Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan Subcommittee

February 19, 2009

106 GW Hall

Notes from the meeting (taken by Anand Rao)

  1. Diversity blog updated (diversityplan.umwblogs.org)
  2. Anand asked if there were any other materials the committee would like to have access to
  3. Diversity Plan feedback. Anand outlined several ways that the subcommittee can seek feedback, including the blogs, the review of past reports/documents, the diversity workshop focus groups, and open forums. It was decided that open forums would be held later in the process, once content had been generated for the diversity plan, and was made available to the public. It will be important to advertise and publicize the forums. Ali Gauch offered to share a list area organizations to invite to the open forum. Sabrina Johnson that we are currently authorized to reach out to the PCACD, but that we should check with the President’s Office before reaching out to the larger community.
  4. Content Areas. There was some discussion of the content areas for the diversity plan. However, much of the discussion centered around the nature of the problem, how diversity is perceived on campus, and past efforts to address diversity initiatives.
  5. Subcommittee composition. We welcomed Natalie Wiener, Chair of DUCC (Diversity and Unity Coordinating Committee), as a student rep on the committee.
  6. Campus Climate. Kristin Marsh raised concerns about the relationship between faculty, students, and staff, noting that the staff treatment of students has been raised in other forums. Several agreed that the University needs to provide diversity and sensitivity training for everyone, faculty, staff, and students. It was suggested that we include two new content areas: building community on campus, and work environment.
  7. Chief Diversity Officer. John. L. Johnson suggested that the CDO be a Southerner, and should sometimes report to the President. He felt there is a greater responsibility to the ideal than to the office, and that they should first act on behalf of the ideal.
  8. Diversity Plan Framework. Shaunna Payne suggested that we be clear in the plan about infrastructure versus actual work. What can be done first, what can be done later, and what can we grow out of?
  9. Next Meeting on Friday, February 27, 2009