The Cabbage Soup Diet and Recipe


The cabbage soup can be eaten at any time you feel hungry during the day, and you can eat as much as you wish as often as you like.


1 Green Pepper

1 Large Can Diced Tomatoes

6 Stalks Celery

1 Large Onion - Chopped

1-2 Cubes of Bouillon (if desired)

1 head cabbage. A nice, big green one.

48 oz. of V-8 Juice (low sodium works best)

4 cups of water

1 teaspoon of olive oil (no more)

1/2 teaspoon hot sauce

Cut vegetables into small pieces. Saute the onion in the olive oil for two minutes, then add the celery and peppers and saute for 4 minutes more. Then cover with the water and V-8 juice. If you want the bouillon add it now. Add the hot sauce and tomatoes. Bring the whole mixture (which now includes everything but the cabbage) to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and continue cooking until vegetables are tender (about 30 minutes to an hour depending on how large you cut the celery). Core the cabbage (take the stem out of it). Shred the cabbage and then add the cabbage and cook for another 10 minutes. Adding the cabbage near the end preserves some of its nutritional content and keeps your kitchen from smelling like a latrine. During the Cabbage Soup Diet you can eat as much of this soup as you want, whenever you want it. Eat it all day and night if you want.

Diet Plan:

Day One:

Fruit: Eat all of the fruit you want (EXCEPT BANANAS). Eat only your soup and the fruit for the first day. For drinks- unsweetened teas, cranberry juice and water.

Day Two:

Vegetables: Eat until you are stuffed will all fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas and corn. Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup. At dinner, reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter. Do not eat fruit today.

Day Three:

Mix Days One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits (but not bananas) and vegetables you want. NO BAKED POTATO.

Day Four:

Bananas and Skim Milk: Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup. This day is supposed to lessen your desire for sweets.

Day Five:

Beef And Tomatos: Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomtoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body. Eat your soup at least once this day. You may eat broiled or baked chicken instead of beef (but absolutely no skin-on chicken). If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef one one of the beef days (but not both).

Day Six:

Beef and Vegetables. Eat to your heart's content of beef and vegetables this day. You can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with leafy green vegetables. NO BAKED POTATO. Eat your soup at least once.

Day Seven:

Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: Again STUFF,STUFF,STUFF yourself. Be sure to eat your soup at least once this day.

That's it. Good luck. We would love to see this diet work for you, help you lose weight, and give you a more positive self image.

The Chocolate Diet

Here Is The Chocolate Diet Plan: Each day is the same, you have to use different lowfat pasta sauces and different varieties of fruits to make it less monotonous.

Breakfast: • fresh fruit • fruit salad • shredded wheat with non-fat milk and strawberries

Morning Snack: • popcorn • fruit

Lunch: • salad* • pasta salad* • spaghetti * = w/low-cal dressings

Afternoon Snack: • popcorn • vegetable sticks • fruit smoothie: Blend 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 cup frozen peaches (or other fruit of choice) with 1 cup non-fat skim milk.

Dinner: • fettuccini w/garlic tomato sauce • whole wheat pasta primavera • salad • steamed vegetables

Evening Snack: • popcorn • up to 1 oz. chocolate

All Day: • water • carbonated water • mineral water

The following items are to be avoided while on the Pasta-Chocolate Diet: • Alcoholic beverages • Salt/sodium • Sugars (artificial sweeteners are okay) • Oils • Oily fruits (avocados, olives, coconuts) • High sugar/cal fruits (raisins, figs, dates) • Fried foods • Dairy products • Red meats • Nuts and seeds • Unauthorized snacks (chips, junk food, candies, cakes, pies, etc.) • Coffee/caffeine • Carbonated soft drinks

The Hollywood Diet

Don't you just love Hollywood! I sure did until I actually tried to visit. It turns out all of the cool stuff you associate with Hollywood is in a different city altogether. Burbank and other places you have barely heard of seem to be where the movie and TV people work.

Still the name Hollywood has strong appeal with us. So much appeal that someone bottled up some juice and sells it to us at $25 per bottle. That juice would have been a major flop except they called it "The Hollywood Diet" and have sold tons of it. It is a brilliant marketing plan.

People all over have tried to analyze what the hollywood diet is made up of. The crack team of scientists here at actually went to the store and read the ingredients list on the side of the bottle. Here is what the hollywood diet juice contains:



pineapple juice

orange juice

apple juice

prune juice

white grape juice

lemon juices juice

extracts of bilberry

green tea extract

ginkgo biloba

grapeseed extract

along with a few preservatives and stabilizers.

