Division of Engineering Research

The E-Funding News

Aug 24, 2012


- Tuesday Noontime Engineering sessions will resume on Sep 11, 2012.

-Check out your listing in the Faculty Expertise Database. Changes can be made via the Update button. http://www.egr.msu.edu/egr/research/resources/facultyexpertise.php

-If you’ve been away, archived E-Funding News are easily accessed at http://www.egr.msu.edu/research/administration/funding


1. 2013 Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of University Research Initiative (MURI)

2. Unconventional Processing of Signals for Intelligent Data Exploitation (UPSIDE) - DARPA
3. Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) - NSF

4. MSU Strategic Partnership Grants 2013

5. Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD) - DOD
6. Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) – NSF

7. ONR 2012 Naval science and Technology Partnership Conference

8. Chemical/Biological Technologies Directorate New Initiatives FY2012-FY2013 Program build - DOD
9.Student Intern Support - Army
10. Plan X Proposers' Day Workshop - DARPA
11. Be Spartan Green Student Project Fund

12. 2013 NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program (DP1) - NIH

13.2013 NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program (DP2)- NIH

14. MIIE (formerly MUCI) Technology Commercialization and Talent, Innovation and Entrepreneurship opportunities

15. Advanced RF Mapping (RadioMap) Program - DARPA


1. 2013 Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of University Research Initiative (MURI)

Solicitation: ONRBAA12-020

Due: White papers, Oct 9, 2012

Full Proposals: Dec 10, 2012

The MURI program supports basic research in science and engineering at U.S. institutions of higher education (hereafter referred to as "universities") that is of potential interest to DoD. The program is focused on multidisciplinary research efforts where more than one traditional discipline interact to provide rapid advances in scientific areas of interest to the DoD. Topics for Army, Air Force and Navy are listed below.

White papers and full proposals addressing the following topics 1 through 8 should be

submitted to the Army Research Office (ARO):

1. Artificial Cells for Novel Synthetic Biology Chassis

2. Molecular Co-Crystal Design and Synthesis

3. Reduced Cyber-system Signature Observability by Intelligent and Stochastic Adaptation

4. Non-equilibrium Many-body Dynamics

5. Materials with Spin Mediated Thermal Properties

6. Transforming Information within Nonequilibrium Nanosystems

7. Controlling Collective Phenomena in Complex Networks

8. Physiochemical Determinants of Cognition and Decision Making

White papers and Full proposals addressing the following topics 9 through 15 should be submitted to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR):

9.Measurement and Verification Methods in Quantum Information Science

10. New Quantum Phases of Matter

11. Multiphysics and Multiscale Failure Prediction through Peridynamic Theory

12. Electrochemical Dynamics in Nanoscale Systems

13. A New Paradigm in Sources and Physics of High-Power Ionospheric Modification

14. Magneto-electric Energy Conversion Materials: Terahertz Emission and Efficient Energy

Conversion in Unbiased Dielectrics

15. Photonic Synthetic Matter

White papers and full proposals addressing the following topics 16 through 23 should be submitted to The Office of Naval Research:

16. Random Lasers, Nano-spasers and Optical Rogue Waves

17. Free Space Optical Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

18. Integrated Nanophotonics

19. Exploitation of Natural and Anthropogenic Noise for Ocean Exploration

20. Rare Element Replacement Strategies

21. Acoustic Metamaterials

22. Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory Consolidation across Sleep Stages and Efficient Learning

23. Computational Foundations of Moral Cognition


2. Unconventional Processing of Signals for Intelligent Data Exploitation (UPSIDE) - DARPA
DUE: 101212
The UPSIDE program proposes an approach to compute-intensive data analysis using unconventional computation and data representations mapped to emerging new device technologies. By computing high level functions directly using the physics of the devices, we can expect orders of magnitude improvements in the power efficiency of these computations. Target applications include image sensor data analysis..Synopsis

3. Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) - NSF

Program Solicitation: NSF 12-597

Letter of Intent Due Date(s) (required): September 20, 2012

Full Proposal Deadline(s) (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time): November 13, 2012

ITEST supports the research and development of innovative models for engaging K-12 students in authentic experiences that build their capacity to participate in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and information and communications technology (ICT) workforce of the future. ITEST projects must include students and may include teachers.


