Cherokee Six PA-32-300 Questionnaire
Pilot Information
Pilot's Name ______Date of Checkout ______
Primary Phone______Second Phone ______
E-Mail ______
Total PIC Time______Time Last Six Months ______Total Time PA-32 ______
Airplane Certificates & Ratings ______
Aircraft Questionnaire
Engine Make and Model ______
Rated Horsepower Include Horsepower and RPM ______
Propeller Manufacturer and Type ______
Max Gross Weight ______Max Forward Baggage Weight ______
Max Aft Baggage Weight ______Basic Empty Weight ______Moment ______
Useful Load ______
Vso ______
Vs1 ______
Vfe ______
Vy At max gross weight ______
Vx At max gross weight ______
Vne ______
Vno ______
Va At max gross weight ______
Demonstrated Crosswind Component ______
Best Glide Speed ______
Enroute Climb Speed ______
Final Approach Speed with Flaps Down ______
Maximum Positive Load Factor ______
Maximum Negative Load Factor ______
Number of Fuel Tanks ______
Main Fuel Tank Total Capacity ______
Tip Fuel Tank Total Capacity ______
When flying, which tanks should be USED first? ______
Weight in excess of 3112 lbs can only be ______
Describe an acceptable method for managing fuel and switching tanks
How many fuel drains are on this aircraft? ______
Where are the fuel drains located?
What type of fuel is approved? ______
What is the maximum oil capacity? ______
What is the minimum oil capacity? ______
Although the max and min oil limits are dynamic, where should the oil level be kept most of the time? ______
What is the battery voltage? ______
What is the alternator output voltage? ______
Does it have a load meter or an ammeter? ______
When using external power to start the engine, what position should the master switch be in before connecting the external power cord into the airplane? ______
If the master switch is OFF, will the stall warning system operate correctly? ______
What is the initial climb POWER and RPM setting after reaching 1000' AGL near sea level?
What is a manufacturer recommended cruise power and propeller settings at 8,000'MSL for 65% power? MP ______and RPM ______
What is a manufacturer recommended cruise power and propeller setting at 10,000'MSL for 55% power?MP ______and RPM ______
What is the CG loaded with 50 gallons of fuel, a 190 lb pilot, a 120 lb co-pilot, one 160 lb passenger in center seat, two 150 lb passengers in the aft seat, and a 50 pound suitcase in the forward baggage compartment? ______
Calculate the takeoff distance with the above loaded airplane at 427', Wind 280 at 10. Temp 20C
What TAS and best economy range with a 45 minute fuel reserve can you expect with the above loaded airplane at 8,000' MSL at 2200 RPM?
State the landing ground roll at max gross weight at sea level with wind calm at standard temperature
Are aerobatic maneuvers including spins allowed? ______
What is the recommended soft field takeoff configuration and procedure?
The three flap configurations are: (Each notch of flaps) 1st ______2nd ______3rd ______
When landing in a strong crosswind, is it a good idea to use partial or no flaps and why?
How many miles per thousand feet can you glide (at best glide) with power at idle?______
Several PA-32 accidents related to fuel starvation have resulted from:
Power Settings for PA 32-300Power / Result (MPH)
Best Rate/Angle Climb / Full / VY 105 or VX 95
Cruise Climb (25 Squared) / 25”
Normal Cruise (24”, RPM 2200-2400) / 24” / 140
Approach Level (Flaps 1) / 19” / 100
Normal Descent (Flaps 1) 500 FPM / 12” / 100
Fast Descent (Flaps 1) 800 FPM / 10” / 100
Slow Flight (Flaps 3) / 21” / 70
Downwind (Clean) / 17” / 100
Numbers (Flaps 1) / 12” / 90
Base (Flaps 2) / 12” / 90
Final (Flaps 3) / 12” / 90
Short Field (Power as required) / 12” / 80
Airspeeds for Various Configurations
Best Glide / 100
VA / 149
VX / 95
VY / 105
VSO / 63
VS1 / 71
VR / 70 (Short Field 60)
VFE / 125
VNO / 168
VNE / 212