Royal College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section Neurological PracticeAnnual Conference
28th and 29thSeptember 2017
Friends House, 173-177 Euston Rd, London, NW1 2BJ
The Royal College of Occupational Therapists Specialist SectionNeurological Practice invite occupational therapists (experienced, newly qualified and students) to submitan abstract for this national occupational therapy neurological practice conference. There will be two categories of abstracts. All aspects of neurological practiceresearch are invited anda second category of clinical or service innovation labelled ‘Brag and Steal’.Presenting at this national conference provides an excellent opportunity to share your research whilst also developing your CV and CPD portfolio!
Category One: Research Abstracts
Accepted oral paper abstracts will be published in the December 2017 edition of ‘SSNP News’. Paper presentations will provide 10 minutes to introduce your work in a precise format followed by 3 minutes for questions. Authors should state whether they would like the abstract to be considered for ‘oral’, ‘poster’ or ‘both’. Paper presenters (lead presenting author only) will receive free registration for the day of their presentation (RCOTSS-NP will not pay for travel or accommodation). Poster presenters must pay the usual delegate rate. Prizes will be awarded to the best paper presentation and best poster during the conference.
Category Two: Brag and Steal Abstracts
Abstracts are also invited for clinical/service innovation in the ‘Brag and Steal’ category. These must be clearly labelled ‘Brag and Steal’ and will be considered for a poster presentation only. Poster presenters will be expected to stand next to their poster to facilitate discussion and answer questions during the dedicated poster viewing time. Another great CPD opportunity.As above, poster presenters must pay the usual delegate rate. Prizes will be awarded to the best ‘Brag and Steal’ poster during the conference.
The deadline for abstract submission is Friday 16th June at 17.00 hours
Applicants must submit two copies of the abstract in two separate word files. One copy should include the author details. The second copy should have the author details removed. This will be the blind copy that will be sent out for review. All abstracts will be peer reviewed by members of the NEC and Long Term Conditions Forum.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome by Friday 30th June 2017.
Applicants must adhere to the following guidelines when submitting their abstract:
Abstract submission guidelines:
- 2 copies of each abstract should be sent to: the Research and Development Officer by email at:
- One copy should include author name(s) and institution(s)
- One copy should have the author and institution details removed
- The two copies of the file should be saved with your surname and version e.g.
- Horne_BlindCopy
- Horne_nonBlindCopy
- Please include your name, followed by ‘Long Term Conditions Forum research abstract’ or ‘Long Term Conditions Forum brag and steal abstract’ in the subject title of your email. This is very important.
- If a research abstract, please state in your email whether you want your abstract to be considered for oral presentation, poster presentation, or both
Abstract formatting guidelines:
- All abstracts should be in Arial 12 point font size and left aligned
- Abstracts must not exceed 250 words
- Please use single line spacing
- The title should be written in bold
- For the non-blind copy, give the author’s surname first, followed by initials. The presenting author should be underlined. Institution and contact details should also be given.
- Please structure research abstracts under the following bold headings:
- Please include your ethical approval reference (research only abstracts)
- Please structure brag and steal abstracts under the following bold headings:
- Introduction /What did you do? /What were the outcomes or impact of this work? /Where does the audience access resources?
If you have not received an email confirmation within 5 working days, please email to check the abstract has been received. For any further questions, please contact the SSNP Research & Development Officer:,uk
There is no limit to the number of Abstracts that can be submitted by any individual or organisation, but only one abstract per topic may be submitted.
Guidance: (Attached)
Marking Criteria: (Attached)