JUNE 22, 2010

Members Present: Alderpersons Cahak, Dunn, Darling, and Zelazoski

Members Absent: Alderperson Turnbull

Others Present: Bob Piskula, Street Commissioner; Charley Brinkmeier, Civil Technologist/Surveyor; Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services; Alderperson Bauknecht; Scott Martin, MSA Professional Services, Inc.; Fred Westphal, WPS; and Erica Berg, Public Works Office Assistant.

This meeting of the Public Works Committee was called to order on the above date at 3:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Alderperson Cahak served as Chairperson and Erica Berg, Public Works Office Assistant, recorded the minutes thereof.

Chairperson Cahak advised the committee that Alderperson Dunn needed to be excused at 3:50

p.m. for a prior commitment.

Darling moved, Zelazoski seconded, to excuse Alderperson Dunn at 3:50. Carried 4-0, Absent 1.


1.  Approval of Minutes from May 25, 2010 Meeting

Darling moved, Dunn seconded, to approve the May 25, 2010 minutes as previously distributed. Carried 4-0, Absent 1.


2.  Proposed Changes to Municipal Lighting

Fred Westphal, Wisconsin Public Service (WPS), advised the committee that everything that is existing is grandfathered. The pole and span charge would be effective only on a new pole where span needed to be run to service that pole alone. If power is ran through an existing pole, there will be no pole and span charge. Currently, municipalities are not paying pole and span charges.

Mr. Westphal suggested continuation of WPS to perform maintenance on the existing lighting, but recommended the City doing their own lighting in the future within their capacity. If the City continues to have WPS service our lighting, he suggested time of cost metering so that the City only need to pay a flat monthly fee. This may be a better option since WPS already has the equipment and licensing for lighting maintenance. WPS would need to replace bulbs, etc. that are attached to WPS poles, but the City could take care of the decorative lighting.

Upon inquiry by Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services, Mr. Westphal indicated that anytime you have someone work within ten feet of an energized line, you have to have someone qualified, which is an OSHA requirement.

Bob Piskula, Street Commissioner, clarified that the charges will remain as they are only increasing for new poles to which Mr. Westphal agreed.

Mr. Westphal advised that the 20 year contract was reduced to three years so that people do not have to pay for faulty lights, etc. for long periods of time. Mr. Soumis mentioned that this has raised the contract prices to which Mr. Westphal replied that more and more entities are going toward private lighting with WPS mainly servicing maintenance needs.

Mr. Westphal noted that these changes have not yet been passed and are only proposed. The changes will be voted on in January. He further advised that these changes will only affect the City if new stand alone lights are installed in the future and mainly concerns the poles.


3. Approval of Most Advantageous Chip Seal Bid

Charley Brinkmeier, Civil Technologist/Surveyor, advised that he anticipated the chip seal bids to be around $130,000 to $140,000 however, the bids received were between $92,500 and $102,492.34. The bids included the routes specified on the distributed map and will include approximately 40-50 blocks. Mr. Brinkmeier noted that Aurora Street might be changed because the water main is questionable. That street may be pulled and moved to North Clermont Street by Amron. He further noted that there will be approximately $80,000 left in the street construction budget because of the low bids and the City may be able to do more projects this year or roll the remaining money into a bigger project for next year. Mr. Brinkmeier recommended accepting the low bid from Fahrner Asphalt Sealers in the amount of $92,525.00.

Darling moved, Dunn seconded, to accept the low bid of $92,525 from Fahrner Asphalt Sealers for chip seal with money to be derived from the street construction budget. Carried 4-0, Absent 1.


4. Approval of Most Advantageous Slip Lining Bid

Mr. Brinkmeier distributed a bid sheet for the slip lining project. Mr. Brinkmeier recommends the low bid from Visu-Sewer in the amount of $47,187, with a bid of $8,250 for spot repair for a total of $55,437. He further advised that Visu-Sewer did the project last year, which was a spot repair project and did a good job. Freiburger Avenue and Deleglise Street are some of the worst sewers and through Visu-Sewer the project would be roughly $10 a foot cheaper than anticipated. Last year the spot repair projects were quoted at $34 per foot and this year it is $23 per foot.

Upon inquiry regarding spot repair, Mr. Brinkmeier indicated that he is unsure what they are going to do yet, some of the contractors he spoke with recommended not slip lining these areas because they are so bad. Those areas may need to be dug up. He requested the committee leave the spot repair amount included in the total bid so that the money can be used even if it is not for spot repairs.

Dunn moved, Zelazoski seconded, to accept the bid from Visu-Sewer for slip lining in the amount of $55,437. Carried 4-0, Absent 1.


5. Safe Routes to School Plan

Mr. Soumis advised that the City has been working on this plan for a year and the school board is voting on the plan tonight. He wanted to bring the plan before this committee because he feels that sidewalks are a public works function. The plan will address the issue of Tenth Avenue and serve as a good basis for our sidewalk replacement program. The plan has gone to the Park, Cemetery and Recreation Commission as well and if approved, the City can apply for grants in July. These grants are 100% grants and he is working toward implementation of the plan next year.

Alderperson Darling noted that on page 50, the plan shows the walking school symbol being replaced with a 20 mile per hour sign and wanted to know the reason for the change in signage. Mr. Soumis explained that this would help reduce speeds. Alderperson Darling noted that everyone is familiar with the current symbol already in place to which Mr. Soumis indicated that this is the recommended symbol from the Department of Transportation. He further explained that the reduction in speed is not actually at the schools, but along the routes to schools. Scott Martin, MSA Professional Services, Inc., advised that if you have to utilize the signs for the grant on the local streets, if you decide after the fact that you do not like them, you can always change them. This, however, would not be as easy to do along state highways.

Darling moved, Cahak seconded, to accept the Safe Routes to School Plan as presented. Carried 4-0, Absent 1.


6. Any Other Matters Authorized by Law to be Discussed

Mr. Soumis advised the committee that he was contacted by Bob Noskowiak regarding the City property that is for sale on Hudson Street. Mr. Noskowiak recommended placing For Sale signs on the property which indicate the terms and conditions. Mr. Soumis further advised that he spoke with Gene Jacobus who may be interested in purchasing the property to build a retirement home.


Mr. Brinkmeier explained that a stretch of sidewalk ends just north of Mr. Hoffman’s property on Watson Street. Mr. Hoffman would like to have the sidewalk added if the City is willing to put it in as he is planning to put in a concrete driveway approach and would like to do so this year. Mr. Soumis indicated that there is some extra funds in street construction to complete this stretch. Mr. Brinkmeier projected the cost to be approximately $1,500. Because of previous discussions regarding sidewalks, Mr. Soumis felt that the committee should be aware of this and is seeking authorization. The consensus of the committee is for Mr. Soumis to approve the construction of this sidewalk.


Mr. Soumis advised that the Street Department has two Vactor trucks and the equipment is getting old. Mr. Piskula just had one inspected and the company recommended not using it as the blower fans do not work. Mr. Soumis advised that these trucks are considered part of the storm water utility. Mr. Piskula estimates the repair to the truck at approximately $8,000. Mr. Soumis does not recommend spending that amount of money to fix the truck when the City will turn around and purchase a new truck next year. Alderperson Darling recommended getting some figures on the purchase of a new Vactor truck.


Mr. Piskula noted that he is having difficulty finding a garbage truck that was approved for purchase at the last meeting. He further noted that changes in emissions is where the problem is lying. He is continuing to search for one.


7. Adjournment

Darling moved, Zelazoski seconded, to adjourn at 4:02 p.m. Carried 4-0, Absent 1.


Vern Cahak, Chairperson Date

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