Diversity and Study Abroad Programs | 2012 – 2013

CSCC Strategic Initiatives, Institutional Goals Linking and Student Learning Outcomes

Pono Learning Community / 17 /
  • College access and readiness
  • Success and attainment
  • To provide a learner-centered environment that provides the support services which assure that learners attain their educational goals.
  • To provide educational, cultural, economic, social, recreational, or aesthetic programs and services to meet the changing needs of individuals in a multicultural community.
  • To provide lifelong educational programming for personal and professional growth, cultural and recreational enrichment and international education.
  • To foster an environment that values an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Community and Civic Responsibility involves collaborating and interacting effectively with others, and identifying individual and group roles. Community and civic responsibility also includes recognizing social responsibilities, ethics, and individual rights in a democratic society. Other elements include recognizing social diversity, including contributions, traditions, cultures, lifestyles, and/or values of others.
  • Critical Thinkinginvolves recognizing, analyzing, and defining problems, drawing logical well-supported conclusions and testing them against relevant criteria and standards. Critical thinking also includes examining issues by identifying and challenging assumptions (including one’s own), developing alternative solutions or strategies and evaluating practical and ethical implications.
/ Participants are better able to:
  • Collaborate and interact in groupsthrough session activities and facilitated exercises
  • Exhibit ethical behavior by critically processing personal identity lenses and demonstrating knowledge of civil rights and social diversity in the cohort and the greater campus community
  • Apply logic by demonstrating an understanding of the difference between facts and opinions through the learned identities of cohort members
  • Pono homework
  • Four corners exercise
  • World café
  • Redundancia
  • Appreciative inquiry session close
  • Storyboard
  • Trivia game
  • Game board

MAN Initiative / 6 /
  • College access and readiness
  • Success and attainment
  • To provide a learner-centered environment that provides the support services which assure that learners attain their educational goals.
  • To provide educational, cultural, economic, social, recreational, or aesthetic programs and services to meet the changing needs of individuals in a multicultural community.
  • To provide lifelong educational programming for personal and professional growth, cultural and recreational enrichment and international education.
  • To foster an environment that values an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Community and Civic Responsibility involves collaborating and interacting effectively with others, and identifying individual and group roles. Community and civic responsibility also includes recognizing social responsibilities, ethics, and individual rights in a democratic society. Other elements include recognizing social diversity, including contributions, traditions, cultures, lifestyles, and/or values of others.
  • Critical Thinkinginvolves recognizing, analyzing, and defining problems, drawing logical well-supported conclusions and testing them against relevant criteria and standards. Critical thinking also includes examining issues by identifying and challenging assumptions (including one’s own), developing alternative solutions or strategies and evaluating practical and ethical implications.
/ Participants are better able to:
  • Collaborate and interact in groups through workshop presentation exercises
  • Exhibit ethical behavior by critically processing personal obstacles/life lessons and demonstrating knowledge of civil rights and social diversity through the exhibition of everyday leadership
  • Apply logic by demonstrating an understanding of the difference between facts and opinions through learning about personal stories behind statistics on minority males
  • Hip Hop Institute writing and movement workshops
  • Men of the Year nominee essays
  • Brothers’ Keeper Panel and town hall meeting
  • Conference presentation on MAN Initiative program

Heritage Events / 13 /
  • College access and readiness
  • Success and attainment
  • To provide a learner-centered environment that provides the support services which assure that learners attain their educational goals.
  • To provide educational, cultural, economic, social, recreational, or aesthetic programs and services to meet the changing needs of individuals in a multicultural community.
  • To provide lifelong educational programming for personal and professional growth, cultural and recreational enrichment and international education.
  • To foster an environment that values an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Community and Civic Responsibility involves collaborating and interacting effectively with others, and identifying individual and group roles. Community and civic responsibility also includes recognizing social responsibilities, ethics, and individual rights in a democratic society. Other elements include recognizing social diversity, including contributions, traditions, cultures, lifestyles, and/or values of others.
/ Participants are better able to:
  • Collaborate and interact in groups through engaging cultural events
  • Exhibit ethical behavior through curiosity and pursuit of information about differing identities and demonstrating knowledge of civil rights and social diversity understanding of marginalized histories, personal stories and various cultural practices
  • Hispanic Latino Family Festival events
  • MLK events
  • Poets in Black
  • International Education Week

Trainings and Presentations / 17 /
  • Diversity and leadership development
  • To provide a learner-centered environment that provides the support services which assure that learners attain their educational goals.
  • To provide educational, cultural, economic, social, recreational, or aesthetic programs and services to meet the changing needs of individuals in a multicultural community.
  • To provide lifelong educational programming for personal and professional growth, cultural and recreational enrichment and international education.
  • To foster an environment that values an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Community and Civic Responsibility involves collaborating and interacting effectively with others, and identifying individual and group roles. Community and civic responsibility also includes recognizing social responsibilities, ethics, and individual rights in a democratic society. Other elements include recognizing social diversity, including contributions, traditions, cultures, lifestyles, and/or values of others.
  • Critical Thinkinginvolves recognizing, analyzing, and defining problems, drawing logical well-supported conclusions and testing them against relevant criteria and standards. Critical thinking also includes examining issues by identifying and challenging assumptions (including one’s own), developing alternative solutions or strategies and evaluating practical and ethical implications.
/ Participants are better able to:
  • Collaborate and interact in groups through small to large groupdialogue, Q & A and reflection exercises
  • Exhibit ethical behavior by challenging past behavior/ideas and demonstrating knowledge of civil rights and social diversity through active listeningand response to uncomfortable and challenging topics
  • Apply logic by demonstrating an understanding of the difference between facts and opinions through open inquiry and stereotype adjustment
  • SafeZone Training
  • Student Ambassadors diversity training
  • Diversity in Academic Advising presentation
  • Integrity presentation
  • Multiracial identities presentation

