It is not what you eat; it is what you absorb! Scientifically shown to give up to 70% better absorption of nutrients form food and supplements such as essential fatty acids (EFS’s), minerals and vitamins according to tests done by the prestigious Mayo Clinic. 100% natural plant-derived enzymes – can be used as often as needed. Works fast – in as little as a few minutes.
Despite taking supplements on a regular basis, many people are still deficient in those vitamins according to recent studies. You might say that DigestaMagic helps to get your money’s worth out of the food and supplements you purchase and consume.
Enzymes are especially important today since most foods are now heated cooked, processed or refined and thus lack the enzymes which are present in raw uncooked vegetables and fruits. Enzymes are easily destroyed by heat and processing.
These days people eat soy products such as tofu and soymilk more and more. Yet many people become gassy from these healthy and beneficial products. DigestaMagic can help here too.
Unlike a lot of other digestive enzyme products on the market, DigestaMagic is stomach acid resistant and continues to work in the small intestine. That is very important since this is where, by far, most of the nutrients absorption takes place.
DigestaMagic is also a natural alternative to antacids or acid blockers, which can suppress the absorption of Calcium by blocking hydrochloric acid production so vital to the proper digestion process. If you have gas, bloating, flatulence, acid reflux or other digestion problems, this could be an indication that the digestive process is inefficient and the body is lacking the digestive enzymes needed to break down the food properly.
100% natural plant-derived enzymes – can be used as often as needed. Works fast – in as little as a few minutes.