District Training for FDOT Geotechnical Database
Database Training #2
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
FDOT Turnpike Office
Presented by: / Florida Bridge Software Institute
Prior to training, it is recommended to review two online tutorials that are available at http://fdot.ce.ufl.edu/tutorials.html
·  Insitu Excel: General Sheet Overview (4 mins) Interactive Tutorial
·  Insitu Excel: SPT Sheet General Overview (5 mins) Interactive Tutorial
Logistical Requirements: / ·  The training requires 1 computer with internet access for every 2 people (minimum).
1 computer per user is ideal.
·  Users will need to have their administrator passwords for the machines so that they can install the database DLL if not previously installed.
Initial setup of computers / All Presenters / 10:00 am
Overview of database hierarchy / Erica Hughes / 10:15 am
How to upload boring/lab data to the database from the excel application programs / Mike Faraone / 10:45 am
Lunch Break (12 pm -1:00 pm)
How to review uploaded data using CADD drawing (in comparison with the data fields of the excel application programs) / Mike Faraone / 1:10 pm
How to complete the data submission, i.e. locking the uploaded data by submitter after review / Erica Hughes / 1:40 pm
Application of pile capacity analysis using FB-Deep / Mike Faraone / 2:25 pm
Additional Information
Notes: / The training is to cover the basics of the database application, which will be focused on the use of the excel spreadsheets and the review process using the current database architecture. In order to maximize the efficiency of the training and to minimize the time duration necessary to cover the basics, we encourage the participants to provide feedback or suggestion for improvement by emails after the training.