District Learning Day
Site Directory
Tuesday November 7, 2017
November 7, 2017 is the second District Learning Day (DLD) of the 2017-2018 school year. Certified staff should pre-register for sessions in My Learning Plan (MLP), which was formerly known as Randa PD. You will be required to update your account information in order to access MLP. Please follow the directions provided on pages 5-8of this document to update your account information and register for DLD sessions.
Several Knox County School facilities will serve as polling locations for the city of Knoxville general election on November 7th. Many of the traditional DLD sites, which are more centrally located within the county, are being used for the election. We have coordinated with the election commission to hold our DLD activities away from these sites. We recognize this commitment may result in a longer commute for some participants to reach sites that are located further from the center of the county. We apologize for any inconvenience this may create and we thank you for helping KCS sustain our civic partnerships.
The following information is included in this document to support planning for November7th:
- General schedule for November7thevents (p. 1)
- Accessing Programs of Study (p. 1)
- A full directory of all District Learning Day locations (p. 2-4)
- Directions for updating My Learning Plan (MLP) user accounts (p. 5-7)
- Directions for registering for DLD Sessions in MLP (p. 8)
General Schedule for All Locations
- ALL DLD sites will offer a half-day of programming.
- A very limited number of groups will meet in the afternoon. Communication and schedules for any afternoon departmentalactivities will come through department supervisors.
- ALL Sessions will begin at 8:30 a.m. and dismiss at 11:30 a.m. Participants should arrive prior to 8:30 to allow time for parking and locating sessions. Traffic and parking around DLD sites can become congested at times.
- Educators are expected to return to their base schools in the afternoon unless they are involved in other approved departmental activities.
Programs of Study
On the following pages, a complete directory of all District Learning Day locations is provided. Included in these tables are teacher/school assignments, site addresses, and links to each site’s individual Program of Study (where applicable). The Program of Study will provide a more detailed schedule for each site and detailed descriptions of the available sessions. You are encouraged to use the Program of Study as a reference as you register for sessions in MLP.
Notes for Elementary Teachers
Central High School will host ALL KCS Preschool and Kindergarten teachers. The other three elementary sites will be assigned to schools by region and offer sessions for grades 1-5.
Teachers in grades 3-5 should ONLY attend the 3-12 content-area department sites* (Science, Math, Social Studies) IF they were designated by their principal.
Elementary Schools by Region (Gr. 1–5, includes SpEd)Schools / Site and Address / Site Lead(s) and Link to Program of Study
Adrian Burnett
Belle Morris
Copper Ridge
East Knox Co.
Fountain City / Gibbs
Spring Hill
Sunnyview / Gibbs High School
7628 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721 / Kerry Crook & Katie Wheeler
Elementary 1-5 Program of Study
A.L. Lotts
Ball Camp
Blue Grass
Cedar Bluff
Farragut Int.
Farragut Prim.
Hardin Valley
KAEC / Karns
Pond Gap
Rocky Hill
West Haven
West Hills
West View / Hardin Valley Academy
11345 Hardin Valley Road Knoxville, TN 37932 / Janet Sexton
Elementary 1-5 Program of Study
Bonny Kate
Gap Creek
Lonsdale / Maynard
Mooreland Hts.
