Home Rewards

·  Going to the park

·  Listening to an extra bedtime story

·  Play game with mom or dad

·  Play date with a special friend

·  Call grandparent to share the good news of the day

·  Spending the night with friends orgrandparents

·  Amazon card

·  Going out forice cream

·  Get breakfast in bed

·  Get a new toy

·  Go on a date to Starbucks with mom or dad

·  Stickers

·  Special craft

·  Computer time

·  Pick something from “treasure chest”

·  Do errands with mom or dad

·  Play with make-up or in mom/dad’s closet

·  Use building tools to make something

·  Allow to wear new type of clothing

·  Staying up 10-15 minutes later than bedtime

·  Taking day off from chores

·  Going to a game or event

·  Camping in the backyard

·  Ordering pizza

·  Choosing a special breakfast

·  Eating out

·  Planning a day’s activities

·  Sleeping in a different place in the house

·  Selecting something special for dinner

·  Money (increments)

·  I-pad time (increments)

·  Pick a show of movie that family watches

·  Pick a friend to go for ice cream, movie, adventure park

·  Get a fish tank and add fish and accessories

·  Go swimming, roller skating, ‘ Rock and Jump’

·  Pick a candy out of candy container

·  Make something in the kitchen

·  Take a bike ride with mom or dad