A tanuló neve/Name of the student: Molnár DorottyaA gyakorlóhely neve/Name of the company: Mercantec
A gyakorlóhely címe/Address:
H. C. Andersens Vej 9, 8800 Viborg
A szakmai gyakorlat ideje napi bontásban/Duration of the placement/daily detailed: -02.21- 02.24
Date / Végzett tevékenység/
Activities, duties / Legfontosabb tapasztalatok/
Experience / Levont következtetés, egyéb megjegyzések/
02.21 / We made chocolate frosting. They gave us cinnamon rolls, we had to turn them and spread with the frosting and sprinkle with colourful sugar sprinkles.
We helped to roll the baguettes. We did special danish tea cake called almond-horns. / There was not really stress. / It is worthy to have 40 minutes REAL break to have breakfast. After we could concentrate more on the jobs.
02.23 / We were getting better with rolling the baguettes. We made danish „Napoleon hats”. As you can see on the picture we put marcipan balls on short pastry and formed it with our hands. We made lemon cake and cakes which were look like walnut-roses. / They are trying to teach every day something new danish speciality. / Even if they have a lot to do, they are caring about us. We could see that they were always prepared with a new receipe for us.
02.24 / We made coconut tops. It was interesting that because of the lemon-concentrate the colour and also the taste was really intensive. We made little pizzas, dipped the „Napoleon-hats” into chocolate. They have a special carneval-pastry filled with vanilla puding or chocolate. / They gave us some cookies in our break, it was interesting that there were sunflower seeds in it (even if the cookie was sweet with chocolate inside). / They formed the coconut tops from the pastry bag but it was really hard for us. At home we would do it by hand bacuse the dough was so hard. It is interesting that they don’t really use just their hands but always use some tools.
A tanuló neve/Name of the student: Molnár DorottyaA gyakorlóhely neve/Name of the company: Mercantec
A gyakorlóhely címe/Address:
H. C. Andersens Vej 9, 8800 Viborg
A szakmai gyakorlat ideje napi bontásban/Duration of the placement/daily detailed: 02.27.-03.03.
Date / Végzett tevékenység/
Activities, duties / Legfontosabb tapasztalatok/
Experience / Levont következtetés, egyéb megjegyzések/
02.27 / We started today early at 01.30. At first we helped to make a lot of kind of breads and buns. Then we made cinnamonn-roll, walnut rolls and decorated some kind of carneval-pastries with icing. We made chocolate and sunflower-seeds cookies and dipped the coconut tops into chocolate. / You can do a lot of kind of breads, buns, baguettes etc. from the same dough. / We are not early birds. It was hard for us to concentrate ont he tasks because we are not used to work at night.
02.28 / We started again at 4 am. We made the baguettes and the icing for the cakes. They have asked us to make a special cake, so we started to make Charlotte-cake. We made 5 big sponge-roll. From 9-12 we helped in the school’s kitchen for the chefs. / They are always there to help us (when we made our sponge-rolls they were checking on us if they can help). / You have to wear gloves when you are peeling a lot of onions.
You have to make sure that the baking tin for the sponge is flat enough. So it will be a sooth sponge.
03.01 / We finished the Charlotte-cake for 70 people than they told us there was a misunderstanding and they need it just for 10 people. We were a bit disappointed also because the women didn’t try it. But they liked how it looked like. / They were more afraid of the cake than interested because they don’t really make cakes with a lot of cream in it. / After we took out the cake from the bowls it slowly started to drop. So we realised we should have checked before if they have a shocking freezer.
03.02 / We started at 01.30 am. We helped a bit the shape the breads. In the rest of the day we made Rákóczi túrós because they asked us to make something hungarian. / Again the cake started to drop after we cut it into pieces. Than we realised the problem was on both days that the cottage cream is different here it has too much liquid in it. / If you are in an other country you should check at first the ingredients if they are different bacuse it can cause a lot of trouble.