Mount Olive
New Hopewell
Norwood Pleasant Ridge
Sarah M. Greene
South Knoxville / South-Doyle High School
2020 Tipton Station Road
Knoxville TN 37920 / Michelle FlynnAdam Parker
Elementary 1-5 Program of Study
Elementary (ALL Preschool and Kindergarten, includes SpEd)
Teachers / Site and Address / Site Lead(s) and Link to Program of Study
ALL Preschool and Kindergarten
Teaching Assistants:
Pre-K Special Ed.,
Volunteer Pre-K, &
Pre-K Title I / Central High School
5321 Jacksboro Pike
Knoxville, TN 37918 / Darlene Miller, Christy Dowell, & Krista Lee
Preschool and Kindergarten Program of Study
Pre-K - 12 Departments
Department / Site and Address / Site Lead(s) and Link to Program of Study
CDC-A / Powell Middle School (Library)
3329 W. Emory Road
Powell, TN 37849 / Nicki Nye
Agenda to be provided
ELL / Karns Middle School
2925 Gray Hendrix Road
Knoxville, TN 37931 / Sharon Cate
ELL Program of Study
Health Services / L&N Stem Academy
401 Henley Street
Knoxville, TN 37902 / Lisa Wagoner
Agenda to be provided
Hearing / Karns Annex
8109 Beaver Ridge Rd
Knoxville, TN 37931 / Kiki Lee
Agenda to be Provided
Pre-K - 12 Departments (Continued)
Department / Site and Address / Site Lead(s) and Link to Program of Study
Humanities (Art & Music) / South Doyle Middle School
3900 Decatur Road
Knoxville, TN 37920 / Heather Casteel
Art Program of Study
Walter Mencer
Music Program of Study
Humanities (PE, Health and Wellness) / Cedar Bluff Elementary (Gym and Classrooms)
705 N. Cedar Bluff Road
Knoxville, TN 37923
Cedar Bluff Middle (Gym)
707 N. Cedar Bluff Road
Knoxville, TN 37923
*See Program of Study for Specific Location Details / Jean Heise
PE, Health, Wellness Program of Study
Library Media Services,
K-5 Technology, Learning Lab Facilitators, & Middle School Comp. Science / Fulton High School
2509 North Broadway
Knoxville, TN 37917 / Sarah Searles
Theresa Nixon
Ed Tech and Library Services Program of Study
OT/PT / Sarah Simpson PDTC
Room 205
801 Tipton Ave
Knoxville, TN 37920 / Regina Jenkins
Agenda to be provided
Regular Education Teaching Assistants / Remain at Assigned School -
DO NOT attend District-Wide Sites
Restorative Interventionists / Sarah Simpson PDTDC
Professional Library
801 Tipton Ave
Knoxville, TN 37920 / Jeffrey Wright
Agenda to be provided
ROTC / Farragut High School
11237 Kingston Pike
Farragut TN, 37934 / James Johnston
Agenda to be provided
Social Workers
Counselors / Sarah Simpson PDTC
Great Room
801 Tipton Ave
Knoxville, TN 37920 / Heather Willis
Agenda to be provided
SPED Paraprofessionals – Elementary& PBIS Teaching Assistants
*Registration begins at 8:00 / Holston Middle School
600 Chilhowee Drive
Knoxville, TN 37924 / Teresa Clark
Agenda to be provided
SPED Paraprofessionals – Secondary & PAC Assistants
Secondary & PAC Assistants will meet in the afternoon, 1:00-3:45. They will NOT meet in the morning.
*Registration begins at 12:30 p.m / Sarah Simpson PDTC
Great Room
801 Tipton Ave
Knoxville, TN 37920 / Teresa Clark
Agenda to be provided
Pre-K - 12 Departments (Continued)
Department / Site and Address / Site Lead(s) and Link to Program of Study
Speech/ Language / Hardin Valley Elementary
11445 Hardin Valley Road
Knoxville, TN 37932 / Summer Tucker
Agenda to be provided
Vision / Karns Annex
8109 Beaver Ridge Rd
Knoxville, TN 37931 / Karen Loy
Agenda to be provided
Secondary Content-Area Departments (3-12 or 6 - 12)
Department / Site and Address / Site Lead(s) and Link to Program of Study
CTE (6-12)
Driver's Ed / Byington-Solway CTEC
2700 Byington-Solway Road
Knoxville, TN 37931 / Daphne Odom
Casey Robison
CTE Program of Study
ELA and Theater (6-12) / Farragut High School
11237 Kingston Pike
Farragut TN, 37934 / Linda Barnes
Secondary ELA and Theater Program of Study
Math (3-12)* / Halls High School
4321 E. Emory Road
Knoxville, TN 37938 / Gary Petko
Math Program of Study
Science (3-12)* / West Valley Middle School
9118 George Williams Road
Knoxville, TN 37922 / Andrea Berry
Science Program of Study
Social Studies (3-12)* / Karns High School
2710 Byington-Solway Road
Knoxville, TN 37931 / Judy Newgent
Social Studies Program of Study
World Language (6-12) / Karns Middle School
2925 Gray Hendrix Road
Knoxville, TN 37931 / Sharon Cate
World Language Program of Study
Many of the presenters for the District Learning Days are teachers and coaches in our district who have agreed to lead these sessions for their colleagues. In addition, we have a variety of outside community partners and guests who provide learning opportunities on these days. Please be a supportive participant during the District Learning Day sessions. Also, we invite you to reach out to the Office of Professional Learning if you are interested in being a presenter in the future.
