Bentworth SD
District Level Plan
07/01/2018 - 06/30/2021
District Profile
150 Bearcat Drive
Bentleyville, PA 15314
Superintendent: Scott Martin
Director of Special Education: Scott Martin
Planning Process
The planning process to develop the comprehensive plan was a continuation of previous planning efforts taking into account current requirements from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. There are no schools currently in the school district that are required to develop plans of improvement. The special education plan time-line preceded the completion of the remainder of the comprehensive plan. The special education plan was developed utilizing the prescribed process and approved. The previous strategic plan wasanalyzed using standardized data sources and the community survey developedas a result of the strategic planto assess progress the district was making towards its goals.
A district wide analysis of data was undertaken to develop an understanding of the needs of the school district. Each aspect of the plan required a careful evaluation from each respective division of the school district (primary, intermediate, middle and high).
Committee assignments were determined in accordance with guidance specified from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The Bentworth School District maintains a close working relationship with parents. The input of parents provides guidance for on-going planning for district initiatives.
The planning committee meeting was held in the fall of 2014 to arrive at consensus regarding the final structure of the plan. After consensus was achieved, the planning committee agreed to send the comprehensive plan to the Bentworth Board of Education for approval. After the board of education reviewed the plan initially, the plan was made available for the public to review it for thirty days. At the October school board meeting, the comprehensive plan was adopted and then submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for final approval.
Mission Statement
To create an educational system that prepares all students for their futures.
Vision Statement
- The school district will incorporate academic standards in the curriculum with a balanced focus on both what students need to know and to apply in problematic situations.
- The school district will approach changes in the educational system through both additions of new processes and removal of outdated practices.
- The school district will make decisions regarding educational changes based on both student needs and the available resources within the community.
- The school district will change the K-12 education programs into an integrated system with a focus on accountability in the schools, student families and communities.
Shared Values
- In the Bentworth School District, we believe all our students need to have the opportunities to prepare them well for a complex global environment.
- In the Bentworth School District, we believe we need to elevate the educational expectations we have for all our students.
- In the Bentworth School District, we recognize the importance for all students to both achieve individual mastery of academic standards and to apply these standards to complex social and academic situations.
- In the Bentworth School District, we believe we need to both act as advocates for all students and for all of us to work together as a professional staff to improve academic and social behavior.
Educational Community
Following several years of transition, Bentworth School District is a stable and improving educational system. There are no current, significant building projects within the district since the construction of a new middle school in 2008-09. Likewise, our teaching staff has remained fairly constant with normal attrition through retirement. NOTE: We have lost several positions due to excessive reductions in state subsidy the past four years. This is somewhat different from the previous 5-8 years as we experienced a nearly 60 per cent replacement of total teaching and administrative staff. Our central office administrative staff will realize a change in leadership with the retirement of the Superintendent. However, this transitional phase will have little impact on the district as the replacement personnel are advancing from within. This will certainly allow for a less disruptive impact on the overall educational program.
Bentworth School District is classified as a rural district. Located in Washington County, the district encompasses an area of approximately 54 square miles. According to the 2012 local census, the district population was 8,590. The administrative offices are located at 150 Bearcat Drive, Bentleyville, PA 15314-1422. The current building configuration is one (1) elementary school (K-4); one (1) middle school (5-8); and one (1) high school (9-12).
The district provided basic educational services to 1,182 students through the employment of 9 administrators, 88 teachers and 65 full-time and part-time support personnel. The school district and Intermediate Unit 1 provide Special Education programs. The Mon Valley Career and Technology center provide occupational training and adult education for a variety of vocational and technical fields. Two recent, and highly successful, additions to the curriculum include a partial hospitalization program within the district in conjunction with a mental health facility and the implementation of a Head Start federally funded program for four year olds at the elementary level. The partial program allows for on-campus opportunities for K-12 students to address their academic and emotional needs.
Generally, state subsidies and reimbursements are paid in the year subsequent to the year the school district incurs the expenses that qualifies it for the applicable subsidy or reimbursement. While the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) makes partial payments to the district throughout the year, final payments are normally made in June of each year. In July, the Comptroller's Office confirms the payments that were made by PDE throughout the prior fiscal year. School district annual financial reports and the related certified audits of the payments are available after October 31 of the following fiscal year. The actual budget for the 2014-2015 school is 16,215, 696. .
From a financial perspective, the district has experienced a loss of services to our students as a result of the reduction in state subsidy and increases in annual operating expenses. The most significant costs are the result of increased pensionand salary requirements. This hasresulted in the eliminationof an Assistant Principal at the High School, the Director of Special Education, nineteachers, a custodian, and nurse paraprofessional.
The economic condition of the townships that comprise the district is not positivewith manyresidents falling into the middle to lower middle class income levels. School district free and reduced meal participationis approximately 50%. Although there is a continuing positive impact in the state as a result of the growing gas and oil industry, the majority of employment opportunities are not available to many local residents. This isdue, in part,to lack of experience in the field, lack of technical skills, and unfortunately, an inability to pass the drug screening policies of the industry. The historical major employers of the area werethe coal mining and steel industries. However, very few operating coal mines or steel plants exist in the surrounding area.
Bentworth School District has accumulated data for the past six years (2008-09 through 2013-14) in regards to district success in creating a high-performance educational system. The overwhelming response in this six year span indicates an improvement in district performance.