03.03 / First we shaped the bread doughs. Than we made chocolate and walnut cookies, almond-sponge, pear-pie. And we covered the sides of a walnut-cake slices with chocolate. / They trust in us and letus to do things just by ourself. (D.)I learnt how to use the dough rolling machine. (A.) / We can learn more here because they let us to try new things which we couln’t try before. We can improve ourself here.
A tanuló neve/Name of the student: Molnár DorottyaA gyakorlóhely neve/Name of the company: Byens Kagemand - Frederiks
A gyakorlóhely címe/Address:
Søndergade 11, 7470 Karup J
A szakmai gyakorlat ideje napi bontásban/Duration of the placement/daily detailed: -03.06-03.10.
Dátum / Végzett tevékenység/
Activities, duties / Legfontosabb tapasztalatok/
Experience / Levont következtetés, egyéb megjegyzések/
03.06 / It was our first day in the bakery. At frst I made strawberry cake than I coated some cakes with marzipanand decorated them. I covered the sides of some cakes with chocolate. Than I made fake „truffle” and a special cake with a lot of cream in it. / I could you the dough rolling machine in the whole day for the marzipan and I got really self-confident in it. / I can do much more than what I think and it means a lot how people encourage me.
03.07 / I did the every-day jobs (basic two cakes) Than I made „mazarin”. This is dollop (baking marzipan, sugar, butter, egg flour) and they use itt o a lot of cakes as a filling. I made pies (I could roll out huge short pastry for that. Than I made pistachio-cake, it was really tasty. I covered the cakemen with chocolate. / They have a jelly-spray wich make the job much easier and better. / They left me many times alone with a new job. They trusted me that I will manage and it will work out correctly.
03.08 / I did the basement for the strawberry cakes (jam, mazarin). I made „old chocolate cake” (it is cold because of the old receipe), I put butter cream in the middle and than I had to put the whole cake with my hands under chocolaate to cover it fully. I made „Bismarck cake” and in the and I made „macarons”. / I’ve worked together with another man today but he was really encourageing even if he couldn’t speak much English. / It is not that big problem if you make something here differently than they. It is not like home that everything has to look like exactly the same.
03.09 / I covered the corners of a green cake with chocolate. Than I made florentine. It was interesting that here they fill this with butter cream. Than I made „stykker kage”. It was amazing to do it totally alone from the beginning until the end. I also made sponge. / I don’t like that I had to use flour top ut ont he marzipan when I was rollingi t out because it won’t be baked. / I liked that I had to do a lot of layes in the cake (short pastry, jam, short pastry, butter cream, marzipan, chocolate and sprinkle ont he top.
03.10 / I made big sponge rolls, pear and aplle pies and cocnut cakes. I made also the chocolate for the coverings / They make the chocolate with coconut butter so it is much more thiner than at home. / I did a deep cleaning because they are working in a horrible dirt and mess bacuse they don’t have time to clean it. At home these rules are much stricter.
A tanuló neve/Name of the student: Molnár DorottyaA gyakorlóhely neve/Name of the company: Byens Kagemand - Frederiks
A gyakorlóhely címe/Address:
Søndergade 11, 7470 Karup J
A szakmai gyakorlat ideje napi bontásban/Duration of the placement/daily detailed: -03.06-03.10.
Dátum / Végzett tevékenység/
Activities, duties / Legfontosabb tapasztalatok/
Experience / Levont következtetés, egyéb megjegyzések/
03.06 / Today was the first day in the backery. At first I rolled out the dough with buns and than I shaped them. Than I shaped a lot of kind breads. I helped with cinammon roll. At first I spread the cinemaon filling ont he dough and than the yellow cream and than rolled up the 3 m log dough. In the end I cut it little pieces. / They trusted in me and let me to do things. / The were nice and opened. They want us to enjoy this 3 weeks in their bakery.
03.07 / At first I rolled the dough (like Monday) with buns. Than I learnd how to make danish pastry. The dough is the same, but I made in this lof of kind danish pastry. I made „spend hour” and „krindles” and „rosesitck” and „cinamonn roll” and „triangle”. / They were always helping me when I had any problems. / I had to talk, becouse I was alone and I neded help for the recipies.
