T. Hester rev. 2014


Division Charts


Division Finger Chart with dividends shown along the top in blue and the divisors on the left diagonal.

Division Blank Chart, empty Finger Chart.

Box of division equations (problem cards).

Box of answer chips showing all possible quotients.

Prepared paper. Pencil.


Multiplication and Subtraction Charts.

Unit Division Board Anaylsis.

Check that the material is complete.


7-8 years.

Direct Aims:

To continue memorizing basic division facts.

Indirect Aims:

To prepare for abstract work with division.

To develop order, concentration, coordination and independence.

Presentation I – Division Finger Chart

  1. Invite the child to work with the Division Finger Chart.
  2. Select a problem. Record the equation. Ie. 42÷6= .
  3. Place your right index finger on the dividend 42 at the top of the chart and place your left index finger on the divisor 6 on the left of the chart.
  4. Draw your fingers across and down to meet on the quotient 7.
  5. Invite the child to select problems and record the answers.

Presentation II – Division Blank Chart (Bingo)

  1. Place Blank Chart on the table with the Finger Chart above it. Lay out the answer chips.
  2. Select a problem. Try to remember the answer.
  3. Check the answer on the Finger Chart.
  4. Find the answer chip. Place it in the appropriate square on the Blank Chart. Continue in same manner.


Names of the various charts.

Points of Interest:

The shape of the tables on the Division Finger Chart.

The spaces on the Division Finger Chart.

Placing the chips on the Division Blank Chart.

Control of Error:

The Division Finger Chart.


  1. For the Finger Chart match an answer chip to each equation slip.
  2. Oral Games:

Child #1 reads an equation. Child #2 gives answer. Child #1 checks Finger Chart.

Child #1 reads an answer chip. Child #2 gives a possible equation. Child #1 checks Finger Chart.


  1. For the Blank Chart:

Start with the quotient. Use only the answer chips. Select one, consider an appropriate equation, place it on the grid and record the equation.

Stack matching answer chips (2’s, 3’s, etc.). Find all possible equations to satisfy each. Record the equations.

  1. Memorize division facts.
  2. Find prime numbers.
