The Crisp County School System (CCSS) believes parental involvement to be vital to the academic success of students in each school. Crisp County's Parent Engagement Program ensures parental involvement regulations are met as mandated by the Elementaryand Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). The district ensures strong strategies are in place to: (1) build capacity to involve parents/stakeholders in an effective partnership with the school; and (2) share and suppo1t high student academic achievement. Parent Engagement activities are designed to promote active participation, open communication, and collaboration between parents, schools, and community stakeholders with the common goal of increasing and/or improving student achievement. Title I CCSS Parent Involvement Plan and activities as outlined in sections 1112 , 1116, and 1118 (a)(2) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).
Part I.
The Crisp County School System agrees to implement the following statutory requirements:
Theschooldistrictwillputintooperationprograms,activitiesandproceduresfortheinvolvementof parents in all of its schools with Title I, Part A programs, consistent with section 1118 of the ElementaryandSecondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). These programs, activities and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents of participatingchildren.
Consistent with section 1118, the school district will work with its schools to ensure that the requiredschool-levelparentinvolvementpoliciesmeettherequirementsofsection11l8(b)of the ESEA, and each include, as a component, a school-parent compact consistent with section 1118(d) of theESEA.
Theschooldistrictwillincorporatethisdistrict-wideparentalinvolvementpolicyintoitsLEA plandevelopedundersection1112oftheESEA.
In carrying out the Title I, Part A parental involvement requirements , to the extent practicable, the school district and its schools will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limit ed English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 of the ESEA in
anunderstandable and uniform format and, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand.
If the LEA plan for Title I, Part A, developed undersection 1112 of the ESEA, is not satisfactory to the parents of pa1iicipating children, the schooldistrict will submit any parent comments with the plan when the school district submits the plan to the State Department of Education.
The school district will involve the parents of children served in Title I, Part A schools in decisionsabouthowthe1percentofTitleI,PartAfundsreservedfor parentalinvolvementis spent,andwillensurethatnoless95percentoftheonepercentgoesdirectly totheschools.
Theschooldistrictwillbegovernedbythefollowingstatutorydefinitionofparentalinvolvement andexpectsthatTitleIschoolswillcarryoutprograms,activities,andproceduresinaccordance with thisdefinition:
Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learningand other school activities ,including ensunng-
Part II.
The Crisp County School System will implement the required components of the district-wide Parental Involvement Planas described below:
The Crisp County School System will take the following actions to involveparents in the joint developmentofitsComprehensivePlanandLEAParentalInvolvementPlanundersection1112 of theESEA:
The CCSS shall provide to stakeholders e.g., parents, teachers, students, school officials, community agencies, and government representatives multiple opportunities to jointly develop, review and revise Title I documents.
•The Federal Programs Director and Parent Involvement Facilitators will host Title I
Parent & Stakeholder Input Meetings annually.All parents are invited to attend a
meetingfor the developmentand revision of the Parental Involvement Policy. Stakeholders will be in v ited to pai1icipate in the forums via announcements on the district and school websites, media p ressrelease, socialmedia, school messengercall-out,
studentagendas, and/or posted flyers. Stakeholders attending the forums will receive information ai1d w ill be able to share in the discussion regarding Federal Prograins, System Achievement Data, Federal Program Plans and Budgets. A draft of the proposed Parental Involvement Plan will be available for all parents to review and offer comments/suggestions prior to approval of the final pla n. Feedback cards will be available for stakeholders to submit comments, questions and concerns. Parents'
suggestionsandcommentswillbereviewed,ainendmentstothedraftwillbemadeas needed, and the plan will be finalized. If stake holders are unable to attend the Input Meetingstheymayrequestcopiesofthedocumentsbesenttothembycontactingthe Director of FederalPrograms:
Nai11e / Phone / Email / MailPamela Braziel / 229-276-3400 / 12braziel@cris12sc hools.org / P. 0 .Box 729 Cordele, GA 31015
•Title I and other system documents are located at the district's Central Office in the Federal PrograinsDepartment. Stakeholders may review documents and complete comment cards at any time.
•AllTitleIdocumentsareavailableonthedistrictwebsite.Stakeholdersmayprovidetheir inputbymailoremailtotheFederalProgramsDirector.
•All parents will have the opportunity to review the Districtwide Parent Involvement Policy which will be made available to all parents of students in Title I schools via the district website, Title I schools' we bsites, Fe deralPrograms Department at the Central Office,andParentResourceCenters.Unsatisfactorycommentsregardingthedistrictplan shallbesubmittedtotheStateEducationAgency.