The survey consists of 49 questions to receive employee opinions of our school system. Each question is designed to determine a level of success for specific indicators. This includes an understanding of the school district’s essential purpose, promotion of high quality instruction and learning, personnel expectations, staff development, and, most importantly, student learning and success.
The data supports a decrease in question responses indicating “the district has not begun to address this” and a significant increase in “the district is well on its way” or “the district is exemplary.” Although Bentworth SD appears to be moving in the right direction, we have not attained “exemplary” status in all aspects of a high-performance system. We will continue to examine high quality staff and student performance. This will be achieved by holding all stakeholders accountable for timely and effective educational support.
Planning Committee
Name / RoleKeith Konyk / Administrator : Professional Education
George Lammay / Administrator : Professional Education Special Education
Susie Macik / Administrator : Professional Education Special Education
Scott Martin / Administrator : Professional Education Special Education
David Schreiber / Administrator : Professional Education Special Education
Betty Bellicini / Board Member : Professional Education
Nancy Brady / Board Member : Special Education
George Anderson / Business Representative : Professional Education
Tim Marodi / Business Representative : Professional Education
Nancy Brady / Community Representative : Professional Education
Judy McCarty / Community Representative : Professional Education
Julie Bernini / Ed Specialist - School Counselor : Professional Education
Joanne Pauley / Ed Specialist - School Counselor : Professional Education
Mark Horan / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education : Professional Education
Karen Martin / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education : Special Education
Michele Colbert / Elementary School Teacher - Special Education : Special Education
Robert Niziol / Elementary School Teacher - Special Education : Professional Education
Michael Hildreth / High School Teacher - Regular Education : Professional Education
Brad Colbert / High School Teacher - Special Education : Special Education
Brad Colbert / High School Teacher - Special Education : Professional Education
Sherri Crockett / Middle School Teacher - Regular Education : Professional Education
Dan Strangis / Middle School Teacher - Regular Education : Professional Education
Virginia Vasko / Middle School Teacher - Regular Education : Professional Education
Casie Blackburn / Parent : Professional Education Special Education
Ben Hays / Parent : Professional Education
Victoria Cicci / Student : Professional Education
Noah Gatten / Student : Professional Education
Core Foundations
Mapping and Alignment
Elementary Education-Primary Level
Standards / Mapping / AlignmentArts and Humanities / Developing / Developing
Career Education and Work / Developing / Developing
Civics and Government / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: English Language Arts / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Mathematics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Economics / Developing / Developing
Environment and Ecology / Developing / Developing
Family and Consumer Sciences / Developing / Developing
Geography / Developing / Developing
Health, Safety and Physical Education / Developing / Developing
History / Developing / Developing
Science and Technology and Engineering Education / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Math / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading / Developing / Developing
American School Counselor Association for Students / Developing / Developing
Early Childhood Education: Infant-Toddler⟶Second Grade / Developing / Developing
English Language Proficiency / Non Existent / Non Existent
Interpersonal Skills / Developing / Developing
School Climate / Developing / Developing
Explanation for standard areas checked "Needs Improvement" or "Non Existent":
We currently have no ESL students in the elementary at the primary level.
Elementary Education-Intermediate Level
Standards / Mapping / AlignmentArts and Humanities / Developing / Developing
Career Education and Work / Developing / Developing
Civics and Government / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: English Language Arts / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Mathematics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Economics / Developing / Developing
Environment and Ecology / Developing / Developing
Family and Consumer Sciences / Developing / Developing
Geography / Developing / Developing
Health, Safety and Physical Education / Developing / Developing
History / Developing / Developing
Science and Technology and Engineering Education / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Math / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading / Developing / Developing
American School Counselor Association for Students / Developing / Developing
English Language Proficiency / Non Existent / Non Existent
Interpersonal Skills / Developing / Developing
School Climate / Developing / Developing
Explanation for standard areas checked "Needs Improvement" or "Non Existent":
We currently have no ESL students in the elementary at the intermediate level.
Middle Level
Standards / Mapping / AlignmentArts and Humanities / Developing / Developing
Career Education and Work / Developing / Developing
Civics and Government / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: English Language Arts / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Mathematics / Developing / Developing
Economics / Developing / Developing
Environment and Ecology / Developing / Developing
Family and Consumer Sciences / Non Existent / Non Existent
Geography / Developing / Developing
Health, Safety and Physical Education / Developing / Developing
History / Developing / Developing
Science and Technology and Engineering Education / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Math / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading / Developing / Developing
American School Counselor Association for Students / Developing / Developing
English Language Proficiency / Developing / Developing
Interpersonal Skills / Developing / Developing
School Climate / Developing / Developing
World Language / Non Existent / Non Existent
Explanation for standard areas checked "Needs Improvement" or "Non Existent":
Due to insufficient funding we do not have family and consumer science and world language.
High School Level
Standards / Mapping / AlignmentArts and Humanities / Developing / Developing
Career Education and Work / Developing / Developing
Civics and Government / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: English Language Arts / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Mathematics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Economics / Developing / Developing
Environment and Ecology / Developing / Developing
Family and Consumer Sciences / Developing / Developing
Geography / Developing / Developing
Health, Safety and Physical Education / Developing / Developing
History / Developing / Developing
Science and Technology and Engineering Education / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Math / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading / Developing / Developing
American School Counselor Association for Students / Developing / Developing
English Language Proficiency / Developing / Developing
Interpersonal Skills / Developing / Developing
School Climate / Developing / Developing
World Language / Developing / Developing
Explanation for standard areas checked "Needs Improvement" or "Non Existent":