Registration Form
(1 per student)
Name of Student: ______Male Female (circle)
Host Club:______
Club Contact: ______
Home Phone______Office #______Cell #______
Email address: ______
This is to authorize the above named student to participate in the Inbound Bus Trip
May 4th – May 11th, 2014.
The fee of $550.00/CDN or $500.00/US is the responsibility of the student.
Checks should be made payable to “District 5060 Youth Exchange”.
Payment is due by April 5th, 2013 (Naramata weekend). We will also accept cash or credit cards.
You must make arrangements to pickup your student up on May 11th, 2014 at one of the following designated locations:
(a) Kamloops (b) Vernon (c) Kelowna (d) Penticton (e) Oliver (f) Omak (g) Wenatchee
(h) Quincy (i) Yakima
Please send this form to me along with a check for $550.00CDN or $500.00US or filled out below for a credit payment. Your student may bring it to Naramata on April 5th.
Credit Card Information
Robin DeRock Type of credit card: Visa Master Card (circle)
319 Teakwood Lane Name on card:______
Wenatchee, Wa. 98801 USA Card umber:______
email: Expiration date:______
Ph #: (509) 665-3690 Signature:______
Payee on credit cards will reflect:
Harvey, Lister & Webb Incorporated, Certified General Accountants
Medical Insurance and Authorization
Safety is the ultimate goal during our adventure, however, accidents do occur. In the event of an emergency while on the bus trip, please provide the following information to be taken with the student to the nearest medical facility:
Name of Student: ______
Country of Origin: ______
Current host family name: ______
Current host address: ______
Host Home #:______Host Cell #: ______
Host Work #:______
Insurance Company: ______
Policy #: ______
Insurance Company address: ______
Insurance Company Phone#: ______
(a photo copy of the card will suffice)
Host Club: ______
Name/Numbers club contact can be reached in emergency:
In the event of an emergency where it is determined that the student cannot continue on the trip, arrangements to have them picked up should be made and since the bus is on a schedule, we cannot delay the trip waiting for the arrival of their transportation back home. I will have a fellow Rotarian stay with them until you get there.
I will be available on my cell phone at all times unless we are out of cell range.
(e.g. Wells Gray Provincial Park).