
Nora, Sara Ann, & Riva will work on creating some ideas for a letter and will present on March 2, 2013.
YSF - new website, working on video(s), talking with annual conferences
Suggestions on ways to increase awareness and giving.
Nora - reporting for Always Connect Together (ACT), using the Field Guide Network and connecting with other churches. Look for current connections.
Maria - Justice League - focusing on environment and diversity. Working to offset cO2 emissions and encourage alternative travel (by train), water bottles for DMYP, Convocation and Youth. Work towards inclusivity with our food, ideas for traveling for Convo, respect for different time zones and traveling.
Luis (via video chat) - Young Adult - disconnection between local churches and young adults. Working with Josh Cantonia to network with young adults in North Georgia. Young adults to El Salvador for 3 days to work with other young adults in August. School in Reinheart to DC working with GBCS on 3 day convention. Notice of gap between youth and young adults. Exploring options for young adults and then youth and how that transition can be bridged.
Sara Ann - Spiritual Formation - networking for Methodist missions and missionaries to be funded. working towards getting members on youth 2015 and Convo. Working with Elaine Heath to work with Wesley Foundations to form intentional communities. Carol Greenwalt explained caravans as having college students trained and then travel around, serving as youth leaders, training they traveled.
Stanley - Young Money - possibly working with Chuck knows Church. Working with Western Michigan Conference to get other ideas to share with others
Desmond - Youth sharing new ideas for Youth 2015
Shane - Adult Workers - work on spreading the word about Field Guide Network.
Update from Global DMYP Representatives:
Sylvie & DR Congo - sends her greetings and hopes to join us in July
Africa/ West Africa/ Congo one member missing
Also missing 2 reps from northern Europe and Eurasia
Mike explained and reviewed the budget and 2012 expenses.
Talking through GYPC in Philippines in 2014
Interested in:
Kevin - programs
Riva - worship
Sara Ann - legislation
Ann made a motion to adjourn at 5:47pm, Eddie second
Desimond gave a devotion for the evening
3/2 - Ann called the meeting back to order at 9:13am
Patrick gave a devotion
Mike talked through the broad measurable goals for DMYP for 2013-2016: Staffing, coaching, online leadership, resource hub, strategic partnerships, young people's events
Ideas to work on: ecologians - green minded efforts; caravans - sending out college-age students to reach younger students; Leadership Summits - adapting from Africa, developing track of workshops; Church plant, even younger; cross-cultural.
Ecologians - discover churches that already have ecological programs, legislation, get information out to folks. Information to Justice League.
Caravan - 1 caravan per jurisdiction, 10,000 young people know about Caravans. Information to Spiritual Formation
Leadership Summit - 100% effective leaders deployed to annual conferences. Information to ACT
Church plants - More relevant to young adult, explore and equip new people and avenues. Cast a vision and see how big we can go. Reach out to other Central Conferences and Jurisdictions. Free expressions. Information to Spiritual Formation
Cross-cultural - raise awareness, incorporate into ongoing events. Recognize that people need to be with their people, but also the value of people being able to interact. Information to ACT
Riva moved to recess for lunch, Stanley seconded.
Called back to order at 2:32pm
Mike spoke about the Young Leaders Summit - focus on serving others as a transformational leader, away from their self interest and political ambitions. Trying to grow from last year and create more than just an event, but including follow through
Talking through General Conference 2016
Ideas of writing letters to youth and young adult of General Commission on General Conference.
Ways of creating a platform for youth and young adult delegates to General Conference to ask questions or seek advice
When Daily Christian Advocate becomes available, create a list of petitions that affect young people.
Be mindful of what goals and ideas we pass along to 2017-2020 division
Maria requested that files for meetings are sent out a week before meetings to allow for proper preparation.
Sara Ann made a motion that an email be sent out to the full Division seeing if anyone is interested in serving with the advisory board of the United Methodist Women, Stanley seconded.
Friendly amendment from Riva that the co-chairs will set a deadline and ballot. Passed
Maria moved that we alter the covenant to have a DMYP voting member of the EMYC. Riva second. Passed
Riva moved that if the elected DMYP rep is not able to make it, that a European DMYP rep attempts to attend. Maria seconded. Passed
Barry moved that the EMYC member is from outside Europe, Ann seconded. Passed
Riva moves that EMYC selection is included in UMW advisory board email for purposes of ticket and visas. Maria seconded. 10 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention. Passed
Ann makes a motion that we add "90 days" before notice to the termination of the agreement. Barry seconded. Eddie made a friendly amendment that the time frame is added only if required by GBOD COA.
Maria made an amendment that the time frame be extended to "half a year". Stanley seconded. 0 for 11 against 2 abstain, failed
Riva moved that we approve and adopt covenant with EMYC, Maria seconded. Passed
Discussed potential future Executive Table meeting sites
Maria asked that documents be placed in dropbox a week before meetings to allow enough time for everyone to read
Dismissed at 5:40pm by Ann