03.08 / I made the ray-breads, buns etc. I learnt how to roll two buns at the same time. Than I made Denish-pastries. I put jam than yellow cream on the sides and mazarin onthe middle on a puff pastry line. / It was intresting, because I learnt yesterday how to make the Danish pastries and today I have to do alone. / They are totaly trust me and my work.
03.09 / I made the buns. I covered the puff-pastry cake from yesterday with short pastry. / Today they totally let me alone to do the buns in the back kitchen.
03.10 / We made lot of pizza this day and than I made sandwich baguettes. At first I hade to roll the dough out and than I hade to cut it to rectengularand than I spatter it a little water and tha I sprinkle some condiment. / The tables are so high that my arms are always hurting when I have to spread something or roll. / I think that is really important to makes sure that the place is comfortable for all the workers.
A tanuló neve/Name of the student: Molnár DorottyaA gyakorlóhely neve/Name of the company: Byens Kagemand - Frederiks
A gyakorlóhely címe/Address:
Søndergade 11, 7470 Karup J
A szakmai gyakorlat ideje napi bontásban/Duration of the placement/daily detailed: -03.13-03.17.
Dátum / Végzett tevékenység/
Activities, duties / Legfontosabb tapasztalatok/
Experience / Levont következtetés, egyéb megjegyzések/
03.13 / This was my first day on the bread-post. I made buns, walnut rolls, sausage-rolls. / I liked that they rolled up the walnut-roll and after that they cut it / The tables are higher than at home and I had to spread the walnut-cream (hard) for along time so my right arm hurts now. I think it is important to make sure that the tables are the right-sized for everyone.
03.14 / I made buns, breads, baguettes. Than we made marzipan-eggs (Easter preaparation). We used a special „machine” for that and we put peanut-chocolate inside. After that they told us the secret ray-bread receipe so we can make it at home. Than I covered some cakes with chocolate. / It was interesting that they asked two men to come and show u show to make the chocolate-eggs and tha ray-bread. / Denish people take really seriously if you ask something (like I just asked fo rthe ra-bread receipe and they asked a special man to coma and show us the method).
03.15 / I made the buns totally alone. At firstI had to roll the dough out than put it into a box and spread it with pesto-sauce or seeds. Than I cut them into squares with a huge machine which needed a lot of strength.At the end I put them on trays. Than I finished the ray-bread from yesterday. / It is interesting that we had to prepare the sourdough the day before we made the bread. / They told us tha we can bring 250 g sourdough home because that is the way how we can start our first bread.
03.16 / I made the ray-breads, buns etc. I learnt how to roll two buns at the same time. Than I made Denish-pastries. I put jam than yellow cream on the sides and mazarin onthe middle on a puff pastry line. / The tables are so high that my arms are always hurting when I have to spread something or roll. / I think that is really important to makes sure that the place is comfortable for all the workers.
03.17 / I made the buns. I covered the puff-pastry cake from yesterday with short pastry. / Today they totally let me alone to do the buns in the back kitchen. / We pick every day a number from a boksz. Whoh has the biggest can geet a cola. I really like the idea because it is just a small thing but really team-building.
A tanuló neve/Name of the student: Molnár DorottyaA gyakorlóhely neve/Name of the company: Byens Kagemand - Frederiks
A gyakorlóhely címe/Address:
Søndergade 11, 7470 Karup J
A szakmai gyakorlat ideje napi bontásban/Duration of the placement/daily detailed: -03.06-03.10.
Dátum / Végzett tevékenység/
Activities, duties / Legfontosabb tapasztalatok/
Experience / Levont következtetés, egyéb megjegyzések/
03.13 / It was my first day int he cake post. At frst I made strawberry cake than I coated some cakes with marzipanand decorated them. I covered the sides of some cakes with chocolate. Than I made fake „truffle” and a special cake with a lot of cream in it. / I could you the dough rolling machine in the whole day for the marzipan and I got really self-confident in it. / I can do much more than what I think and it means a lot how people encourage me.