The Crisp County School System will take the following action to involve parents in the process of LEA and school review and improvement under section 1116 of the ESEA:
•The CCSS will requireTitle I schools to involve a lleligible parents in the school review and improvement pro cess.All parents will be provided the oppo11unity to provide feedback on each school and school' sperformance via survey administered in the spring. Parent survey results and comments are reviewed and taken into consideration when developing theComprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP) and the Title I Schoolwide Plan. Schools must notify all parents, using a variety of communication
methods, about the opportunities to discuss the Title I program plan, review implementation of Title I plan, discuss how the 1% of Title I funds allotted for parent involvement shall be used, and invite suggestions for improvement.
•Title I schools must invite all parents to attend a school-level Shared Decision Making (SDM) meeting. Title Ischools must hold a SDM meeting each year in the spring. Schools will structure their SDM meeting in a similar fashion to that of the LEA. Opportunities for discussion and feedback regarding the school's Parent Involvement Plan,School-ParentCompact,TitleISchoolwidePlanandBudget,StudentAchievement Data, CLIP, and Flexible Learning Plan (FLP), if applicable, must be given to parents of participatingstudents.
•Parents shall also be involved in the improvement process by completing parent satisfaction surveys for the schools and dis trict.
TheCrispCountvSchoolSystemwillprovidethefollowingnecessarycoordination,technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effectiveparentalinvolvementactivitiestoimprovestudentacademicachievementandschool performance:
•TheDistrictwillprovidea timelineofparentalinvolvementactivities,requirements,and deadlines to schools and Parent EngagementFacilitators.
•The District will schedule monthly meetings with Parent Engagement Facilitators to providetechnicalassistanceandsupportinimplementingrequiredparentalinvolvement plans/activities.
TheCrispCountySchoolSystemwillcoordinateandintegrateparentinvolvementstrategiesin Title I, Part A with parental involvementstrategiesunder the following other programs such as Pre-KindergartenProgramsandEarlyInterventionPrograms,by:
•Wheneverappropriate andfeasibletheLEAwillensurethatitsTitleIschoolscoordinate efforts with Pre-Kand Head Start programs to provide info rmationand workshops on school readiness and the importance of parent engagement. " A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener", and school tours are examples of coordinated events that are provided fortheparentsofstudentsparticipatingintheseearlyeducationprograms.
•The Pre-K Parent Engagement Facilitator may visit local day care and make suggest io ns regarding:
oChild finds in speech anddevelopmentaldelays
oTalks with students about going to Pre-Kandwhat toexpect
oTakes students on a tour of the Pre-Kandwhat toexpect
•The Primary School Parent Engagement Facilitators may visit Pre-Kandmake suggestions regarding:
oTalkswithstudentsaboutgoingtoKindergartenandwhatto expect
TheCrispCountySchool Systemwilltakethefollowingactiontoconduct,withtheinvolvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its Tit le I, Part A schools. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited Englishproficiency,havelimitedliteracy,orareofanyracialorethnicminoritybackground).
Theschooldistrictwillusethefindingsoftheevaluationaboutitsparentinvolvementpolicyand activitiestodesignstrategiesformoreeffectiveparentalinvolvement,andtorevise,ifnecessary (andwiththeinvolvementofparents)itsparental involvementpolicies.
•A district-wide, Title I Parent Satisfaction Survey will be administered annually. The purpose of the survey is to evaluate program effectiveness, to determine if parent needs are being adequately addressed, and to identify barriers to participation. Title I schools willsendhomeapapercopyofthesurveytoitsparentsandprovideanelectroniclinkto the survey. Paper survey responses will be collected by the school-level Parent EngagementFacilitatorsandenteredintoSurveyMonkey.TheFederalProgramDirector will generate the survey analysis report for each Title I school and for the LEA. Timely responses to parent questions and suggestions, if parent chooses not to remain anonymous, shall be provided and unsatisfactory parent comments shall be submitted to the Title I office. Title I school s and the district will post survey results on their respective websites. The survey results shall be used to design strategies for effective parent programming and to revise, if necessary, the district and schools' Parent Involvement Policy and parentactivities.
•SchoolswillalsogatherparentfeedbackfromExitSurveysconductedattheconclusion of parent events andactivities.
