Minutes of the meeting of The Moultons Parish Council held on 7th February 2017 at Moulton Community Centre at 6.30pm

Present: Cllrs Benton, Cooper, Hahn, Henderson, Poll, Scarsbrook, Tibbs, Thorpe, Wakefield and Wright.

District Councillor Casson. 5 members of public.

1.  Chairman’s remarks.

Councillor Cooper welcomed everyone and reminded the public forum that there is only 15 minutes in which the public can speak, this is limited to 3 minutes per person. Cllr Cooper also reminded the public that if they want to raise complaints against the Parish Council’s staff, then these need to be put in writing and addressed to the Chairman.

Cllr Cooper stated that he had received an email from LCC as they now have a new way of reporting faults, this will be discussed in item 8 Highways.

2.  Apologies.

a.  Apologies had been received from Cllrs Meade and Walters. Reasons were given to all Cllrs and these were accepted and all AGREED.


3.  Declarations of interest.

a.  None received.

4.  Notes of the minutes from 17th January was read. It was pointed out by Cllr Scarsbrook that there were some reports not included in the minutes and therefore they should not be accepted. Clerk stated that these would be added, a new set of minutes distributed and a copy will be available to be signed at the next meeting.

5.  Clerks report.

The Clerk reported that the infestation of moles at MSE play area had now been dealt with and an invoice had been raised accordingly.

MSE village sign was in the process of being erected by Copelands. The base of which has now been put down. Copelands will now deal direct with Mr Wright for access to the new village sign. Mr Wright has now completed the sign and an invoice has been raised.

The issue with the pavement outside Moulton Chapel school had been raised with SHDC on ref No 579514. Cllr Benton said that he would visit the area and tidy it up.

Notice had been received that the village pump in Moulton had in fact fallen over as the wood is rotten. It was proposed by Cllr Scarsbrook and seconded by Cllr Hahn that a quote is obtained to repair this. Cllr Scarsbrook also said that he would check the condition of the fencing surrounding the notice board.

6.  Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotment matters.

a.  Cllr Scarsbrook and the Clerk met with Diane Fairchild-Fenton at Moulton Churchyard on 10th February, to discuss works to various trees. 4 trees were noted as needing work doing before the nesting season started. It was AGREED by all that the Clerk speak to Marcus Goose (Marcus has done tree work for the Parish Council in the past) and then consult with the Chairman. If the cost is reasonable, then we are to go ahead and get the works done. The report of this will be at the next meeting.

7.  Police matters.

a.  ASB=3, criminal damage=1, RTC=4, theft=0, violence=1, burglary=2.

8.  Highways matters.

a.  Cllr Poll said that all street lights will be changed to LED by the end of March.

b.  Cllr Cooper said the email received from LCC was how to report faults etc. To report a fault via the on-line web portal is www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/faultfinding their new email address from 1st February is and phone calls should be directed to the Customer Service Team on 01522 782070.

9.  Financial matters.

a.  Cllr Scarsbrook proposed that the Parish Council accept the finance report and seconded by Cllr Poll. All AGREED.

10.  Planning matters.

a.  Planning application H13-1262-16 was discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Wright and seconded by Cllr Poll that the Parish Council object to this application and that a Traffic Management Order obtained by SHDC.

11.  Moulton village.

a.  It was suggested that The Citizen of the Year be discussed under its own heading in the future and not as an item from Moulton Village.

The Citizen of the Year poster had been completed by Cllr Thorpe and he daughter, the criteria and nominations forms had also been completed.

It was discussed that nominations can only be for people who live with The Moultons Parish. Lots of people do good work within the Parish and/or for various societies outside the area, but the winner must live within the Parish. It was Proposed by Cllr Scarsbrook and seconded by Cllr Thorpe that Citizen of the Year award for 2017 go ahead.

The award ceremony will take place on 4th April at Moulton Chapel YCC following the Annual Parish Meeting starting at 6.30pm. All details will be advertised on the website, notice boards, shop windows. Etc.

Cllr Hahn said that Lady Margaret Stoten would be available to present the award for next years competition.

Cllrs are asked to nominate anyone who they think may be worthy of this award.

12.  Moulton Seas End.

a.  Clerk can confirm that she has requested two quotes for cleaning the outside War Memorial from two individual stone masons. (These stone masons deal with memorials in the cemetery and thus are reputable).

b.  Clerk was asked to get quotes to repair the chain fence surrounding the MSE play area.

13.  Moulton Chapel.

a.  Cllr Wakefield stated that Moulton Chapel School had their planning permission approved for the new classrooms.

b.  There is still a vacancy for Councillor for this Ward.

14.  Correspondence.

a.  Clerk stated that there were very few emails/correspondence received but assured Councillors that should emails come from Karen Johnson regarding various funding opportunities, then she would redirect them as various Cllrs are part of other groups/societies that would benefit.

15.  Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.

a.  Grass maintenance.

b.  Finance.

c.  Traffic RTC’s in MSE.

d.  Email received from Cllr Henderson.

e.  Clerk.

16.  Date of the next meeting.

To confirm that the date of the next meeting will be on 7th March at 6.30pm at Moulton Seas End Village Hall.

17.  To resolve whether to exclude public, press and police who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

a.  None.

Meeting ended at 7.50pm