03.14 / We made marzipan-eggs (Easter preaparation). We used a special „machine” for that and we put peanut-chocolate inside. After that they told us the secret ray-bread receipe so we can make it at home. Than I covered some cakes with chocolate. / It was interesting that they asked two men to come and show u show to make the chocolate-eggs and tha ray-bread / Denish people take really seriously if you ask something (like I just asked fo rthe ra-bread receipe and they asked a special man to coma and show us the method).
03.15 / I did the every-day jobs (basic two cakes) Than I made „mazarin”. This is dollop (baking marzipan, sugar, butter, egg flour) and they use itt o a lot of cakes as a filling. I made pies (I could roll out huge short pastry for that. Than I made pistachio-cake, it was really tasty. I covered the cakemen with chocolate. / They have a jelly-spray wich make the job much easier and better / They left me many times alone with a new job. They trusted me that I will manage and it will work out correctly.
03.16 / I did the basement for the strawberry cakes (jam, mazarin). I made „old chocolate cake” (it is cold because of the old receipe), I put butter cream in the middle and than I had to put the whole cake with my hands under chocolaate to cover it fully. I made „Bismarck cake” and in the and I made „macarons”. / I’ve worked together with another man today but he was really encourageing even if he couldn’t speak much English / It is not that big problem if you make something here differently than they. It is not like home that everything has to look like exactly the same.
03.17 / I covered the corners of a green cake with chocolate. Than I made florentine. It was interesting that here they fill this with butter cream. Than I made „stykker kage”. It was amazing to do it totally alone from the beginning until the end. I also made sponge. / I don’t like that I had to use flour top ut ont he marzipan when I was rollingi t out because it won’t be baked / I liked that I had to do a lot of layes in the cake (short pastry, jam, short pastry, butter cream, marzipan, chocolate and sprinkle ont he top.
A tanuló neve/Name of the student: Molnár DorottyaA gyakorlóhely neve/Name of the company: Byens Kagemand - Frederiks
A gyakorlóhely címe/Address:
Søndergade 11, 7470 Karup J
A szakmai gyakorlat ideje napi bontásban/Duration of the placement/daily detailed: -03.20-03.24.
Dátum / Végzett tevékenység/
Activities, duties / Legfontosabb tapasztalatok/
Experience / Levont következtetés, egyéb megjegyzések/
03.20 / They asked us to do hungarian cakes in this week. On Monday we started to make Dobos cake. We made the sponge and the chocolate filling and put the cake together. / They don’t have cake-rings so we made tins of sponges but that is why we miscounted the amount of them. / The boss said the cream had too much butter in the filling and he prefers the double cream fillings.
03.21 / We finished the Dobos cake (cream and walnut on the sides). We made the Dobos-toppings. We started to make Rákóczi-túrós so we made the short-pastry for that. / It was our first time making a whole Dobos-cake and the next day we realised we shouldn’t put the toppings into the fridge. / We needed more time for the toppings than we expected.
03.22 / We made the walnut-sponges and the filling for the Eszterházy-cake. For the half of them we made white-chocolate cream (because the boss wanted to try that). / They do not really use walnuts so they were a bit shocked when we asked fro the right amounts. / The cream was not the same as the original because their ingredients are a bit different.
03.23 / We put together the other half of the cakes with white chocolate cream. We spread the sides with the cream and covered with chocolate sprinkles and spread the tops with apricot jam. Than we made the Eszterházy-tops. / We had to use icing for the tops because they doon’t have fondan. / Because of the icing it wasn’t that nice to make the tops with the chocolate.
03.24 / We finished at first the Rákóczi-túrós. Than we had to sell our hungarian cakes for the customers. / We used more bread crumbs between the pastry and the filling so we got nice pieces at the end (not as like in our first week). / They were always surprised but they liked how special and nice is the decoration on our cakes.