4. MSU Strategic Partnership Grants 2013

Due: Required Pre-proposals due Sep 20, 2012

As initiated several years ago, the program is organized in two parts. Pre-proposals are open for university-wide competition, while full proposals will be invited, based on the review of the pre-proposals.The key SPG program goals are to support the initial development of:

·  leading-edge projects that foster highly innovative or conceptually creative research and scholarship in all areas,

·  new scholarly and creative activities in the arts and humanities,

·  projects that complement the research and scholarship priorities established within departments and colleges,

·  multidisciplinary and single investigator "start up" initiatives,

·  when appropriate, projects that have significant potential for generating external funding,

·  projects that have the potential to position MSU as a nationally and internationally recognized leader,

·  projects that have potential to yield significant intellectual property and financial return for the University.

The maximum funding will be $400K total for projects of up to three years duration. All projects are recommended to have a financial commitment from the sponsoring college(s) and departments(s).https://gps.vprgs.msu.edu/

5. Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD) - DOD
DUE: 093014
The latest revision to this BAA is posted as Amendment 7. Please review this BAA package for the most up-to-date information. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Amendment in its entirety, as it updates several sections; specifically, the following have substantial changes: 1) Thrust Area 6 - information on CBEPs interest in collaborative research partnerships (Section I.8.6) 2) Eligibility information (Section III.1) Amendment to Combined Synopsis/Solicitation

6. Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) - NSF

Solicitation: NSF 12-599

Due Dates:

November 13, 2012 Engineering; Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering; Materials Research

November 14, 2012 Mathematical Sciences; Chemistry; Physics and Astronomy

November 16, 2012 Social Sciences; Psychology; STEM Education and Learning

November 19, 2012 Life Sciences; Geosciences

The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce in the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF's mission. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant achievements in science and engineering research.


7. ONR 2012 Naval science and Technology Partnership Conference

Oct 22-24, 2012, Arlington VA

Participants will gain valuable insight regarding Department of the Navy

research needs in nine S&T Focus Areas. In addition, participants will

hear from distinguished speakers, learn about opportunities in

international S&T, STEM outreach, understand how to do business with ONR and pitch their Independent Research & Development to Navy leaders.The conference will provide many opportunities for dialogue with Navy S&T leaders in technology breakout rooms, Pitch-A-Principal appointments, the Exhibit Hall, a participant Poster Session and our signature Information Exchange. http://www.onr.navy.mil/en/Conference-Event-ONR.aspx

8. Chemical/Biological Technologies Directorate New Initiatives FY2012-FY2013 Program build - DOD
The purpose of this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is to solicit proposals for the Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate New Initiatives Fiscal Year (FY) 2012-FY2013 Program Build Scope: This solicitation is an extramural endeavor focused on applied research and advanced technology development objectives encompassing a broad spectrum of topics in the chemical and biological science to include Physical Science and Technology, Medical Science and Technology, including the Transformational Medical Technologies, Threat Agent Science, and Information Systems Capabilities Development topics. Purpose: The purpose of this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is to solicit research proposals for Chemical and Biological Defense Program, Defense Threat Reduction Agency requirements for the Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate New Initiatives BAA for the FY12-13.
Amendment to Combined Synopsis/Solicitation

