District Curriculum Collaborative Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2010
Lemoore Service Center
876 E. D St., Lemoore, CA 93245
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Dee Fricks-Education/Learning Coordinator
Alice Patterson-Education/Learning Coordinator
Janet Adams-Learning Director-Kings County Office of Education, Todd Barlow-Director of Student Services-Kit Carson USD, Steve Brown-Educational Services Director- Corcoran USD, Diane Cox-Superintendent-Pioneer UESD, Antoinette Draxler-Vice Principal-Pioneer Elementary School, Dee Fricks-Education/Learning Support Coordinator, Debbie Muro-Assistant Superintendent-Lemoore UHSD, Eduardo Ochoa-Director of Categorical Programs-Corcoran USD, Alice Patterson-Education/Learning Support Coordinator, Linda Sisson-Learning Director-Lakeside ESD,andElizabethe Williams-Curriculum and Instructional Coordinator-Central UESD.
1)Art Collaborative (VAPA)-follow up – Dee Fricks
a)KCOE has received some Art from Shelly Baird and Community School. Some has been matted and posted. We are in the process of purchasing frames and name plates for students.
b)Still looking for Art work from your districts to display. We have a counter top in the hall way in Building B where we can display pottery and metal shop projects.
i)Contact for Art work is Nic Zaino. His e-mail address is .
2)Book Study – Dee Fricks
a)If a book is found that would really help teachers, KCOE can turn into a professional development opportunity. The books can be purchased and the training can offer strategies and skills. PD will be offered during after school hours.
b)Antoinette Draxlerwill present ideas at the next meeting. Examples:
i)PLC Book
ii)EL Strategies Book
iii)And anything teachers and administrators might need.
3)Corcoran Update – Steve Brown
a)Two major exciting technology upgrades.
i)iTouches for every 4th and 5th grader. They will be going out to the classrooms within the next 6 weeks. The teachers have already received training. Example: apple training, online training, and appropriate applications.
ii)iPads for every 6th grader. Students will not only use during school but will take home with them for the remainder of the year and have wireless access. Teachers have had their iPads for over a month and they received training, including the iPad training offered by KCOE. Mandatory meetings with parents after winter break. Parents must sign agreement before students take iPads home. Insurance has been purchased for iPads. There are set standard for iPad care. If students don’t participate and follow standards, restricted usage will come into play.
(a)Upgrade wirelessinternet that cost about $30,000.
(c)$50 financial commitment with parents.
(d)Syncing of iPads.
4)CK12 – Janet Adams
a)CK12 hascreated a new idea, Flex Book. CK12 and IT have set up text books online for access at no cost.CLRN has their readers look at the books to see if they areCalifornia State adopted and can if they can be used to fit the need of our classrooms. CK12 has started with high school first and then will look atother grades because they are seeing the needs for EL population.This is a great piece for teachers who need extra research. They can be downloaded onto the computer, put on the projector or iPads, or can be printed. It would be a good idea to read the FAQs.
i)For more information visit .
ii)You can:
(1)Create a personal account.
(2)Choose a Subject.
(3)Choose a text book that is already created. (There are more text books coming.)
(4)Add personal notes, edit chapters, and add videos to text book.
(5)Interactive webinars.
i)Takes information from your computer and sends it to your iPad in a book format. It has pages that turn just like a book, and it has a table of contents. It will take any PDF, Word document, Mac platform, or PC sends it through a system in the computer then it goesthrough e-Pubs and up into iTunes, andthen is received in your iPad.
ii)Training on Monday, November 22, 2010 at the Boogaard Education Center at 8:00 am.
c)Video Conferencing
i)The California State Parks PORTS Program is currently offering its newest curriculum based video conference program from Hearts San Simeon State Historic Monument.
(1)On November 30, 2010 at 3:45 pm – 4:30 pm.
(2)Registration is available in OMS.
d)iPad Update
i)2nd training is scheduled for January 12, 2011and January 26, 2011. This training is full, but we do plan to offer more iPad training. If you are interested please sign-up on OMS. You will be put on a waiting list. The growth of this waiting list will let us know it’s time for another training.
e)Smart Boards
i)Training on November 29, 2010 with Matt Gahrett from Fresno Pacific. The teachers will come in the first day and learn how to use Smart Board, and how to create lessons. They will get a 2 week break in between and during this break the teachers are going to create a lesson using the Smart Board. Then on December 13, 2010 they will present their lesson to the teachers. This give the attendees walk away lessons.
ii)If interested ask Dee Fricks for a flyer with the registration information.
5)Transitional Kindergarten – Alice Patterson
a)Kindergarten is mandatory for districts to provide, but it’s optional to parents. Transitional kindergarten is optional for the district to provide. It’s a 2 year program, when parents sign up for it they are signing an agreement. Districts have a year before this takes effect.
i)For more information read packet SB 1381 & Kindergarten Admissions Age. Specific sections were highlighted and discussed.
(1)Page 18- (g) (1) “or pupils in a transitional kindergarten program after they have completed one year in that program if one f the following conditions is met:”
(2)Page 18- (b) “on a case-by-case basis, admit to a kindergarten a child having attained the age of five years at any time during the school year with the approval of the parents or guardian, subject the following conditions:”
- (1) “The governing board determines that the admittance is in the best interest f the child.”
- (2) “The parent or guardian is given information regarding the advantages and disadvantages and any other explanatory information about the effect to this early admittance.”
(3)Page 19- (d) “For the purposes of this section, “transitional kindergarten” means the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.”
-There really isn’t a transitional pre-kindergarten curriculum, therefore it become a local decision. Many of the districts that are implementing transitional kindergarten use the preschool frame work and foundation and blend them with the kindergarten standards.
(4)Page 19- (e) “A transitional kindergarten shall not be construed as a new program or higher level of services.”
b)Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District has implemented a Transitional Kindergarten Program. Would like to invite Shirley Esau for January’s meeting to talk about the program and policies they have put into place.
6)CALPADS – Alice Patterson
a)CALPADSis not going away. Keep doing what you are doing. Continue to enter and report the data.
b)Drop out data will not be published for probably another year.
7)CPM – Alice Patterson
a)CDE consultant said that letters should go out sometime this week only to the LEAs who will be receiving an onsite visit. She will let Alice know which districts are on the list.
8)Other – Dee Fricks
a)Working on offering TESA training.
i)Possible 3 day session in the summer.
b)Classroom Management
i)Working with Ron Howerton to offer it for BTSA and all teachers.
c)Looking for more Professional Development ideas.
Next meeting: Friday, January 14, 2011 at 9:00 am – 11:30 am.