Pretty simple. I bet you could make your own version. You could certainly put together the same ingredients for less money.

The instructions are very simple. Four times a day, you drink the juice and some water. You eat nothing else. It isn't surprising that you would lose weight. According to the package label, you are only ingesting 400 calories per day.

The Atkins Diet

What to do:

The Atikins diet plan is a low carbohydrate method. The avoidance of carbohydrates in your diet is structured to keep your body from adding weight. The method includes eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Free Meats and Cheeses:

The following meats and cheeses have no carbohydrates. Using the atkins diet plan you may eat as much of the following items as you wish.

Meat / Fish / Fowl / Shellfish / Eggs / Cheese
Beef / Tuna / Chicken / Oysters / Scrambled / Aged & Fresh
Pork / Salmon / Turkey / Mussels / Fried / Cow & Goat
Lamb / Sole / Duck / Clams / Poached / Cream Cheese
Bacon / Trout / Goose / Squid / Soft Boiled / Cottage Cheese
Veal / Flounder / Cornish Hen / Shrimp / Hard Boiled / Swiss
Ham / Sardines / Quail / Lobster / Deviled / Cheddar
Venison / Herring / Pheasant / Crab

Not Bad Vegetables:

A serving of these salad vegetables has 10% or less of your daily carbohydrate limit. Therefor you can eat up to three cups of these without worry.









Bock Choy









Alfalfa Sprouts



Other Vegetables:

These vegetables have more carbohydrates than the ones above. You'll want to limit your intake of these to about 1 cup per day.


String beans, wax beans, etc.


Beet Greens












Summer Squash






Bamboo Shoots

Bean Sprouts

Water Chestnuts

Snow Pea Pods


Collard Greens

Dandelion Greens


Spaghetti Squash

Celery Root

Brussel Sprouts

Artichoke Hearts

Hearts of Palm

These foods are high in carbohydrates and should be avoided:








Anything with Flour

Non-diet soda



Potato (potatoe if your name is Dan Quayle)



Lemonade Diet

Hey folks, do you hate food? Do you think you could live without it for a while? I don't, but if you really think that living without food seems like a great idea, here is the plan for you. Some folks call it the lemonade diet while others will call it a lemonade cleanse or even "The Master Cleanse". I call it 'The Master Dumbest Idea I Have Seen In A While".

Here is how to completely empty your intestinal tract. You'll look great at the coroner's office after you pass out and crash your car.

The diet plan is simple. You can't eat anything! Ha ha ha! You are so bummin!

You can drink something that people call Lemonade, but it isn't really lemonade, unless you like hot pepper in your lemonade. I personally do not like hot pepper in my lemonade. I also don't use maple syrup to make lemonade. I like maple syrup, but it isn't an ingredient in lemonade in my house.

You also get to drink salt water and laxative tea. Woo Hoo!

Here is how to make the lemonade:

2 oz. of fresh squeezed lemon juice. No using the bottled stuff, although cheaters have been known to use the frozen concentrate from Trader Joe's.

2 oz. of maple syrup, (sticklers call for grade B, Organic maple syrup, and let's face it, this is a diet plan for the sticklers)

1/4 of a teaspoon (or more) of cayenne pepper

2 Cups of Water.

Mix it up and enjoy it because that is all you are getting. You'll need about 160 ounces per day.

When you get up in the morning you can choose to drink a "salt water flush" consisting of 2 teaspoons of salt (sticklers use uniodized, sea salt) and 1 quart of water. It takes about 30 minutes to run through you, so don't drink it right before a long commute.

At night you can drink Herbal Laxative Tea.

Normally, I don't write about what results you can expect, but this plan warrants some expected results.

During the diet (some people go for 10 days) you can expect:

* Diarrhea

* Dizziness

* The salt water can make you puke.

* You might lose about 8 pounds over 10 days * While during the diet you might be sluggish, it promises increased energy afterward. After you EAT SOMETHING!

* You will crap out all of the solids within your body. Be ready. If you swallowed a pebble when you were 5 years old, it might make a guest appearance.

* You may have an increased desire to eat healthy foods afterward.

Good luck with the cleansing. If it causes your hemorrhoids to flare up, I suggest you stop by to take care of them.