Minutes of DSS TC Conference Call of Monday, 13-JAN-06

1. Welcome by chair (Nick Pope)

2. Confirm conference call minute taker (John Ross)

3. Roll Call

Trevor Perrin- Individual

Hal Lockhart- BEA Systems

Stefan Drees - Individual

Andreas Kuehne - Individual

Nick Pope - Individual

John Ross – SecStan

Tommy Lindberg- Individual

4. Approval of agenda


5. Approval of minutes of 9 January 2006, and 12 Dec 05

Both meeting minutes were approved

6. Outstanding Actions Review (see below)

17-10-06: [Dimitri + Trevor] Update timestamping profile to include (Action is frozen until the core timestamping issues are resolved.)

Action ongoing

05-10-03-06: Outstanding Action on chairs (NP and JC) and Konrad to draft an email regarding the canonicalization issues for onward transmission to WSS.

Action ongoing (see also 06-01-06-03)

05-06-27-01: All to review the latest version of the Roadmap document

(Action frozen until profile updates are done.)

05-12-12-01: [Ed + Konrad] Propose text for a section to be inserted as 3.5 "Basic Processing of CMS Timestamps creation (Optional)" and a section to be inserted as 4.6 "Basic Processing of CMS Timestamps verification (Optional)".

Action complete, proposed text generated,

05-12-12-02: [Ed] Section 5.1.1 needs restructuring.

Action complete.

05-12-12-03: [JC + Stefan] Propose text for sections to be inserted as "XML Signature timestamp verification" and "XML Content timestamp generation".

Action complete.

06-01-06-01 : all : volunteers for profiles please contact the chairs

Both the Code signing and policy wide server profiles needs new editor, volunteers requested.

Action Outstanding

06-01-06-02 : hal : inform this TC on WSS and its successors group status

Action waiting outcome of action 05-10-03-06,

06-01-06-03 : Konrad, NP and to whom it may concern : comments on verification manifests

Action complete – email sent by Konrad & updated by NP 23 Jan

06-01-06-04 : JC : confirm the status of the test case document

Action completed


06-01-23-01 :

Konrad, Ed and Juan Carlos to confirm that they agree the time stamping processing changes are complete:

(see item 7.1 below)

Action: Konrad, Ed and Juan Carlos to confirm they are happy with the current text

06-01-23-02 :

Meaning of “indeterminate state” and general discussion around the email sent by sent Konrad and commented by nick titled “As quick shot at section 4.4 an 4.6.1” (see action 06-01-06-03)

Action: Tommy and Stefan, to generate an email identifying the problem to the list.

06-01-23-03 : Comment on XML Time-stamp and RF 3161

Action: Nick to send out the Agreed response to public comment

7. Core issues.

7.1 Time-stamp processing.

Update done to the core, just needs confirmation, see action 06-01-23-01

7.2 Minor reports regarding manifest verification.

This issue is not fully resolved, see action 06-01-23-02

7.3 Public Comment on XML Time-stamp and RF 3161

Comments were received on the XML timestamp structure, a proposed response was drafted by Trevor and Nick. The meeting approved the response and Nick was actioned to reply. See action 06-01-23-03.

8. Review of profiles' alignment with new CD

8.1 Existing profiles

-Asynchronous Profile (Andreas - revised draft distributed)

Andreas reported that he will be looking at Tommy’s comment in the next few days and will update the profile in the light of these discussions

-Code-signing (Pieter Awaiting feedback)

Need new editor, see action 06-01-06-01 :

- Policy wise server (Paul Madsen unable to continue, anyone interested?)

Need new editor, see action 06-01-06-01

- XAdES (Juan Carlos)

No reported on

- German Signature Law (Andreas)

A new version of this profile was uploaded today, all to review

- Entity seal (Nick)

New version was posted ready for the last meeting, all to review

- EPM (Ed)

Not reported on

- Timestamp (Trevor, Dimitri)


- Signature Gateway (Glenn)

Done, no changes necessary

8.2. Further profiles

None identified

9. Interoperability testing.

Juan Carlos has updated the test case (action 06-01-06-04 completed)

Juan Carlos: reported that the UPC interoperability testing is due to be complete in the next two weeks

10. Date of Next meeting. Proposal: 6th of February 2006.

11. Any other business


12. Close