Diversity And Equality Monitoring Form

As part of Depaul’s commitment to making diversity and equality a reality, it is our policy to recruit staff on the basis of their ability and suitability for the post they are applying. We are committed to safeguarding our service users, ensuring that we recruit people that are suitable to work with our client group and that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment than others. We strive to provide a working environment in which everyone feels valued, respected and able to contribute.

The information you provide will be treated in strict confidence and will not be used as part of the selection process.

By completing and returning the monitoring form which follows, you consent to Depaul processing this information for general monitoring purposes in line with the diversity and equality policy. If you are employed, the information will be kept and used for regular internal monitoring of the diversity of the Depaul staff profile.

Post applied for:Advertised in:

Name: Age in years:

1.Please tick the description which you feel is the most appropriate of your ethnic origin (please choose ONE section from A to F. Then tick the most appropriate box (one box only)

AWhiteC Asian or Asian BritishE Chinese

BritishIndian Chinese

Irish Pakistani Other

Other (please write in) Bangladeshi Other (please write in)


BMixedD Black or Black British F Any Other Background

White & Black Caribbean Caribbean Other

White & Black African African (please write in)

White & AsianOther

Other (please write in) (please write in)

2.Please indicate your sex: Male Female Transsexual

3.Do you have a disability? Yes No

If yes, what could we do to help you in the workplace?

4.Do you identify as: Lesbian/Gay Heterosexual

Bisexual Don't wish to state

5.Religion: Christian Muslim Sikh Hindu Atheist Buddhist Jewish

Don't wish to state Other (please indicate)

This padlock symbol from the Information Commissioner’s Office is to make you aware that your information is being collected and processed in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Depaul Registered Address, 291-299 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1JG,

Registered Charity Number: 802384, Company Number: 2440093 (Registered in England and Wales), Depaul Housing Services is a subsidiary of Depaul UK and registered with the Homes and Communities Agency Number: C2683