TheCrispCountySchoolSystemwillbuildtheschools'and parents'capacityforstrongparental involvementtoensureeffectiveinvolvementofparentsandtosupportapartnershipamongthe schoolinvolved,parentsandthecommunitytoimprovestudentacademicachievementthrough thefollowingactivitiesspecificallydescribedbelow:
•The school district will, with the assistance of its Title I, Part A schools provide assistancetoparentsofchildrenservedby theschooldistrictorschool,asappropriate,in understandingtopicssuchasthefollowing:byundertakingtheactionsdescribedinthis paragraph---the State's academic content standards; the State's student academic achievement standards; the State and local academic assessments including alternative assessments; the requirements of Title I, Part A; how to monitor their child's progress, and how to work witheducators.
•The Crisp County School System will provide technical assistance to Title I schools regarding the topics described in the above paragraph. Each participating Title I school will offer various workshops, trainings, and classes for parents in order to discuss the academicachievementofstudentsincorecontentareas.Topicssuchasacademic
standards, state assessments/alternative assessments, monitoring student progress, and parental involvementwill be the focus of each Title I activity. Curriculum- based events will be held at participating schools based upon various needs assessments, parental feedback, and student performance on standardized testing. Schools will provide transition workshops where they provide parents and students transitioning from Pre-K to Kindergarten, elementary to middle school, and middle school to high school with pertinent info rmationregarding a successful transition to the next level.
•Schools will use technology as a learning tool for parents as they demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom (iPads, Promethean Boards, etc.) and accessing the parent portal to monitor academic student records. Furthermore, schools will provide informationthatsupportsstudentlearningathomeinthecorecontentareasincludingthe area of literacy by promotingfamily reading, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension.
•As academicstandards are discussed, schools will use various manipulatives and technology to provide parents with a simulation of what occurs in the core content classroomsoftheirstudents.Brochures,pamphlets,andhandoutswillbeprovidedfor parentsastheyparticipateinthevariousTitleIactivitiesineachoftheschools.
•ParentEngagementFacilitatorswillhaveopportunitiestoattendregionalandstateParent Engagement workshops/con ferenceswhere they will receive info rmationfor building stronger, equal partnerships with shared responsibilities among parents, schools, and communities.
•Theschooldistrictwill,withtheassistanceofitsschools,providematerialsandtraining tohelpparentsworkwiththeirchildrentoimprovetheirchildren'sacademic
achievement, such as literacy training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement.
•Title I schools will use their Parent Resource Centers/areas to disseminate pamphlets, brochures,andhandoutstohelpparentsworkwiththeirchildrentoimprovestudent
achievement.Eachschoolwilluseeithertheir1%ParentalInvolvement Set-Asideora portion of their Title I schoolallocation as needed to purchase additional materials to assistparentsastheyworktoimprovetheirchildren'sacademicachievement.
•Parent Engagement Facilitators will work in collaboration with the Federal Program Directortodeveloptrainingsthatwillhelptheparentsastheyworkwiththeirchildrento improve their academic achievement. A 1% Parental Involvement Set-Aside form will be distributed at Title I meetings to provide parents with an opportunity to provide feedback regarding the way the funds may be spent to assist them as they work jointly withtheschooltoimprovestudentachievement.
Title I schools with assistance from the Parent Engagement Facilitators shall offer parent workshops/activities on a regular basis, at various times, and to the extent practicable provide services to eliminate parental involvement barriers.
•TitleIschoolswithassistancefromtheLEAwillofferaminimumoffourparent-focused academic based activities a year. These capacity building events must provide parents with useful strategies that are linked to learningand are aligned with the SMART goals identified by the school. Title I schools must also provide print materials in the form of brochures, newsletters and make available website links that assist parents in understanding topics such as: Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) and Common Core Standards of Excellence (CCSE), College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI), Georgia Milestone Assessment, Benchmark Tests, How to MonitortheirChild'sProgress,HelpwithHomework,andHowtoWorkwithEducators.
These strategies and topics are covered during Parent Engagement Workshops.
Theschooldistrictwill,withtheassistanceofitsschoolsandparents,educateitsteachers,pupil services personnel, principals and other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and workwithparentsasequalpartners, inthevalueandutilityofcontributionsofparents,andin
howtoimplementandcoordinateparentprogramsandbuildtiesbetweenparentsandschools, by:
•TheDirectorofFederalProgran1sand/orParentEngagementFacilitatorswillprovide training to principals and school faculty during faculty meetings in how to work with parentsinaneffectivemannerandthevalueofthecontributionsofparentsandhowto buildtiesbetweenparentsandtheschool.
