Utah Citizen Corps Council

July 30, 2009 at 9:30 A.M.

Utah Council for Crime Prevention (Tibby’s Place)

66 East Cleveland Avenue (1440 South), Salt Lake City


Larry Ellertson, Lani Nisbet, Bob Fowler, Ryan Longman, Rey Thompson, Jeff Johnson, Kris Hamlet, Tibby Milne, Mike Milne, Monica Colby, Mike Weibel, Chris Crnich, Ken Kraudy, Natalie Peterson, Amy Cornell-Titcomb, Wade Gayler , Karen Frost and Pam Davidson


Logan Sisam, April Durrant


Lani Nisbet called the meeting to order at 9: 30 AM. Followed by brief introductions of the Council members. Tibby Milne acknowledged revision needed to reflect accurate date of UCCP Conference being October 28-31. Motion to approve revised May 28, 2009 meeting minutes by- Mike Weibel. Seconded by- Monica Colby. Motion carried unanimously.


Be Ready Utah – Ryan Longman reported:

· Governor’s Emergency Preparedness statewide campaign

· Virtual Approach-

o Promoting family emergency plan via the website. Families can access form online to be provided with a custom 72 hour kit.

o Partnering with Dept of Health and 2-1-1 Volunteer Center to assist with H1N1, preparedness tips, etc.

o Social Networking- twitter, etc.

o Preparedness Month (September) – media approach via television and radio ads. Visit website and register as a Coalition Member http://ready.adcouncil.org (receive material for community). Plan preparedness activity/outreach to bring to your community/organization in September. As a Council Member we need to “walk the talk”. Calendar your events, be nationally recognized and participate in webinars.

o Be Ready Utah week Sept 14-20 – promoting partnerships. Please contact Ryan if interested.

· State Fair Booths: Sept 10-14, will have 20 booths

Fire Corps –Monica Colby reported:

· Moving forward with Older Adult Fire Awareness/Safety Program- Park City and surrounding counties will be running

· National Fire Corps has created a home safety check list as a great free resource to the fire departments.

· Registered Fire Corps can apply for 24 free fire alarms from First Alert. Raising attention for the Alarms for All program (assisting hearing impaired citizens) and partnering with restaurants such as Red Robin and Baskin Robbins.

· Fire Prevention/Awareness education utilizing live demonstrations and video on August 12 in Murray and September 11 at the State Fair. Emphasis is on home fire sprinkler systems.

· Fire Prevention Week is October 4-10.

Medical Reserve Corps – Mike Weibel reported:

Motion to welcome and approve Amy as Medical Reserve Corps representative by Mike Weibel. Seconded by Tibby Milne. Motion carried unanimously.

· Recent land slide event in Logan had the largest volunteer response from Cache County, Ogden, Weber Fire District, CERT volunteers. Volunteers dug out landslide with buckets and hands, refreshments were provided by all. Medical Reserve Corps team members were asked to staff an emergency onsite shelter which was staffed for 44 hours by approximately 10 nurses from Cache County and Box Elder County. With new agreement in place, medical professionals were able to assist to their ability versus only the first aid level. No major incidences acquired. Areas to improve are to have incident reports and job action sheets for medical professionals.

· Preparations for H1N1 virus to prepare medical professionals credentialed when all citizens will have it available.

ACTION: Mike Weibel will prepare a Council Member Term of Service Report and provide to Lani Nisbet and Bob Fowler.

Neighborhood Watch– Tibby Milne reported:

· Coalition is forming in partnership with the Gallagher family to have a county wide effort in providing further Neighborhood Watch safety, particularly in the Pleasant Grove area. Meetings are taking place with the Neighborhood Watch Board in order coordinate well to grow efficiently. Tibby requested any assistance Larry can provide in suggestions to assist Gallagher family.

· National Night Out kick off is Monday, August 3rd and will be recognized Tuesday, August 4th. Encouraging communities to have outdoor activities to unite communities. Statistics show decreased crime in communities that take place in this event and encourage community awareness and uniting.

· VIPS analysis is undergoing to determine at what level volunteer training is compatible. Larry Ellertson volunteered the Utah County Sheriff Jim Tracy and his department who are looking for ways to redirect their volunteer efforts in which VIPS is one way they are utilizing to do that.

· Utah Council for Crime Prevention 12th Annual Conference will take place October 28 - 31. The last day is the Citizen Corps 4th Annual Building Resilient Communities Conference that will have a great keynote speaker from Missouri. Celebration of safe communities. Registration is currently taking place.

ACTION: Registration information will be sent to Lani who will provide to all Council Members.

· Acknowledged of the recent media event drawing attention to Neighborhood Watch. Reflected on good influence it is and encouraged continued good works.

CERT– Kris Hamlet reported:

· CERT is in the process of being moved back to the Department of Public Safety/Division of Homeland Security as an umbrella organization under Citizen Corps. A formal announcement has not been made because a Memorandum of Understanding is in the approval process between Colonel Squires and Shar Lewis. DPS/DHS and Citizen Corps will work closely to promote both programs with a unified voice to push at a regional basis where everyone has by-in.