9.Student Intern Support - Army
SOL: W911S6-12-T-0030
DUE: 083012:
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. Solicitation #W911S6-12-T-0030 is issued as a request for quote (RFQ). The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-57. All firms responding must be registered with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR)/System for Award Management (SAM). Description: This requirement is for student intern support. The period of performance is anticipated to be a one-year base period and two one-year option periods to begin as soon as possible after contract award. Performance Work Statement (PWS) Student Intern Support Program Vision Statement: Successfully executed projects and well-trained interns. 1 Introduction This is a non-personal services contract to provide student intern support for the Test Engineering/Integration Division at Dugway Proving Ground (DPG). 1.1 Mission Reserved 1.2 Background Student intern support is used in the Test Engineering/Integration Division for two general reasons. First, students work on projects that are relevant to the moving forward of technology and method development at DPG. Second, is to develop a pool of well-qualified and trained individuals when filing future civil service or contract billets. Student intern support has been very successful in past years. The program has resulted in successfully executed projects and well-trained interns that have come to work at DPG already integrated into the work environment. These workers have proven to be excellent employees requiring little initial job training to begin work. 1.3 Scope This requirement is for a student intern support program for the Test Engineering/Integration Division at DPG for a one-year base period and two one-year option periods. The student intern program will support two electrical engineering students for the base period of one year and two to four students in option years one and two as funding permits. University faculty will nominate students for the intern positions. Students must be electrical engineering majors in at least in their junior year.
Combine Synopsis/Solicitation

10. Plan X Proposers' Day Workshop - DARPA
DUE: 091812
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Innovation Office (I2O) will host a Proposers' Day in support of the anticipated Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Plan X program. The Proposers' Day Workshop will be held on 27 September at the DARPA Conference Center, 675 N. Randolph Street, Arlington, VA from 0900 to 1600 EDT. There will be an unclassified session in the morning and a classified SECRET session in the afternoon. Attendance at the afternoon session is limited to individuals with US DOD SECRET clearances or higher. Neither session is open to the general public or members of the media. It is anticipated that the Plan X BAA will be released by the end of September 2012. Synopsis

11. Be Spartan Green Student Project Fund

The Be Spartan Green Student Project Fund provides financial support for students to explore solutions to our most pressing challenges in sustainability at MSU. Applications will be accepted on a rolling deadline until funds are expended. Up to $5,000 for each proposal will be awarded. Projects must be completed in one year. Upon completion of the project, award recipients will be required to make a presentation and provide a written report to the Office of Campus Sustainability based on project findings.

Michigan State University undergraduate students, graduate students, and registered student organizations in good standing are eligible to apply for the Be Spartan Green Student Project Fund. Class projects are also eligible for funding provided that students have a faculty or staff sponsor for the duration of the project. www.bespartangreen.msu.edu/student-fund.html

12. 2013 NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program (DP1) - NIH

Solicitation: RFA-RM-12-015

Due: Oct 9, 2012

The NIH Director's Pioneer Award initiative complements NIH's traditional, investigator-initiated grant programs by supporting individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose pioneering and possibly transforming approaches to addressing major biomedical or behavioral challenges that have the potential to produce an unusually high impact on a broad area of biomedical or behavioral research. To be considered pioneering, the proposed research must reflect substantially different scientific directions from those already being pursued in the investigator’s research program or elsewhere.


13. 2013 NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program (DP2)- NIH

Solicitation: RFA-RM-12-016

Due: Oct 17, 2012

The NIH Director’s New Innovator (DP2) Award initiative was created in 2007 to support a small number of early stage investigators of exceptional creativity who propose bold and highly innovative new research approaches that have the potential to produce a major impact on broad, important problems in biomedical and behavioral research. The New Innovator Awards complement ongoing efforts by NIH and its Institutes and Centers to fund early stage investigators through R01 grants, which continue to be the major sources of NIH support for early stage investigators

14. MIIE (formerly MUCI) Technology Commercialization and Talent, Innovation and Entrepreneurship opportunities

Due: Oct 8, 2012 – note these proposals must be submitted and coordinated through MSU Technologies who will need all materials well before the deadline.

The RFPs were emailed to eng faculty 8-23-2012, but are not available on-line. Contact Peggy if you need the info sent again.

15. Advanced RF Mapping (RadioMap) Program - DARPA
DUE: 022113
The purpose of this notice is to provide DARPA-BAA-12-26, Amendment 2 to interested proposers to this solicitation. Please note that DARPA is establishing a due date for the second round of proposals which is October 11, 2012. Modification


Other Funding Opportunities:

This and earlier notices are archived at


Environmental RFPS posted by MSU (Tom Dietz): http://www.environment.msu.edu/news/funding.html