Facilitation and Harvests / 9 /
  • Diversity and leadership development
  • To provide a learner-centered environment that provides the support services which assure that learners attain their educational goals.
  • To provide educational, cultural, economic, social, recreational, or aesthetic programs and services to meet the changing needs of individuals in a multicultural community.
  • To provide lifelong educational programming for personal and professional growth, cultural and recreational enrichment and international education.
  • To foster an environment that values an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Community and Civic Responsibility involves collaborating and interacting effectively with others, and identifying individual and group roles. Community and civic responsibility also includes recognizing social responsibilities, ethics, and individual rights in a democratic society. Other elements include recognizing social diversity, including contributions, traditions, cultures, lifestyles, and/or values of others.
  • Critical Thinkinginvolves recognizing, analyzing, and defining problems, drawing logical well-supported conclusions and testing them against relevant criteria and standards. Critical thinking also includes examining issues by identifying and challenging assumptions (including one’s own), developing alternative solutions or strategies and evaluating practical and ethical implications.
/ Participants are better able to:
  • Collaborate and interact in groups through power-reversed conversations (where marginalized are the speakers)
  • Exhibit ethical behavior by sharing perspectives with all group members and demonstrating knowledge of civil rights and social diversity through respect of each individual voice
  • Apply logic by demonstrating an understanding of the difference between facts and opinions research and responsive critical thinking
  • Drilling Down series
  • ESLac world café
  • Faculty storyboarding
  • Sexual orientation world café
  • Minorities in suburban schools world café
  • Circle exercise/discussion with 2012-13 CCI students

Employee Resource Groups / 19 /
  • Diversity and leadership development
  • To provide educational, cultural, economic, social, recreational, or aesthetic programs and services to meet the changing needs of individuals in a multicultural community.
  • To provide lifelong educational programming for personal and professional growth, cultural and recreational enrichment and international education.
  • To foster an environment that values an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Community and Civic Responsibility involves collaborating and interacting effectively with others, and identifying individual and group roles. Community and civic responsibility also includes recognizing social responsibilities, ethics, and individual rights in a democratic society. Other elements include recognizing social diversity, including contributions, traditions, cultures, lifestyles, and/or values of others.
/ Participants are better able to:
  • Collaborate and interact in groups through shared organizational experiences, challenges and helpful information
  • Exhibit ethical behavior by acceptance of varied communication styles within and among affinities and demonstrating knowledge of civil rights and social diversity in different levels of leadership within the organization
  • It Gets Better video project
  • ERG launch meetings
  • COSI race exhibit professional development
  • Networking reception with President Harrison

International Education (numbers do not reflect study abroad trips*) / 2 /
  • College access and readiness
  • Success and attainment
  • To provide educational, cultural, economic, social, recreational, or aesthetic programs and services to meet the changing needs of individuals in a multicultural community.
  • To foster an environment that values an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Community and Civic Responsibility involves collaborating and interacting effectively with others, and identifying individual and group roles. Community and civic responsibility also includes recognizing social responsibilities, ethics, and individual rights in a democratic society. Other elements include recognizing social diversity, including contributions, traditions, cultures, lifestyles, and/or values of others.
/ Participants are better able to:
  • Collaborate and interact in groups through globalcultural exchange
  • Exhibit ethical behavior seeking to understand opposing viewpoints and demonstrating knowledge of civil rights and social diversity through awareness of human issues
  • International Education Week world café
  • “Ask me where I’m from” campaign
  • CCI program
  • Conversation Partners Program

Movements / 6 /
  • Success and attainment
  • Diversity and leadership development
  • To provide educational, cultural, economic, social, recreational, or aesthetic programs and services to meet the changing needs of individuals in a multicultural community.
  • To provide lifelong educational programming for personal and professional growth, cultural and recreational enrichment and international education.
  • To foster an environment that values an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Community and Civic Responsibility involves collaborating and interacting effectively with others, and identifying individual and group roles. Community and civic responsibility also includes recognizing social responsibilities, ethics, and individual rights in a democratic society. Other elements include recognizing social diversity, including contributions, traditions, cultures, lifestyles, and/or values of others.
  • Critical Thinkinginvolves recognizing, analyzing, and defining problems, drawing logical well-supported conclusions and testing them against relevant criteria and standards. Critical thinking also includes examining issues by identifying and challenging assumptions (including one’s own), developing alternative solutions or strategies and evaluating practical and ethical implications.
/ Participants are better able to:
  • Collaborate and interact in groups through peer testimonials
  • Exhibit ethical behavior by sharing a platform for voice and demonstrating knowledge of civil rights and social diversity by engaging in demonstrative service work
  • Apply logic by demonstrating an understanding of the difference between facts and opinions via subject matter expert dialogue and follow-up reflection
  • Day of Silence information tables
  • DOS ally message boards
  • Take Back the Night open stage
  • Stonewall Columbus fundraiser
  • TBTN self defense seminar
  • PostSecret boxes

Other / 7 / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A