Updating PD Management Account Information to Access My Learning Plan
For the past several years, certified employees in the Knox County Schools have used Frontline Technologies’ web-based professional development management system, My Learning Plan (MLP). In the past, access to this system was included as part of the districts’ service contract with Randa Technologies and employees were able to sign into MLP through Randa using the Professional Development tab.
With the end of the Randa contract, we have renegotiated a service contract to continue the use of MLP. Access to MLP will now happen by directly accessing the system at mylearningplan.com. A link to this URL can be found on the district web page under the “For Staff” tab by selecting “Online Services.” Within online services the link can be found under the headings “Professional Development - My Learning Plan.”
Employees who have previously had access to MLP through Randa should be able to continue to access the system, but they will be required to update their account information through the MLP site. Please follow the directions below to receive your login credentials, update your password, and access the system.
Updating Your Access to My Learning Plan
- Go to mylearningplan.com
- On the landing page (see below), locate the sign in box. Do NOT enter any information into the Username or Password boxes. Instead, CLICK on the LINK under the box that reads I forgot my username.
- Next, you will be directed to a page (see below) where you will be asked to submit an email address. Please ENTER your district provided email address and CLICK the blue button labeled Email Username.
- You will receive a follow-up email from containing your Username. For most certified employees, your username should be identified as your 9-digit employee ID*. Make note of your username, and CLICK the blue button labeled “Sign in to Professional Growth” to return to the MLP login page.
*IF your @knoxschools email address is identified as your username, please see the additional information and request at the end of these directions.
- Once you have returned to the MLP login page, you will now need to update your password. To begin, ENTER the provided username and CLICK the LINK that reads I forgot my password.
- You will receive a follow-up email from . Toward the bottom of that message, you will see “Click here to reset your password” followed by a hyperlink. Click on the link and you will be directed to a password-reset page. You will need to ENTER and CONFIRM a new password and click the button labeled Reset Password. To maintain consistency across the districts’ multiple online employee platforms, you are advised to change your MLP password to match the password used in your Active Directory login credentials.
- Confirm that you are now able to access My Learning Plan directly through mylearningplan.com using these established login credentials. Previous users should find their account information and historical data (portfolio, etc.) present in the system. New users may need to add earlier events to their records that occurred before they were granted access to the system in order to bring their accounts up-to-date. Employees in need of assistance with their records should contact Brandy Hall at or at 579-8264 ext. 0.
*For Certified Employees With Email Addresses as Usernames ONLY(see step 4 above):
If your MLP Username is currently your Knox County Schools email address, please let us know by completing this quick SURVEY. This will help us continue to correct our roster for MLP users.
You may update your password as described above and continue to access My Learning Plan with your email address as your Username. However, our goal over the next few weeks will be to shift all employees’ usernames to the 9-digit employee ID number. As we adjust this information within the MLP platform, you may experience changes in your ability to access your account and may be required to once again update your password. Additional instructions will follow as necessary for employees who may be impacted by these changes.
Directions for Nov. 7 DLD Registration in My Learning Plan
Certified educators will use Randa PD/MLP to pre-register for sessions at their specific District Learning Day site. Registration will be available October 27, 2017.
REMINDER: Please refer to your Program of Study (links in tables above) to access site schedules and detailed session descriptions BEFOREattempting to pre-register.
To register for District Learning Day sessions at a specific site, follow the steps below:
- Log in to My Learning Plan at mylearningplan.com.
- Select the Knox PD Catalog from the left-hand menu.
- Near the top of the next page is a drop-down menu marked All Events. Clicking on this drop-down menu will reveal the November 7th District Learning Day catalogs for the sites where pre-registration is available. Select your site, then click the blue Search button.
- Use your site’s Program of Study (noting the specific schedule, number of sessions, and session descriptions) to make selections from the site catalog. Click on your selected session, and click the blue Sign Up Now button to pre-register.