Division: Communications, Arts, and Social Sciences
Subject Code:GRMNCourse #:201
Course Title:Intermediate German I
FORM 335
Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years to qualify for state reimbursement.
1.Digital Description [§335.2]: 4.67
Credit hours: 4
Lecture hours: 4
Lab hours:1
2.Catalog Description [§335.2]:
Review of the fundamentals of German grammar, practice in conversation and composition; extensive reading and analysisof works of acknowledged cultural and literary merit.
(Core A) (Occasional offering)
Minimum Grade Required
3.Prerequisites: German 102 or its equivalent
Corequisites: None
Other: Occasional Offering
4.Learning Outcomes [§335.2]
[These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential knowledge and
skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.]
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
- Listen and comprehend the spoken language in both standard and varied dialects.
- Hold detailed conversations, while accurately using phonetic and grammatical concepts taught to include the use of the passive voice.
- Compose longer written forms of expression employing a variety of different stylistic techniques.
- Complete a scholarly research project about an aspect of German culture.
- Compare and contrast cultural issues between the USA and various German speaking countries.
5.Planned Sequence of Learning Activities [§335.2]
[These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.]
Kapital 1:Basic Sentence Structure
- Word Order
- Cases/Word Order of Direct and Indirect Objects
- Order of Adverbs
- Position of Nicht
- Advanced Word Order Problems
Kapital 2:Verbs
- Present Tense
- Past
- Perfect Tense
- Future Tense
- Separable Prefixes
- Inseperable Prefixes
Geografie von Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Liechtenstein (from Ohne Grenzen)
Kapital 3:Adjective Endings
- Strong Declension of Der Words
- Weak Declension of Adjectives after Der Words
- Declension of Ein Words
- Adjective-Noun Phrases without Limiting Words
- Genitive of Adjectives
- Predicate Adjectives
- Special Constructions
Kapital 4:Prepositions
- Prepositions that Take the Dative
- Prepositions that Take the Accusative
- Two-Way Prepositions
- Prepositions that Take the Genitive
Geografie von Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Liechtenstein (from Ohne
Kapital 5:Modal Verbs
- Sentence Structure with Modals
- Omission of Zu in Modal Expressions
- Conjugations, Forms and Meanings of Modals
- Omission of Infinitives with Modals
- Compound Tenses with Modals
- Helfen, Lassen and Sensory Verbs Likened to Modals
Kapital 6:Time Expressions
- Telling Time
- Days and Parts of Days
- Weeks, Months, Seasons, Years
- Definite and Indefinite Time
- Other Common Time Expressions
- Word Order with Time Expressions
Institutionen in den Deutschsprachige Länder, (from Ohne Grenzen)
Kapital 7:Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs
- Predicate Adjectives and Adverbs
- Positive and Comparative Forms
- Superlative Forms
- Superlative Forms with Adjective Endings
Kapital 8:Passive Voice
- Active vs. Passive Voice
- Formation of Sentences Using the Passive Voice
- Tenses Using the Passive Voice
- Special Problems with the Passive
- The Passive and Modal Auxiliaries
Deutschspachige Literatur (from Ohne Grenzen)
6.List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning Materials (code each item based on instructional use: C-lecture/lab, A-lecture, B-lab, I-internet, and V-videocourse) [§335.2] [These resources must be easily accessible to students.]
Full Time Faculty Textbooks
Beitat, Ruth Margot. Siegfried: Held der Nibelungen. (Latest Edition) Mailand: La Spiga Languages,
Esterl, Ursula and Waltraud Hassler. Ohne Grenzen. (Latest Edition) Mailand: La Spiga Languages
Hohenberger, Bettina. Die Walküre. (Latest Edition) Mailand: La Spiga Languages
Loram, Ian C., and Leland R. Phelps, AusunsererZeit: Dichterdes zwanzigstenJahrhunderts. (latest edition). New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Sparks, Kimberly and Van Horn Vail. German in Review. (Latest Edition. Boston: Thomson and Heinle.
Wagner, Richard. Der Ring des Nibelungen. (Latest Edition) Mailand: La Spiga Languages.
Collateral readings include the German periodicals listed below. They are chosen for their largely pictoral representations of contemporary German life. Recent issues may be obtained from the McCormick Library and older issues of German Life may be borrowed from the instructor’s archive.
Current issues of the weekly magazine Bunte Illustrierte, Der Sternand German Life
Cassell’s German Dictionary
Adjunct Faculty Textbooks
Beitat, Ruth Margot. Siegfried: Held der Nibelungen. (Latest Edition) Mailand: La Spiga Languages,
Esterl, Ursula and Waltraud Hassler. Ohne Grenzen. (Latest Edition) Mailand: La Spiga Languages
Hohenberger, Bettina. Die Walküre. (Latest Edition) Mailand: La Spiga Languages
Loram, Ian C., and Leland R. Phelps, AusunsererZeit: Dichterdes zwanzigstenJahrhunderts. (latest edition). New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Sparks, Kimberly and Van Horn Vail. German in Review. (Latest Edition. Boston: Thomson and Heinle.
Wagner, Richard. Der Ring des Nibelungen. (Latest Edition) Mailand: La Spiga Languages.
Collateral readings include the German periodicals listed below. They are chosen for their largely pictoral representations of contemporary German life. Recent issues may be obtained from the McCormick Library and older issues of German Life may be borrowed from the instructor’s archive.
Current issues of the weekly magazine Bunte Illustrierte, Der Sternand German Life
Cassell’s German Dictionary
7.Prepared by Faculty Member: Janet Lincoln/Rosalina BeardDate: 12/2004
8.Approved by Dean: Thaddeus SampsonDate: 12/2004
This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335, subchapters A / B.
This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is consistent with the college mission.
If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and universities.
Whether transfer or career, this course is articulated with other courses so that it is an elective or a requirement of one of the college programs and it does not require students to have more than 30 credit hours of post secondary study prior to enrolling in the program.
9.VP, Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management: Ronald R. Young
Date: 12/04
10.Original Date of course approval by the college:Fall 1996
11. Date(s) of subsequent reviews: 4/15/98
Textbooks updated: April 2002
Textbooks revised: April 2003
Project Review: 12/2004: Revisions: Learning Outcomes, textbooks sm
Revisions: Project 2006.
Revisions made: Learning Outcomes, Planned Sequences of Activities and List of Texts. Ko