•Trainingtopicsmayinclude:HowtoEffectivelyCommunicatewithParents,HowtoUse Data to Revise the PI Plan and Compact, Effective Parent-Teacher Conferences, and How PovertyAffectsParentInvolvementand/orstudentachievement.
•Thedistrict willrecommendthatTitleIschoolssendrepresentativestotheFamily EngagementConferenceandtheregionalPICmeetings.
•School-levelParentFacilitatorsandparentleaderswillprovidemeaningfultrainingfor schoolstaffthatpromotesandencouragesawelcomingatmosphereatleastonceayear. Parent Engagement Facilitators will undertake efforts to ensure parent participation is recognizedasanassettotheschool.
The district will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with Head Start, Even Start, Home Instruction Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program and public preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children, by:
•TheParentEngagementFacilitatorswillprovide informationonschoolreadinessandthe importance of parental involvement to the Pre-K program. This information will help families with the transition from these progran1s to Crisp County School's kindergarten classrooms. Primary level school personnel are encouraged to invite families to their parentalengagementworkshopsthroughouttheyear.
•The Title I program coordinates and integrates parent engagement strategies with other programs such as the Early Intervention Program (IEP), Special Education, Flexible LeamingPrograms Plans (FLP), English Learners (EL), Head Start, and Pre-K whenever appropriate andfeasible.
Theschooldistrictwilltakethefollowingactionstoensurethatinformationrelatedtotheschool andparentprograms,meetings,andotheractivities,issenttotheparentsofparticipating
childreninanunderstandableand unifom1format,includingalternativeformatsuponrequest, and,totheextentpracticable,inalanguagetheparentscanunderstand:
•The district will provide required documents and other pertinent information in an understandable format, and to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand. Currently,thereisnotasignificantnumberoffamilieswhospeakasecondlanguageto warrant translation or interpretation. If this changes in the future, Crisp County School System will provide written communication in an understandable language and in the home language to the extent practicable. The district will provide, upon request, the servicesofinterpretersortranslatorsinthehomelanguagetotheextentpracticable.
•The district and Title I schools shall communicate regularly with parents through a variety of media, including but not limited to: parent-teacher conferences, parent workshops/events, Parent Resource Centers, newsletters, Title I Parent Handbook, flyers, emails, websites, call-out-messenger system, school's marquee, and social media. All informationwillbepresentedinaparent-friendlylanguage.
•The district will inform school personnel that all parents must be invited to parent involvementplanningmeetings,academicevents,andshareddecisionmakingsessions using multiple forms ofadvertisements.
Providetheotherreasonablesupportforparentalinvolvementactivitiesundersection1118as parents mayrequest.
•Requestswillbereviewedatthedistrict levelanddecidedupontotheextentpracticable ifdeemed necessaryandbeneficialforparents.
Part Ill.
Discretionary and Other Components of the District-wide Parental Involvement Plan:
•The district and Title I schools will follow the framework for parental involvement as prescribed by the National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS)-School, Family, and Community Pru1nerships. This reseru·chbased program focuses on building parental capacity by implementing Pru·entAction Teams and developing I-Y ear Action Plans based on the NNPS six keys of involvement. The NNPS six keys of involvement are:
- Parenting-Helpallfamiliesestablishhomeenvironmentstosupportchildrenas students.
- Communicating-Designeffectiveformsofschool-to-homeand home-to-school communicationsaboutschoolprogramsandchildren progress.
- Volunteering- Recruitand organize parent help andsupport.
- Learning at Home - Provide information and ideas to families about how to help studentsat homewith homeworkandothercurriculum-relatedactivities,decisions,and planning.
- Decision Making- Include in school decisions, develop parent leaders and representatives.
- Collaborating with Community- Identify and integrate resources and services from the
communitytostrengthenschoolprograms,familypractices,andstudentlearningand development.
•The district and Title I schools will embrace its students, parents, and community. Administrators,facultyandstaffwillcollaboratewithbusinessesandcommunity-based organizations toprovideresourcesandnetworksfor parentsandstudents.
Part IV.
Plan Approval
Thedistrict-wideParentalInvolvementPlanhasbeendevelopedjointlywithandagreedonwith parentsofchildrenparticipating inTitleI,PartAprograms,asevidencedbyagendasandsign-in sheets.
This plan is accepted by the Crisp County School System and will be in effect for the period of oneyear.TheschooldistrictwilldistributethisplantoallparentsofparticipatingTitleI,PartA children on or before April 25,2016.
ized Official
Pamela Braziel
Federal Programs Director
Date:_q- I