District Commissioner – Hayley Travers 236212

Treasurer – Jo Penney

Branch Secretary – Vicki Travers 07781 423303

Chief Instructor- Nicki Eastlake-Bent

Committee Members:

Wendy Leathem


Hayley Travers, Le Courtil Robin, Steam Mill Lanes, St Martins, GY4 6XG

Vicki Travers, Grove Hill Cottage, Mount Durand, St Peter Port, GY11DZ

May 2016

Hi everyone,

Important Information

For health and safety reasons children will be require to attend two working rallies prior to attending Pony Club Camp so that instructors are able to assess the pony/horse and child combination.

The last two working rallies before Pony Club Camp will be on May 14th and there will be another one in June. So if you want your child to attend camp please ensure you make every effort to attend these rallies.

Hat check- Before the next time you ride at Pony Club you will need to have your hats checked and tagged for the season. This is required for hats previously tagged or any new hats or members. Please ask Hayley Travers or Nicki Eastlake-Bent.

When you are putting your child’s name down for events – please use a separate email per event. Thanks

Forthcoming Events

Stable managements in May

D and D+ Tuesday 24th May 6pm-7pm email by Sunday 22nd May.

C Tuesday 24th May 6-7pm email by Sunday 22nd May.

C+/ B Wednesday 25th May 6-7pm email by Sunday 22nd May.

If you wish your child to attend stable management please email by the closing date to

Dress code: hat, pony club jumper/ hoodie, riding boots, gloves and jodhpurs (beige, black, brown, navy blue).

Pony Club Fun Day

Sunday 8 May 2016
Venue: Pony Club Field

Cost: £12 to be paid on the day. However, if you put your name down you will be expected to pay as the appropriate numbers of instructors are arranged and will still need to be paid.
Please email names to
Entries close: Sunday 1st May 2016

Please note: there will be no jumping on the day.

Dress code for the fun day: safe clothing and equipment is mandatory (i.e. hat, riding boots and gloves, appropriate tack etc) however, coloured jodhpurs, numnahs, are welcome to be worn together with their pony club sweatshirts as this is a fun day.

Working Rally in May

Working rally (Grouped lessons)

Saturday 14 May 2016
Venue: Pony Club Field

Cost: £15 for Visiting Instructor /£12 for Local Instructor to be paid on the day. However, if you put your name down you will be expected to pay as groups are arranged and the instructors still need to be paid.
Please email names to
Entries close: Sunday 8th May 2016

Please note for those who will be taking their Road Rider test on this day – you will be also able to join in with the working rally as the test will be scheduled to take place just before or after the rally.

Dress code for working rallies: white shirt, pony club tie, pony club badge, pony club jumper, beige jodhpurs, gloves, hat, riding boots, back protector (if jumping).

Spurs can only be worn with the permission of the DC. You need to get Hayley to sign your membership cards.

Pony Club Camp – Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th August.
In order for us to get the appropriate number of instructors we will be requiring you to confirm whether you will be attending Pony Club Camp by email to by Saturday 30th April with a £30 deposit to follow by Sunday 29th May. Cheques need to be made payable to Guernsey Pony Club and posted to Hayley Travers, Le Courtil Robin, Steam Mill Lanes, St Martins, GY4 6XG.

Save the dates:

‘*Pony Club Show Jumping Competition – Saturday 21st May
Schedule will be sent out at the beginning of May, but please save the date.

‘* Pony Club BBQ and games evening – Saturday 16 July.
This will be a fun evening open to all. We are encouraging the children to bring their friends so that they can see what Pony Club is all about. £10 per adult and £7.50 per child. More information will be released soon.

Hope to see you all soon
