District 23 Toastmasters
District Executive Council (DEC) Meeting Minutes
Date: 9/8/2012; Call to Order: 9:00am
Servant Six+IPDGGovernor / O’Geary, TK / X / LGM / McCabe, Jim / X / Secretary / Means, Sarah / X
LGET / Leazar, Linda / X / PRO / OneBear, MaryTherese / X / Treasurer / Amai, Wendy / X
IPDG / Stevens, Bay
Division Governors
A / Schmitt, Will / X / C / Jeffers, Sharon / X / E / Warner, Charles / X
B / Carr, Mike / D / Broadnax, David / X / F / Leazar, Linda / X
Area Governors
A11 / Crapps, Justin / X / C32 / Cody Martin, Jen / E51 / Quigley, Barbara
A12 / Schreier, Felecia / X / C33 / Wolfgang, Raymond / X / E52 / Herrera, Monica
A13 / Morgan, Bill / X / D34 / Livingston, Mark / X / E53 / Waters, Natalie
B21 / Marron, Lisa / X / D41 / Wallace, David / X / E54 / Horrell, Steve
B22 / Luna, Larry / X / D42 / Broadnax, Irelanette / X / F61 / Conn, Jef / X
B23 / Coulie, Dave / D43 / Brantley, Mary / X / F62 / Vaughn, Robyne / X
B24 / Holguin, Lionel / X / D44 / Price, Sylvia / X / F63 / Weathers, Sharon / X
C31 / Dawson, Barbara / D45 / Stapler, Charles / F64 / Leazar, John / X
Council Members Needed: 19 Council Members Present: 26 Quorum Achieved!
Introductions & Welcome by District Governor
- Mission of the District read aloud by all in attendance
- Reinforced: “enhance club performance”(primarily the role of the Area Governor) and “extendthe network” (primarily the role of the Division Governors)
- Reviewed ELMO (“Education, Leadership, Membership, and Officer achievements” and “AC/DC (All Clubs, Distinguished Clubs”)The District can do it; we can help!
- Motion to adopt DEC agenda; seconded by Jim McCabe; no objections, agenda adopted
Focus on the Member
Special Highlight: Carl Trujillo, recently featured in Toastmasters Magazine
- Toastmasters greatly impacted his life, specifically his leadership and communication growth. Opportunities within his political community of Northern New Mexico doubled thanks to Toastmasters. With Toastmaster skills, he won a recent election.
Servant Six Officer Reports
TK O’Geary, District Governor (See Slides)
- Congratulations to Lionel Holguin, Area 24 Governor and Dave Coulie, Area 23 Governor for submitting 100% Area Governor reports before August 15th!
- Reviewed points of the District Success Plan (required to be Distinguished District)
- Reviewed values:
- Toastmasters International: Respect, Integrity, Service, and Excellence (R.I.S.E.)
- District 23 added values: Energize Leadership; Long Term Strategic Planning; Connect, Grow, and Excel; Collaborate with each other!
Linda Leazar, Lt. Governor Education & Training (LGET) acting(See Sides)
- Steve Hightower had to resign as LGET, due to significant increased work demands
- Please support Steve as needed during this time
- BIG thank you to Linda for stepping up, and to continue as Division F Governor; we are so grateful!
- We will vote her in at the District Council meeting on November 10th
- New DEC members since July 1 – WELCOME and Thank You:
- Area 33 Governor: Raymond Wolfgang
- Area 54 Governor: Steve Horrell
- Special Note
- This year’s TLI attendance set a new District record!
- We surpassed our number of Officers trained!
- Reminder of District Goal
- AC/DC by Spring Conference!
Jim McCabe, Lt. Governor Marketing (See Slides)
- Several incentives in place
- Goals incentives crafted around ELMO, enhancing performance, and extending the network!
- Final list will be released with final budget because they are tightly correlated
- Reminder to Division Governors
- You are the point person for club growth; help your Area Governors build clubs
- Ask Jim for help!
- Form Growth teams / identify assistants
- His goal is to communicate with each Division Governor at least once per month to identify new club opportunities and review current start-ups
- Reminder of District Goals
- Obtain 5,000 memberships this year (membership= each time someone pays dues for 1 to 6 months)
- Start a new club in each Area; net growth of one club in each Area
Mary Therese One Bear, Public Relations Officer (See Slides)
- Everyone can help get the word out
- Need a Twitter Tweeter, press release helper, LinkedIn Lad/Lass
- Go Like the D23 page! Tell everyone to Like it as well.
Wendy Amai, District Treasurer (See Slides)
- District Budget is being finalized
- News from International Convention August 2012
- TI more stringent on District financials; be prepared for heavier scrutiny/audit
- All DEC members should pay extra attention and use care in all financial activities, approvals, etc. Watch out for each other!
- New Proposal
- Final budget will be presented at least 1 week prior to the next DEC meeting, which is currently scheduled for November 3rd, 2012
- Vouchers for Reimbursement
- Submit receipt(s) on 8½ x 11 sheet(s)
- E-mail to Wendy/TK or mail to TK; pre-filled voucher on website
- All checks must be signed by both the District Treasurer and District Governor
- Reminder: submit vouchers promptly (within 48 hours); vouchers submitted more than 60 days after the transaction date may not be reimbursed
- Question from the floor: Are travel vouchers from the JumpStart training, June 16th, still acceptable? Answer: tabled/speak to TK
- TK and Wendy meet twice per month to process reimbursement checks
- Year-End Audit Report
- Audit Committee: Adam Avery, CPA’s, financial experts, past District Leaders
- Report prepared on August 13th and sent to TI on August 18th
- Members needed for this year’s committee; forward suggestions to TK
District Teams & PRO Activities (See Slides):
- Update on the District Website
- Website is sparse and not being updated much because of the high frequency of attacks; it is being be re-hosted. The new site is under construction
- Reminder to all Area Governors: You are the liaison between the District and clubs. Please use phone calls or face-to-face interaction when communicating with your clubs. Clubs receive enough e-mail from TI, D23, and each other.
Quality Contests (See Slides):
- Module presented by TK O’Geary
- Check District 23 Website for printable resources (scripts, flyers, agendas)
Division Governor Reports (See Slides)
Division A Division B Division C
Division DDivision EDivision F
- Additional Notes
- Consistent need among all Divisions: We need members!
- Suggestion for you to consider from TK:
- There are 37 members on the DEC; 37 strong, influential leaders
- Please consider joining a low-membership club now. Give them a boost of energy so it can ripple now, rather than waiting.
- If you consider joining, please join by September 30 – extra boost to club and will help achieve our 5,000 memberships goal!
Other Business
Speak! The Movie
- District is contemplating purchasing 5 licenses for Division Governors to use at their discretion (training, public relations, membership building, etc.)
- We will show the film at the District Conference, November 9th
- Question: Is payment required to show 2-minute clip or trailer? Answer: TK to find out
Answer: yes – can show trailer
Banners with Old Toastmaster Logo
- Each Division received a new banner last year
- If a club is looking to purchase a new banner…
- A banner is normally $100
- TI code for $20 discount on banner before December 2012!REFRESH20
Meeting Adjourn: 10:57am Next DEC Meeting November 3rd, 2012