Motion by Mike Weibel to welcome and approve Jeff Johnson who has been hired by DPS/DHS as the state CERT Coordinator as CERT representative. Seconded by Tibby Milne. Motion carried unanimously.

UEARC (Utah Emergency Animal Response Coalition) – Chris Crnich reported:

· Dr. Justice Allen has taken a position in Arizona as of July 1and Dr. Warren Hess has temporarily taken her position over UEARC until another volunteer fulfills the position.

· Purchased second of three emergency animal response trailers that will be used for statewide shelter management to house 100 animals each.

· Davis County is purchasing and preparing a Davis Animal Response Team (DART) Trailer. UEARC is working with DART to verify utilization of DART Trailer outside of Davis County.

· UEARC has training funding available on Community Animal Response Team (CART).

Please inform Chris if any Salt Lake County communities have an interest in CART training.

· Assessment Training Course Agriculture and Food Vulnerability (free) on August 12-13 in Sandy. Please register on U-TRAIN: https://www.utah.train.org AG Vulnerability, ID 1017971

· CECEP Exercise on September 16, animal related emergency response training.

UVOAD (Utah Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) – Wade Gayler reported:

Motion to welcome and approve Wade Gayler as UVOAD representative by Mike Weibel. Seconded by Tibby Milne. Motion carried unanimously.

· UVOAD meeting topics for next year include:

o November meeting will include a training session on pandemic flus including H1N1 virus. Suggestion to contact Department of Health to provide any needed educational materials.

o February meeting will include table top exercise on emergency management of animals.

o April UVOAD meeting will include discussion and training on Volunteer Center Coordination.

UASI (Urban Area Security Initiative) – Ken Kraudy reported:

· Brief discussion of UASI grant, committee, and curriculum (handout provided). Will utilize the Masters in Disasters curriculum.

· UASI Community Preparedness Committee Meeting will be Wednesday, August 19 at the Commission on Volunteers office.

· Sandy City Citizen Council’s next meeting will be August 13th at 7 pm with a focus on CERT.

ACTION: Tibby and/or Mike Milne will attend UASI Community Preparedness Committee meeting.


· Social Media and Emergency Management - Mike Weibel and Rey Thompson reported

o Presentation and discussion of twitter as additional tool to utilize in communications. Can’t be fearful of new technology. Need to learn or know another person who can leverage new technology. It is a one way communication on BRU site and ability to quickly notify emergency responders and public (can limit). Warning to be careful of information posted. Can monitor followers of your page and limit as needed. Make sure your agency public relations representative is involved to monitor consistently. Only need a valid email account to sign up to ‘follow’ page or create your own twitter page. Can broadcast to private or public groups. Helpful tweet search options are TweetDeck and Tweet_Grid.

o Utah Alerts: twitter page that will notify public of alerts in Utah including weather, traffic, hazards, etc.

· Pillar Program Funding – Larry Ellertson reported

Decision to split funding evenly between Pillar Programs for this year of $5,500 each.

Motion by Mike Weibel to approve allocation of 2008 Grant of $5,500 per four Pillar Programs acknowledged on grant with additional grant requests to be sent to Lani (forwarded to DPS/DHS). Seconded by Monica Colby.

ACTION: Chris Crnich will submit to Lani a request for funding on behalf of UEARC.

ACTION: Committee will be put together to review requirements to implement changes for next year grant funding.

o MRC budget change with new Coordinator

v Small changes in salary. Request will be the same.

o Committee to discuss future funding requirements


ACTION: Lani will update the Council roster and provide.


Motion to adjourn meeting adjourned at 11:18 AM. Moved- Mike Weibel, Seconded –– by Monica Colby. Motion carried unanimously.


· Fire Prevention/Awareness August 12 in Murray

· Assessment Training Course Agriculture and Food Vulnerability (free) on August 12-13 in Sandy. Please register on U-TRAIN: https://www.utah.train.org AG Vulnerability, ID 1017971

· Sandy City Citizen Council’s next meeting will be August 13th at 7 pm with a focus on CERT.

· UASI Community Preparedness Committee Meeting will be Wednesday, August 19 at the Commission on Volunteers office.

· September is National Preparedness Month

· “Be Ready Utah” at the State Fair September 10 – 14 (State Fair 14-20)

· Fire Prevention/Awareness September 11 at the State Fair

· CECEP Exercise on September 16, animal related emergency response training.

· Fire Prevention Week is October 4-10.

· Utah Council on Crime Prevention, Power of Prevention Conference – October 28-31, 2009

· UVOAD meetings are November, February, April, June, etc.


Thursday, September 24th, 2009 - 9:30 – 11:30 AM

UCCP Office

66 East Cleveland Ave. (1440 South). SLChttp://www.citizencorps.utah.gov